Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1315: Night raid

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In the dark, a fleet flew into the sea. The propellers agitated the air, and the roaring buzz was murderous. This fleet of twelve 'super toucan's approaches Cuba from the west. Their route is from Batanowa Bay to land and attack the Havana, the old nest of the Aurora Corps.

On the lead plane, the commander in charge of the operation looked at the inertial navigation map on the avionics of the aircraft and broke the radio silence after determining that he was about to reach his destination. To destroy the port, Team C followed me to the Capitol and called the Hugo Captain to get up. "

Hahaha ... a burst of laughter rang out from the attacking radio. They quickly split into three, and rushed to their different targets as they crossed Batananova Bay.

These 'super toucans' all carry photoelectric pods and precision-guided bombs. Once the ground targets are locked by them, they cannot escape the fate of being blown up.

"Sir, can I have a drink after I return?" Someone asked on the radio.

The commander of the team leader sneered, "If you can kill Victor Hugo, I can make you drink enough. I can also provide you with ten women by the way, so that you won't get out of bed."

There was another big laugh on the radio. These pilots were all old birds. They had thousands of hours of driving experience and were extremely powerful. As they laughed, the dark ground suddenly lit up with red dots, followed by several missiles.

"Decrease the altitude and release the interference." The leader's commander was very calm, and he reacted correctly the moment he discovered the situation. More than a dozen propeller fighters originally flew at a height of 100 meters, and immediately fell down to avoid them after encountering an attack.

Faced with ultra-low-altitude fighter jets, the attack window of ground-to-air anti-aircraft missiles is too small. Moreover, the missiles launched were not very advanced, and the seeker was easily deceived by infrared decoys.

The opponent's air defense silenced the entire fleet, but they were able to avoid it without fear but their morale increased. Adrenaline stimulated these pilots to fight in a more focused and excited state.

It ’s only two or thirty kilometers from Batanova Bay to Havana. The 'Super Toucan' can fly in less than ten minutes. The avionics LCD screen of the fighter plane showed the topographic conditions scanned by the photoelectric pod, and the leading commander quickly found the Capitol building that was the center of the Aurora Legion.

The 'Super Toucan' responsible for the attack carried two GBU-39 guided bombs, of which a fighter of the C team began to use the photoelectric pod for targeting. After the laser was locked, the weapon operator in the back seat clicked the button, and when the body shuddered, a bomb was dropped.

As the guided bomb left the plane, a tongue of fire suddenly fell from the sky. A small air-to-air missile flew in the darkness and instantly hit the bomber-laden carrier. The unguided bomb rushed forward like a fool.

Sudden fireworks exploded in the night sky, and a 'Super Toucan' with the 'Aurora' military standard printed on it was killed. This fighter of the same model flew extremely hot, constantly maneuvering in the sky at a small angle, very flexible.

"Don't panic, the number of opponents is not large." The commander of the attacking fleet ordered the team members to continue the attack, while he himself ordered the weapon controller to drop the bombs carried by him to reduce the load. Get rid of this restless guy. "

The performance of the two rival 'super toucan's is exactly the same, and whoever wins depends on the quality of the pilot. The commander of the fleet that led the attack had absolute confidence in his ability. He was an air war instructor with thousands of hours of flying experience.

"Our opponent is a little bit interesting." The incoming commander turned his fuselage and turned around to look for the opponent who had just attacked. He soon found that his enemy's technique was not delicate enough, his actions were wild and rough, and he looked like a rookie. "The pilots in front reacted quickly."

The air combat in the dark relied on a photoelectric pod and radar. The incoming commander saw the fluffy fighter almost hit the ground several times, but it always corrected the course with a rough attitude at the last moment.

The purpose of the incoming commander is to expel the troubled anti-aircraft fighter so that his men can launch a ground attack safely. However, the opponent who has just achieved the victory but continues to kill without fear of death. It is far from empty. The missile flew out-kill another one again.

A series of bullets from the incoming commander wiped the fighter body that was not afraid of death, and with so little error, Team C had one fighter attacking the ground. This time it did not dare to play around anymore, and quickly dropped the bombs on the ground, instead it had to kill its entangled opponents first.

The pilots on both incoming fighters have strong air combat skills. However, in the continuous rear end and lock-in, they found that the opponent's capabilities have been significantly improved. At first, the other party was flying wildly, but he quickly turned to the back of his **** with several consecutive deceit moves.

The constant roar of propellers rang throughout the night sky in Havana. Thousands of citizens were hiding in the city where lights had been controlled.

Occasionally someone on the ground looks at the night sky from a probe in the building they are hiding from, and they will find that a chain of fire passes across the sky from time to time. It is a series of large-caliber machine gun bullets firing wildly.

Fighting continues, and the situation is even more disturbing. People in the city desperately wanted to end the battle quickly, but who won after the end?

The flickering engine roar rang back and forth in the sky, and suddenly the sky exploded again with a spark, followed by a broken body with hot flames falling to the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ exploded numerous fire points.

The falling body smashed into a city building, and the wreckage dropped from the torn wall slammingly. Seeing this scene, hundreds of people suddenly appeared near the building. They squeezed out the doors or windows of their homes to look at the sky and then the ground.

"Fire and save people, don't be dazed." Someone shouted loudly in the house and ran out with a bucket of water. Paramilitary-managed cities have strict discipline, with one person leading hundreds of young people to follow, and buckets of water splashed onto the burning body.

The flame of the body was quickly extinguished, the broken skeleton and skin were surrounded by people, and even the charred body in the cabin was lifted out. Next ...

Weaker voices among the onlookers asked, "Is it our pilot?"

"Looking at the aircraft model is the 'Super Toucan' equipped by our Air Force. This aircraft is relatively fuel efficient, has a large number, and is simple to maintain. It is the most suitable fighter at present." Someone explained.

"Oh my God, our plane was really shot down? So who will protect us in the future?" Someone judged from the fighter model that he was killed.

But soon someone shouted, "Don't worry, it's not our plane. This is not how our plane is painted. This is an intruder's plane, it's just the same model as us."

At the beginning, no one believed this, but when several pieces of wreckage were spliced ​​together, the conclusion was really not the painting of the Aurora Army Air Force. The news instantly caused the sound of the mountain tsunami, and the people who were nervous all night started to yell madly.

"Our air force defends our airspace."

"Hahaha ... the guy in the Air Force is good."

"I knew the commander of the legion must have a way to deal with the enemy."

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