Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1348: Assassination squad

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After Colonel Harrington's fleet was finished, the entire Caribbean Sea was quiet. The original Cancun base was in a state of tight guarding against death. The port was blocked and the plane took off every day, for fear that rivals from the east would come back to retaliate.

Enclave's "Peace Request" was directly stabbed back by the Aurora Corps, and the disgraced President Corning stopped speaking. The Enclave's media only reported on this maritime battle without the postscript, as if this was just a trivial maritime conflict.

However, on the third day after the conflict, an Enclave fleet sailed into the port of Cancun. This is a fleet of two 4,000-ton 'legend' class patrol ships and two 'Hamilton' class patrol ships.

These four ships originally belonged to the United States Coast Guard. They were equipped with medium-caliber guns and helicopters except for the absence of missiles. After conversion, they became quite good maritime forces.

The arrival of the new warship relieved General Bruchet of Cancun. He just rushed to the port to greet him. These days can make him worry.

In addition to ships, Incre has also supplied Cancun with a number of propeller fighters. However, the jet fighters that Colonel Ishman longed for should not be counted on, even the armed trainers were rejected. Because Enclave is currently recovering a jet fighter squadron, which is more valuable than gold.

The recovery of the armed forces once again allowed General Brucher to straighten up the pole, but asked him to continue to fight with the Aurora Corps, and he was a little bit weak.

The experience of the Harrington Fleet really hit the General. He worked hard for more than a year, and finally managed to find an armed force. He originally expected to run across the Caribbean with three 'Perry' classes, but it was destroyed in an instant.

After the sadness of General Brucher's demise, he can only think of accumulating more powerful forces to avenge him, but a special team that arrived with the fleet came to him.

"His general, my name is Ryan, this is my deputy Adam. We are from a secret agency of the Incret Department of Defense and this time have a special mission to travel to Havana."

Walking into General Brucher's office was an unbelievable middle-aged man, with six people around him, each of whom looked unshakable, but rather ingenious.

After confirming the identity of these people, His Excellency General, I can probably guess what these people want to do. He asked with interest: "Gentlemen, nice to meet you. Can I do something for you?"

"As far as we know, Havana implements strict military management, and it is impossible to carry weapons in through regular channels. So we want to sneak in. This requires a guide and someone who knows Havana."

As soon as Ryan of the special team beckoned, Adam next to him took out a laptop computer from his rucksack. The virtual projection showed the city of Havana and the surrounding environment.

"We have collected as much information as possible, but we don't know much about the Aurora Corps. Although we also have some spy agents lurking in Havana, their movements are very limited."

Ryan pointed his finger at the location of the Havana Capitol on the map. "We only know where the target of this operation is, but we don't know the specific rules of his activity."

Looking at the virtual map on the table, General Bruchel frowned, "Sorry, I really can't find a guide that can provide this information. And as far as I know, Havana's identity management is very strict and I want It's not easy to mix in. "

"We don't need identity. We are good at sneaking in." Ryan smiled confidently, and he nodded slightly to Adam around him. The latter seemed to activate a device in his chest, and then his body slowly submerged in a translucent wave.

"Oh ... optical camouflage. Then your action is indeed not easy to be found." His Excellency General smiled with an eyebrow and suddenly improved the success of the operation to 80%, "In fact, you should have acted already, otherwise it would not Let that yellow-skinned monkey be so arrogant for so long. "

Ryan followed with a smile, but continued: "But we still lack a guide, a reliable and familiar guide to Havana."

"This is a difficult problem." General Bruchel thought again for a while and said, "I can find someone familiar with Havana, but whoever is a pirate is not reliable."

"Pirate?" Ryan and his deputy Adam stared at each other. After a moment of silence, the two said, "We want to meet this guy. We are actually very good at repairing unsavory people."

After a while, a sturdy man named Mars appeared in His Excellency General's office. This guy bowed with humility and respect when he showed up.

But the general sitting behind his desk took a few words to break through Mars's disguise. He tapped Mars with his fingers and said, "Don't look at this guy, it seems honest, that all his honest people are dead."

Mars quickly stroked his chest and kneeled, and said terrorly, "Have you done something wrong, General? You need to know that my loyalty to you is impeccable."

Bruchel just sneered, and continued, "When I accepted this guy, I was still the fleet commander who had just come from Inkley. I was still thinking about how to block the Yucatan Strait and cut off the path of the Aurora Corps.

The result was that this guy's crazy smuggling spoiled my plan, and he pulled half of my officers into the water. When I found out that something was wrong, the entire fleet was about to lose control ~ www.readwn.com ~ I had to take him in and let him earn me military expenses. "

The words of accusation almost paralyzed Mars to the ground, but Brucher whispered, "Enough, I don't want to see you perform. This is Major Ryan. From now on you will accept his command."

There are cruel people in this office, and Mars's weak kimono does not play the slightest camouflage. Major Ryan paced around him, and whispered after squatting, "Can I ask a question?"

"Of course." Mars was taller than Ryan, but he was subconsciously afraid of this humble middle-aged man.

Ryan asked, "If I want to assassinate Victor Hugo, what advice would you have?"

"This is unlikely, and few people can approach the Aurora Corps' legion leader."

"You don't know anything? This shows that you are not of much value to me."

"Uh ... wait a minute! Let me think. Maybe you can make a mess in Havana, Victor. Hugo likes to come to the scene to deal with things. It's easier than assaulting him with a tightly guarded Capitol. "

"This idea sounds good, but it can be difficult to create chaos." Ryan patted Mars on the shoulder. "I believe you can help, right?"

Mars leaped briskly. He looked at Ryan, then Bruchet, and other special soldiers in the room. He finally sighed and said, "If I don't agree, can't I leave this room alive?"

"Maybe, I don't make any guarantees, it depends on your level of cooperation." Ryanpi continued to slap on Mars's shoulder with a smile. The strength was light and heavy, making it very uncomfortable.

"Don't ..., don't shoot, I promise you." Mars felt his chest sulking and his heart beating. He always felt that Ryan was weird, and he was not a normal person.

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