Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1352: Out of the best

Province of Cienfuegos, a highway running north to south divides the whole province into two. The two sides of the highway were originally large areas of farmland. After the end of the world, the farmland was abandoned, and the field was covered with grass.

The site of the corpse was in a wasteland two kilometers away from the roadside. The scene was extremely bloody, and blood spots were scattered all over the place. There are still traces of police investigations at the scene, and small flags at special locations remind people not to damage.

The dog meat ran back and forth at the scene, barking a few times from time to time. Zhou Qingfeng was standing a few meters from the water, watching, and a police officer was reporting to him.

"We first found the first body about a dozen meters away from the highway. An autopsy showed that the man should have bumped into the murderer and was killed directly. The murderer did not deal with his body and left it on the roadside."

"After finding the first body, we expanded our search and quickly found the second body, which is where we are currently seeing. The preliminary autopsy report showed that the deceased had been tortured during his lifetime. The method was quite professional, but it is still unclear Why did the killer do it. "

The corpses at the scene have been removed, but the tragic nature of the murder can still be seen from the fallen grass. After the police officer said, Zhou Qingfeng stepped up behind him and said, "Honest Commander, I can probably understand why the killer did this?"

Zhou Qingfeng turned back, talking about the old Harris drawn from the special operation team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The former wilderness ranger has been running smoothly since returning to the Aurora Army, and has been working on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Tell me, why did the murderer get so bloody?" Zhou Qingfeng's tone was flat, but everyone who was close could feel the anger suppressed in his heart from his cold face.

"Because I'm used to it." Old Harris pointed to the blood on the ground, and Shen said, "It's been more than two years since the last days, and there have been too many violent and homicides on the wasteland. Not every organization is like us Those who can develop peacefully and use force often become mentally deranged and go to extremes.

We often encounter tyrants when we operate in North America. Because there are no rules and no need to worry about any punishment, bullying the weak is the norm. If I hadn't joined the legion, I wouldn't have gotten better mentally.

The group of people we are currently meeting is obviously going further. They are very well equipped, professionally trained, cold and ruthless, and should be special teams with official status. "

After the old Harris said, another person also came from a distance to report: "His Legion, this time the opponents are quite professional. They are very different from what we have encountered in the past."

Zhou Qingfeng was dispatched. Naturally, he pulled the masters of the entire army, and then appeared to be Richard, the firing instructor of the army. This once-extremely disastrous man now specializes in training snipers for the army. When he arrived at the scene, he was responsible for surveying the surrounding environment.

"I found a lot of masked footprints on the west and east. The number of these people is about five to six. While the tortured people were being tortured at the scene, the opponents were not crowded together, but spread out to guard I found a very good sniper spot, very professional.

The only thing that surprised me was that this group of people seemed to have a particularly heavy load, leaving deep and deep footprints, which is not something ordinary people can do. "

Speaking of not ordinary people, everyone's eyes turned to Mark Shi, who was on guard a few meters away. Two or three hundred kilograms of mutant heads are not ordinary people.

And seeing everyone staring at himself, Marco Shi said in a sigh of sigh, "I smell a bad smell, this smell makes me very uncomfortable."

The ugly mutant has a lot of extreme abilities, and the smell of a police dog is one of them. However, the opponent was obviously prepared. They sprayed a lot of rabies at the scene, which was specially used to destroy the smell of police dogs and avoid being tracked. Dogs will go crazy on the spot when they smell it.

But those who released rabies must have never thought they would encounter a robot dog and a group of mutants. The barking of dog meat from time to time at the scene is stimulated by rabies, and the mutants, although very irritated by the irritation, can bear it.

The biochemical brain of dog meat not only withstands the test of rabies, but also constantly repairs the wrong electrical signals sent by olfactory sensors, and can analyze the odor masked by rabies.

The dog meat ran at the scene for a long time, and the scope of the investigation continued to expand. It was always energetic and looking for clues.

On the armband computer of Zhou Qingfeng, the map information of the dog's electronic eye survey is constantly appearing. As the dog meat ran, a broken red trajectory on the virtual map was slowly patching and filling, which was the direction of the opponent who carried out the killing.

"The **** didn't head for Matanzas." Zhou Qingfeng was most worried that his Dongfeng plan was detected by the enemy in advance. Because certainly no one wants to see the Aurora Corps trapped in Cuba holding a stick, once the news leaks, it will definitely trigger a war.

"Let's go." Zhou Qingfeng took over his digital helmet from the twin sisters. He has already worn the mechanical exoskeleton and is fully prepared for battle. "The target of the intruders seems to be our thermal power station, and we must kill them all."

Zhou Qingfeng jumped into a jeep ~ www.readwn.com ~ The rolling wheels immediately took him away quickly. The dog flew up quickly, and rushed to lead the way in a blink of an eye. The sisters Irene and Ellie wore T-45D power armor and also jumped into the car. Their equipment was delivered by Zhou Qingfeng the previous time.

Old Harris and Richard quickly drew up to keep up, Marcos whistled, and the mutant guards scattered around also immediately assembled to board the truck. The entire operation team was efficient and orderly, with the spirit of killing.

Above the sky, a Chada Rainbow-5 flies at an altitude of eight kilometers. After receiving Zhou Qingfeng's instructions, the drone reversed its course.

As far away as Havana ’s command cabin, Katerina, who was sitting in the command, held the microphone and said to the screen: “The drone entered the airspace near the thermal power station after 20 minutes. I have increased the security power station ’s alert. But that People on the side reported that nothing was found for the time being. "

"This group of people must have been sent by the Enclave. It is normal for people in the thermal power station to find them. I guess they want to teach me a lesson as a deep memory of my desperate resistance.

These guys are very difficult to entangle, they should have all the equipment we have. Optical camouflage is definitely a must-have, and I even suspect that these people have received enhancements like NTZ-49. "

Hearing Zhou Qingfeng mentioned NTZ-49, even Caterina was very vigilant. The effect of this fortifying drug is so amazing that she has greatly benefited from it. "Need me to help?"

"No, you don't need it. You sent someone to send me a group of mortars and bring a base of artillery shells, of which the flares should account for at least half." Zhou Qingfeng said this, with an angry tone.

"The **** must think that they have optical camouflage, which is great, but this is the rest of my tricks. I was so embarrassed by people at the beginning, now I make them embarrassed."

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