Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1332: Wrong wrong

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If you want to exaggerate the economic construction achievements of the flower family in the past ten years, it is no problem to write a few large books. But if there is any aspect of the flower planter that is far behind the top level in the world, it must be military power.

Not much to say, there are more than 400 military bases in the US, how many rabbits are there?

In terms of weapons and equipment, rabbits have more courses, from light weapons to heavy weapons, from sea, land, and air to the depths of the universe, and they can desperately grab a place to be black.

I often hear people say how the rabbit army is abnormal. The big bombing is everywhere, and the infantry squad is powerful. Does the person who said this really know the firepower configuration of the US Army?

Not to mention how much air support the U.S. Army has, just to say that the rabbit has the lightest heavy-caliber heavy machine gun in the world, and the U.S. military's bulky M2HB has not been changed for almost a hundred years. Does anyone think why?

Because the old American took a car when she went out, she put all equipment on the car, and the infantry equipment and ammunition carrying capacity could easily exceed the rabbit by an order of magnitude.

Don't say any nonsense that sacrifice in exchange for victory, the keyboard man who said this is bothering himself to sacrifice one for everyone to see. Things that can be done with equipment, don't think about filling them with human life. Life is more expensive than ammunition these days!

Among the rabbits' shortcomings in military capabilities, air transport definitely belongs to the shortcomings of the shortcomings. Before Zhou Qingfeng got five C-5 'Galaxy', the strategic transport aircraft is good or not, but it is not flexible enough and the number is too small. Daily use also requires lighter tactical transport aircraft.

So when Xiao Jinlang saw more than two hundred C-130 transport planes in Mongolia's no-man's land, his head was almost dizzy. The Air Force receivers who followed him were stunned. Because this place is just a slightly flat grassland, it is not an airport at all.

"How did you get more than two hundred transport planes?" Xiao Jinlang took a jeep to make a half circle around the fleet and found that more than two hundred C-130s almost covered about one hundred football fields. The size of the area. And there were few signs of take-off and landing on the ground.

The same car Zhou Qingfeng also bumped on the jeep, saying casually: "Here the grassland is growing fast, and the trail of take-off and landing can be seen under the turf. The biggest feature of the C-130 is its strong ability to take off and land. This is an important experience for the US military in global deployment since World War II. "

Xiao Jinlang had no time to verify the authenticity of Zhou Qingfeng's ghost words. After all, such a large transport plane must be removed as soon as possible. He urged the Air Force engineers who arrived to lay a camouflage net as soon as possible, clear the field runway, and find a way to bring the fleet back home.

Thousands of engineering personnel were pulled over by hundreds of transport helicopters. This airlift capability was also given by Zhou Qingfeng, otherwise the rabbit air force could only be anxious when it saw fat.

"Okay, it's good!" An Air Force officer reached out and touched the C-130's sturdy landing gear, lamenting with sigh, "To be honest, we don't need a strategic transport plane, but the lack of a tactical transport plane keeps us down. "

"There is still such a thing?" Zhou Qingfeng was still smug about pulling a batch of "bad goods". This was his little revenge. "Isn't the strategic transport plane more important?"

In Zhou Qingfeng's view, how domineering the C-5 'Galaxy'? It's more face-saving to go out! Scared to death. It's like driving a tall 'Hummer' on the road, you can definitely laugh at driving 'QQ'.

But the Air Force officer shook his head and said, "Not the same, not the same. We are still in the phase of homeland air defense, and the demand for large-scale overseas air transport is actually not high. But our domestic air transport demand is increasing, but our tactics The transport plane is too bad. "

I don't read much, you must be lying to me!

Zhou Qingfeng did not expect it.

The rabbit family's tactical transport aircraft is the Yun-8, and the Yun-9 series developed by the Yun-8. The Yun-8 model was developed from the Soviet An-12. The mother's womb was inherently inadequate, and there was no field take-off and landing capability at all. The tactical transport aircraft did not have field take-off and landing capabilities.

When the front line was fighting against the clock, the Army was anxious for logistical support from the Air Force. The Air Force replied: Build an airport for me first, and we can't get off the field runway. Believe it or not, the Army is clamoring for the Japanese Air Force?

The difference between the two tactical transport aircrafts is still in the load. They also carry 20 tons of oil and fly out. The Y-8 can only hold five tons of cargo, while the C-130 can load another 20 tons of cargo.

This gap is too big!

Believe it or not, the Army continues to die for the Air Force's mother when there is no logistics supply?

If the above shortcomings can still be tolerated in peacetime, then the 'High-tech Series' special aircraft manufactured by Rabbit with the Yun-9 airframe is another proof of huge gaps. Flying over the sea.

The load is not enough, and it will run out of oil for a few hours. Isn't it dead in the pit? The patrol aircraft cannot patrol. There is a bird for it!

"Comrade, don't look down on this C-130, the basic design has been shaped for decades, and it doesn't seem to be outstanding on the battlefield. But all the hard work and dirty work in the army cannot be separated from it. Good plane!

We now have a huge demand for the use of tactical air transport. However, once there is no good aircraft, even if the -8 is shipped, the -9 is under-produced. You came here with a large number of C-130, it can be considered to solve our big problem. "

The air force officer took Zhou Qingfeng's hand and thanked him all the time, his excited face flushed. Zhou Qingfeng originally thought that he had brought more than 200 'bad goods'. How did he know that the other party was more excited than before getting five C-5 ~ www.readwn.com ~ Air Force personnel after preliminary inspection of the C-130 In fact, the level of satisfaction in the heart is explosive. Because Zhou Qingfeng randomly packed the tactical transport aircraft at hand, he got a lot of brains, but these aircraft were also doped with multiple sub-models of C-130.

Thanks to material science and the overall strong industrial capabilities, American weapons and equipment often have extremely good original designs and can be continuously improved during their long service life.

For example, more than half of the more than two hundred C-130s currently are the latest improved 'Super Hercules' C-130J. Both avionics and engines have been replaced, and their performance is completely world-class.

In addition, the Rabbit Air Force also found that there were more than a dozen K-130s in these C-130s. This is a variant used for aerial refueling, but it is extremely rare equipment.

We must know that the performance of Bunny's tanker ‘Boom 6’ is really not good, and we can only refuel the fighter. These more than ten old low-speed tankers can be used to refuel helicopters for special operations. This is the combat multiplier!

The C-130 has been exported to dozens of countries, and its excellent performance has stood the test of decades of battlefields, and it is an enduring battlefield veteran. With rabbits, tactical airlift capabilities can undergo qualitative changes.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" People in the Air Force shook hands with Zhou Qingfeng all the time, thanking them constantly. Even Xiao Jinlang grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's arm and said, "Boy, my brother misunderstood you. I thought you were ugly, and thought that I would definitely not take good things out again this time.

How would you know that this shot is extraordinary! Comrades in the Air Force praised these C-130s and convinced you. Brother should not ‘send a gentleman ’s belly with a villain’, I apologize to you. "

What this says ...

Zhou Qingfeng's face was blackened for the first time!

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