Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1355: acting

After the killing of the armed reclamation team, there was an undercurrent hidden in the city of Havana, and everyone was a little nervous. This kind of anxiety is not only a deterioration of the law and order behind this terrible case, but also it is unclear how the Chinese who occupy an important position in the Legion will react?

Is it silent? Is it furious? Is it wanton release?

Jun saw that black Americans were shot dead by police. As a result, riots broke out in many cities, and ‘angry’ blacks took the opportunity to have barbecue parties!

People in the last days are more extreme, and people in the legion are worried. Because the Chinese-dominated reclamation regiments in the corps are paramilitary institutions that are generally equipped with weapons, this is a very special power in the banned corps.

The whites, blacks, and Latinos in the Legion felt that if their ethnic group encountered such a thing, and if they had a gun in their hands, it would be impossible to make a mess.

Sure enough, the night before the case happened, the Chinese really got into trouble. But the way they troubled everyone was relieved. Because these Chinese people actually hold demonstrations, this is the least lethal!

Havana, Revolution Square.

This place was originally a place for various mass gatherings in Cuba. At that time, the boss of Castro often spoke again, and his office was near the square. However, the nuclear bomb destroyed this place, and even after refilling the square, it was not used again.

Just today ...

"The fate of the Chinese is also fate!"

"Return my dignity and punish the murderer severely!"

"Policy is chaotic and we cannot survive."

A procession of thousands of people gathered from all sides. People in the city saw that the Chinese were just demonstrations and felt that such a degree of response was acceptable. At least they didn't smash and rob, let alone vandalism.

Many officers of the Legion Police Headquarters sent police along the street to maintain law and order, but everyone in the city felt that today's police seemed to be seriously understaffed, which was far from the adequate police force that used to patrol the streets.

For the parade, Deng Chengwen, Minister of Agriculture of the Legion, was among the crowd. He looked around and watched the team enter the square, and ordered his men around him: "Open your eyes to me a little bit, and report any suspicious people and events immediately.

The slogan yelled louder. We used to eat like old oxen and wouldn't scream slogan. Now it's about to shout like black people, just as loud. Do n’t panic if something unexpected happens, just follow all instructions. Stand up and do your best. Add chicken drumsticks to each person for dinner today. "

Chicken drumsticks ..., the team immediately sounded a low voice, full of morale. Thousands of people set up their horns immediately after arriving at the Revolution Square, raised their banners, and even put out a big word for "launch".

The march representatives stated that they would meet the head of the legion, put pressure on the head of the legion to conduct a citywide search, arrest any suspicious elements, and kill anyone who dared to resist.

Regarding this parade, the commander of the army was 'highly valued'. He immediately met with the march representatives at the National Library near Revolution Square to discuss a solution that everyone could accept.

It was just that the march representatives went to the negotiations, and after ten minutes, they ran out to announce the breakdown of the negotiations, and the head of the army rejected their request. The parade clamored again.

This situation naturally attracted the attention of various intelligence personnel in the city of Havana. As the nail of Enclave deeply hidden in the Aurora Corps, Wade, who was a small section chief in the Ministry of Industry, also found an excuse to run to Revolution Square.

Wade felt along the way that there appeared to be many small protests in the city, which led to the decentralization of police forces and many security loopholes here in Revolution Square. The police were running back and forth tiredly.

"Did Victor Hugo be found?" A voice sounded from Wade's collar. "I need you to confirm the existence of the target. This is crucial."

Wade has reached an entrance to the square. He followed a group of white men who were said to be in solidarity with the Chinese to enter the square, and saw that there were still a large number of military and police security personnel around the square and on the building.

"I haven't seen Victor Hugo. Although the road to the square is unrestricted, there are still strict guards in the square, and all commanding heights have been occupied." Wade said to the collar.

A headphone and a microphone were hidden under Wade's collar, and the voice, who did not know where to hide, continued: "It is normal to be on guard, and it is obviously a trap if not on guard. I now need you to confirm Victor Hugo, and Keep me informed of his location in real time. "

With the cover of optical camouflage, Ryan, who led the six-man special task force, has sneaked into the city of Havana. Wade, who responded to them, appeared in the square as a guide, trying to confirm the goal of the operation.

Just as the order was issued, there was a sudden disturbance in the direction of the National Library. Wade hurriedly tipped his toes and asked people around him what had happened. The answer was ‘the commander of the legion seemed to be compromising. He personally came out to appease the parade entangled in the square’.

As soon as the boss of BOSS appeared, the entire square immediately moved forward. Thousands of people surrounded the front door of the National Library in a short while. Wade tiptoeed and couldn't see anything. He could only keep jumping and looking forward. Vaguely, two steps seemed to stand on the steps of the library door. personal.

"What happened?" Ryan heard the noise on the confidential intercom.

"Victor Hugo has come out, and Katerina Riven has also come out. The parade is rushing at them, they are backing, they are trying to quiet the protest crowd, but no one is listening to them. Now the scene Very messy, the mutant guard came up.

Shooting, the mutant guard fired into the sky! But this didn't help, the Chinese people who marched seemed to be angered ~ www.readwn.com ~ They are still rushing forward. Oh my god, the parade also brought weapons, and they were not even afraid of the mutant guards.

Victor Hugo retreated, and he and Katrina returned to the National Library. The parade also rushed in, and the mutant guards blocked. The scene was too confusing, and the target was out of touch with the security personnel. I felt this was an opportunity. "

Wade's passionate live broadcast made Ryan, who was hiding somewhere in Havana, very skeptical, "Are you sure Victor Hugo appears? Will it be a stand-in?"

"This ..." Wade wasn't sure, he could only say: "At least the mutant guard is real, there is absolutely no substitute for this. Katrina of the Department of Defense should also be true, this British girl looks very beautiful , Tall and difficult to find a substitute. As for Victor. Hugo ... "

Wade was about to say he wasn't sure, but he suddenly saw a group of people running on the other side of the National Library. They got into the roadside and quickly started to leave Revolution Square.

Wade screamed immediately, "It's him, Victor Hugo. He's evacuating. He's only about a dozen people, even Caterina, who is in charge of the Defense Department."

Parades, negotiations, conflicts, evacuation, everything looks like this. In particular, the head of the legion was evacuated, but a large number of military and policemen who could be deployed in Revolution Square did not immediately follow. Even Ryan now felt like a golden opportunity. "Tell me, where did the team leave?"

"The convoy is heading to the Capitol. If you want to act, you must hurry up. The Capitol is also heavily guarded, and it will be difficult to stop the target from fleeing." Wade himself couldn't help urging, he reported quickly I was quite excited about the team's route.

"Understood, we will act." The radio stopped abruptly and an interception was about to take place.

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