Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1357: Fighting

Security personnel are faced with various situations, so the miscellaneous items are normal. But who is fine with a mortar fired flares? And the reaction speed is so fast, after the attack, he went straight to the sky without saying a word.

Under the unstable strong light, the ground scenes are constantly changing the light and dark colors, and the optical camouflage can not keep up with this kind of light and shadow changes, so it is naturally ineffective and exposed.

Ryan rolled on the spot, avoiding the explosive bullets of several assault rifles behind the armored vehicle opposite. But he just yelled to his teammates for Claude to seek cooperation, and a small caliber sniper bullet flew over.

Claude is grabbing a large high-explosive grenade from the lower back. This special grenade is significantly larger than the commonly used grenade, just like the grenade that Zhou Qingfeng transformed with the mortar shell at the beginning. And specially equipped.

This large grenade was originally thrown into the back of the armored vehicle to explode, but Claude just threw it upwards hard. He shook the grenade's right shoulder and suddenly exploded, and his right hand fell in the splashing blood.

The large grenade freed from the palm of her hand and rolled twice on the ground. Crowder didn't lose his fighting power because of the severe pain of losing his arm, he rolled back and forth.

With a bang, the large grenade blasted the entire street into a mass of gray earth, blocking the sight of the naked eye. Hundreds of meters away, the sniper instructor, Richard, pulled a bolt, and the bolt-action Tac-50 jumped out of a cartridge case and fell on the ground with smoke.

Richard frowned, and he was very dissatisfied with the shot. Obviously, he was aiming at the opponent and killed him with a single blow. The result was serious injuries. If it is a serious injury and loss of combat power, the enemy's tenacity is a bit beyond imagination, and his shoulders can be smashed and he can even avoid it.

This is 50,000 ammunition, and a beast is also torn apart.

Before Richard, the instructor, wanted to understand what was going on, a wheeled armored vehicle rushed past him. An armoured vehicle of the same size of m2hB was bursting into the air, aiming at the enemy who had just been seriously injured.

No one could be lifted by the fierce fire, and heavy machine guns with large calibers caused the ground and the walls to split and collapse, and the bricks and mud blocks jumped around.

Having just fortunately saved half of his life from Richard's sniper, Crowder had nowhere to hide at this moment, and could not escape. In despair, he was so brave that he actually found a bazooka from behind him.

It was a mistake to operate the bazooka with one hand, and the fast-hitting armored vehicle did not give Claude a second chance. No matter how strong his body was, he couldn't carry more than 50 ammunition shots. His entire body was completely smashed and his flesh was spattered.

This series of incidents made Ryan, who was hiding on the other side, finally realize that he was in ambush. The legion leader of the Aurora Corps apparently used his own bait to lead his team out.

In the case of other special forces, in the face of disparate strength, they will either surrender or flee. But Ryan didn't mean to stop there. Instead, he asked the other two groups about the situation on the radio, and directed the team to continue the fight.

"Immediate retreat is meaningless. Our only way out is to speed up the attack. The real Victor. Hugo is just 100 meters ahead of us. Only by capturing an important person as a hostage can we save our lives and complete our task."

Ryan's men are smart people, knowing that in the case of disparity in strength, the only way to help themselves is to disrupt the arrangement of the other party. Ryan himself grabbed a piece of explosives from his rucksack, inserted the detonator, and stuck it to the building wall he avoided, detonating a few meters away.

A strong shock wave raised a huge amount of dust. The armored car that had just killed Claude rushed over and smashed into the dust. The heavy machine gun with the changed ammunition fired a whole 50 rounds of ammunition box at the smoke and dust, but waited for the smoke and dust to dissipate, but saw a big hole that was blown open.

The old Harris with a helmet and a helmet jumped out from the back door of the armored car. He pointed at the big hole with a rifle, and the two shooters behind him threw three or four grenades in different directions inside the big hole without hesitation.

Waiting for the rumbling explosion to stop, Old Harris leveled the night vision goggles on his helmet and took the lead in drilling into the large hole. When he entered the big hole in the wall, the armored vehicle continued to rush along the road in the direction that Zhou Qingfeng had just got off. All the people who participated in the battle knew that the safety of the regimental commander was the key at this time.

The wheels of the armored vehicle are turning fast, and there are only fifty or sixty meters away from the National Theater where Zhou Qingfeng is staying. But at this time, a window of a house on the roadside fired a rocket, and the armored car was crossed by a blast, the wheels fell off two, and the front of the car crashed into another house.

An army armoured vehicle was destroyed, but subsequent reactions surprised the attackers hiding inside the house. An Increte special task force is responsible for staying at this window to stop. He originally thought that destroying an armored vehicle would ease the rescue of the legion ...

In fact, when the explosion appeared, the armored car tilted to one side, but a roar rang out behind the car. Standing tall and powerful, Marco Shi rushed forward with a dozen savage and brutal mutants. More than a dozen large-caliber machine guns fired directly. Hundreds of machine gun bullets demolished the entire wall of the house.

The mutant guard's boldness and fearlessness manifested vividly at this moment. They are really a little stupid, so stupid that they don't know what it means to be afraid. In addition, as a defender of Zhou Qingfeng, you can get double bonuses on hero attributes, and the mutants who are already aggressive are even more aggressive.

The enhancement of double the overall attribute is extremely scary. The mutant is originally powerful, and it is an authentic killing machine after being strengthened. Their brains degenerate to only the basic killing instinct, and even have a natural consciousness analogous to Zhou Qingfeng's fighting instincts.

With a dozen or so men under his belt, Mark Shi immediately shot out one-third of the people immediately after the first wave of shots, and one-third of them threw their hands to throw bombs. Pop the box and stay close.

By the time they rushed forward, the special commanders who had originally wanted to stop blocking had become flesh, mixed with a pile of rotten bricks, and could not tell the original look.

On the other side, Ryan, who is constantly smashing the walls and moving forward, has made rapid progress, and he will run in the direction of the National Theater with another fighting group. The three of them are moving very fast. They can fight and fight in the narrow battlefield, and can't fight and run. In short, they don't make any stops in one place.

Crossing the wall and crossing obstacles, Ryan's group of people are indeed powerful, accurate shooting, clear-headed, and not panic when surrounded. This kind of play approached the National Theater very quickly. The three players ran the last dozens of meters and reached their destination.

When Ryan wanted to come, as long as he entered the theater and got closer with Victor Hugo, the soldiers of the army's siege would inevitably cast a rodent. What he was most worried about was that his target would quickly escape during the first two minutes of the battle.

Ryan has done everything possible to speed up the process, the whole process is extremely fast. There is no way to make it better. But if that doesn't stop Victor Hugo, he can only find a way to hide and wait for the next opportunity.

But far beyond Ryan's imagination, he had just rushed into the National Theater with the last three people, and Leng Buding saw Zhou Qingfeng, wearing a digital helmet and wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, moved a chair and sat at the door. He immediately exclaimed in ecstasy, "Victor Hugo, your death is here!"

Facing the three men, Ryan also appeared at the entrance of the theater. The power armored sisters Elin and Ellie faced an unknown special warrior, and the cold and tall Catalina met Ryan's deputy Adam.

Zhou Qingfeng shouted at Ryan in excitement: "Grandma a bear, it's my turn!"

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