Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 132: Last wish

大 Uncle Zheng and Marco are gone. The uncle was a good old man. He sighed as he walked away. Marco gave Zhou Qingfeng a glance full of resentment, as if to say, "I'm waiting for you to come to the door". But Zhou Qingfeng sneered at this kind of girl who didn't even dare to look at his mother's gun.

Xi Niang was gone, but the dilemma was still in front of Zhou Qingfeng and others.

Although knowing that the Zetas gangster is also bad, it is a shit, but there are less than two hundred people in the Kennedy neighborhood, it is difficult to do anything.

Katrina went to investigate once before entering the night, and at the moment reported: "The gangsters are quiet, but they have re-arranged the barricades and have a large number of sentry posts. They can't get through Roosevelt Avenue, and the roads are monitored. I feel that guy Suddenly smarter. "

"The gangsters set up the barricades?" David Lawrence asked strangely, "that is, the other party has no plans to attack on a large scale for the time being?"

The butcher said with a smile: "If it were us, we were smashed by a forklift driving in the daytime, and we would think about how to stabilize it at night. I guess the Zetas gangsters need at least a day to do trim."

那就 "Then they can't make them too good, I'll take a team to see it at night." David Lawrence said on his own initiative. The big hero still doesn't forget his "decapitation" tactics.

Zhou Qingfeng has no objection to this. He originally wanted to follow along, but was rejected by David Lawrence. "Victor, you still need to heal yourself."

After hearing this, Zhou Qingfeng touched his face subconsciously. His face had been taken away by a sniper's bullet two days ago, and a piece of flesh was hit by a forklift today, and his entire face was cut again. Now he looks really terrible.

"Well, what can I do?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

Minsk sat behind and reached out and patted Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder. Shen Sheng said, "Go to sleep well, you have done enough today."

Listening to Minsk, Zhou Qingfeng grinned, but asked, "How is it dug?"

"It takes two days."

"For two days, the Zetas gang will probably not launch an attack tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we will be able to enter the underground air-raid shelter of the police headquarters. Maybe we can retreat some people in advance and evacuate to Lina Fox."

Many people have no opinion on this, and now all kinds of materials in the Kennedy District are hoarded, and there are hundreds of trucks alone. Most of these vehicles carry various necessities. I used to worry about consumption, but now I have to worry about how to transport them away.

In response, Caterina took the initiative and said, "The roads to Midtown Manhattan are blocked. It takes a long time to clear. Victor, your large forklift is for me. I need it. To push away obstacles along the way. "

"No problem." Zhou Qingfeng nodded.

Time is short, and the action begins immediately. Minsk went on to dig the tunnel, and David Lawrence took a few people to run around. Katerina led the team to pack and prepare to retreat, and family members like Angie and Jenny would be evacuated as soon as possible.

Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher took a break. After inspecting the sentry, they suddenly heard a violin music playing in the messy neighborhood.

"Old man, you haven't died yet? Didn't I tell you to leave Manhattan?" Zhou Qingfeng looked at a man in a gown on the side of the road in surprise. The violinist is a violin master whom I met at the subway a few days ago. At this moment, he is old-fashioned and his clothes are more shabby and messy, but his manners are impeccable and even his mental state is very good.

The old man nodded his head decently when he saw Zhou Qingfeng, and said with a husky voice, "Yeah, many people are dead, but I haven't died yet. I'm glad you have some concern for this old man. .

But I won't leave Manhattan. This is my dream. I hope that my life will be connected with Broadway. I don't think you would mind me playing the violin here, you see, everyone loves listening. I'm glad there are still people willing to listen to my performance. "

On the open-air street, people in the block are busy retreating. Almost everyone except the sentry is paying attention to the old man who plays the violin. When everyone walked past the old man, their pace would slow down, they were very attentive, and they listened quietly for a while.

In this chaotic world, it is a luxury to hear music. Especially in front of this world-famous violin master. Although Zhou Qingfeng had forgotten his name.

"Okay, old man, you can stay, and we will go to Midtown Manhattan with us later. I think we are now very rich in food, and raising you is no problem." Zhou Qingfeng said and left.

Soon, the brisk tunes sounded again. Listening to this tune, everyone has a little smile on their faces, the pace is accelerating, and the efficiency of work is improving. Zhou Qingfeng asked the butcher very strangely: "How did the old man survive these days? No one helped him, he was definitely dead early."

"It was Minsk who sent him some food," said the butcher.

Zhou Qingfeng is even more strange, "Does Minsk like to listen to the violin?"

"No, Minsk doesn't have any special feeling about music. But Katrina likes the violin, so he likes it too." The butcher shrugged slightly, saying that it was that simple.

This is really a sad story, and Minsk is too pathetic.

Zhou Qingfeng looked back at Zhenghuan's violinist, and thought: It might be a good thing to keep this old man. He patted the butcher's shoulder and said, "Well, you're vigil tonight, I'm going to sleep."

As soon as Zhou Qing turned around, a round of bullets was fired from a distance, and the body of a guard in charge of the alert fell down from the top of the five or six-story building.

"Enemy attack, concealment, there are snipers!" Seeing a scene, Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher shouted at the same time. The entire block immediately panicked, and everyone looked for a hidden object.

But in the night, the bullets kept firing silently and silently. The guards on the top of the building were killed one after another. This should be a sniper rifle equipped with a silencer. Zhou Qingfeng estimated the direction and shouted to the butcher: "The sniper is upstairs directly opposite us."

The butcher did not dare to look up at this moment, but narrowed down at a corner to glance in the direction of the bullet, and then cursed, "We have at least five or six guards in that direction, and now we are afraid of death."

Fuck * his * mother *!

Zhou Qingfeng can only change direction ~ www.readwn.com ~ find a way to bypass the flanks. He had a feeling that the current sniper should be the guy who almost killed him the other day.

But after turning around, Zhou Qingfeng saw the old man who was standing on the street playing the violin. He would be left wondering what to do, but when he looked west, he didn't even know where to hide?

"Old man, come over here." Zhou Qingfeng shouted and beckoned. Hearing his shout, the old man ran over slowly, holding his violin.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Zhou Qingfeng just felt that time was getting too slow, and the old man was running faster than normal people walking. He even wanted to reach out and pull each other.

Ke just when the old man was approaching, Zhou Qingfeng really reached out and grabbed his horn, but a bullet penetrated into the old man's chest, let him plop and fell to the ground.

I waited for Zhou Qingfeng to work hard to pull the old man to his side. The old man was still holding his violin tightly, and asked with blood, "Sir, please tell me, am I going to die?"

The old man's chest was full of blood, and it was definitely not saved.

Zhou Qingfeng felt a sadness in her heart and said Shen Sheng: "Yes, sir, you are going to die."

"Dead in Manhattan?"

"Yes, die in Manhattan."

The dying old man was rather relieved. He lifted his violin and said with relief: "Sir, I'm leaving, this world is not suitable for someone like me to survive. But please bury me and violin Together, it would be best if they could be buried in front of a Broadway theater. "

Zhou Qingfeng burst into tears ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mobile users, please read.

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