Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1375: Soil bun battle

"Raphael." There was a shout out of the bushes, followed by a few camouflage men with guns who sprang out fiercely.

In the bush, a young man was dragging his pants and shit. When he heard the voice, he quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Don't, don't shoot. I didn't run away, I was just pooping."

The camouflage men with guns crowded to the young people, making sure that they really showed ridiculous laughter after shit. One of the older men with beards said in a disgusted tone: "Clean your butt, we're going."

The young man called Raphael kept embarrassing and flattering, and at the same time quickly grabbed a few larger leaves on his hands and wiped his ass, and lifted his pants out of the bush.

Outside the bush is a guerrilla group of the Molien formation, with twelve people in four groups. There are two groups carrying five or six assault rifles, one group carrying five or six light machine guns, and one group carrying the Red Arrow-73 anti-tank missile.

This is a standard MoJie field action squad. The bearded leader is called Saimet. It is a veteran who has joined the MoJie for a year. He has a firm mind and a bit stubborn mind. Raphael, who had just been reprimanded, was a young, white-faced man who belonged to the team to help.

Raphael ’s origins are a bit strange. He came to take part in the CML and the government ’s firefighting. However, after joining the guerrillas, he fled once because he could n’t stand the pain. . Such repetitive behavior made the peers in the team do not trust him.

However, Raphael had gone to school and was a bit cultural. The task of operating Red Arrow-73 was left to him. This is the real heavy firepower in the team. The maximum range of three kilometers is enough for the guerrilla group to take advantage of the harassment operation.

The mission of the Semet guerrilla group is to disrupt the logistics of the first division of the government army. Because the number of the first division was not enough to control the battlefield, and government forces were not sending reinforcements, the 8,000 troops in the division could no longer advance after the occupation of Valladolid, and the troops were used to defend the logistics line.

Since the war, countless similar guerrilla groups have been active, from tropical rainforests in the southern Yucatan Peninsula to tropical savannas in the north. Don't think such activities are safe. In fact, government forces also sent a large number of liquidation squads to hunt them down.

The government's clearance squadron has cars for travel, and aircraft are responsible for reconnaissance liaison and provide supplies. On the contrary, their activities are much stronger than guerrilla groups and they are extremely threatening.

Before the cataclysm, Mexico was known as a gangster. The power of the evil forces has reached the point of dazzling. They even eroded the government and the army, controlled certain public powers of the state, and hanged people in public places at every turn, or threw them into trash cans.

The powerful drug-trafficking organizations can even take the place to rule the king, and gather more than 100,000 people to become the tyrant. However, because of their fierce fighting, these tyrants developed in the last days, their forces expanded rapidly, and they even reached the point where they wanted to conquer Cuba across the sea.

Many of the members of the government forces of the current Diego government were gangsters before. These people were not good people, nor were they honest and simple people. They are quite large and quite hot.

Therefore, the government forces have a deep grudge against the peasant-led Mozambique. The former has been oppressing the latter in the past, and the same is true now, and the contradictions between the two sides cannot be reconciled at all. It is precisely because of this contradiction that the guerrilla group and the liquidation squad are tit-for-tat enemies, and the meeting is endless.

The guerrilla soldiers who have been experiencing the Liberation Army of Mexico are of low quality and can only be trained by combat training. If you practice, you will live, and if you do n’t, you will die. The cruel living environment puts great pressure on the players.

The guerrilla group under the command of Semmett has been out for three or four days. They are now afraid to approach the highway easily because there are a large number of liquidation squads ambushing near the highway. However, they have a red arrow -73 with a very long range. This is their magic weapon, which makes the government forces unsolvable.

Two rifle groups are opening in the grass, and the two teams cover alternately. Sematic controls the machine guns to follow up, and provides fire support at any time. Raphael and two other companions carried missile launchers at the end and were also in charge of the guard.

During the process, a miniature drone suddenly flew over the grass. The front soldiers immediately hid the alarm, and the people behind them quickly lay down in search of concealment. Raphael also heard the announcement on the intercom, and quickly lay on the ground, while his companion stared at him alertly, and the bullet loaded.

"Best, don't do this. I didn't come here to be a traitor. I escaped for a reason that day, and I really came to you." Raphael said.

The player named Best is as young as Raphael, but looks very dark and looks ugly. He scoffed at Raphael's justification, "I don't believe in you, I don't believe in any gangsters. My family was killed by those beasts, and I live to get revenge."

Facing the suspicions of his companions, Raphael sighed and said nothing more. He lay down in the grass for a while, and soon Saimet's voice sounded in the intercom, "Raphael, bring your missile up."

Red Arrow-73 is packed in boxes, including missiles and sighting controls. Raphael, carrying the box, advanced some distance in the tall and dense grass, and was seized by Saimet into a pit beside the grass.

"See the dead tree in front? There is a tent covered with weeds under the tree." Semmett handed a telescope to Raphael and reached out in a general direction.

Raphael looked up for a while and found the so-called tent. This tent is a good camouflage, but today the sun is too big, and the weeds covering it quickly wither, which makes a slight difference from the surrounding environment.

Compared to the well-equipped government army clear-up squad, which is accustomed to urban life, the peasant team members of the Mojiran guerrilla group have a closer sense of the wild.

Guerrillas who are used to living in the field have a great bonus in hiding and tracking. Thirty-year-old Semite used to be a farmer and was particularly good at identifying anomalies in nature.

Raphael nodded when he found the target, and asked: "About seven hundred meters away from us, do you want me to kill it?"

"Yes, that should be a bunch of government soldiers raised by bitches." Saimet took the binoculars and continued to observe, "I can even smell the proud and rancid smell of that ~ www.readwn.com ~ They should just hide Control the drone in that tent to monitor the surrounding area. "

The Aurora Corps likes to train, and even the Mobilization team also likes to train. Those who joined the guerrillas were organized to learn without any problems. Saimet used to be a mucky dumpling, and now he can talk for half an hour without repetition.

Red Arrow-73 is too old and very inconvenient to use. Raphael placed the box he carried on the ground and slowly assembled it after opening.

Launch pads, missiles, sighting controls, a series of things arranged for at least ten minutes. However, Red Arrow-73 has the advantage that the control personnel and the missile can be separated by a distance, and it is relatively safe after launch. And the warhead has been changed and can be used to bomb people.

The missile was ready. Raphael took the sighting control device and moved away. After aiming, he pressed the power button, and the missile flew out of the simple launcher.

The trailing-flame missile was not as dynamic as expected. Except for the smoke that was emitted during the launch, the grass was still quiet. However, Raphael himself became sweaty during the manipulation.

"Fuck this bastard, **** this garbage, **** this beast." Raphael yelled softly, trying to keep the missile steady on the cross. Suddenly the sentinel of the clearing squad across saw the missiles flying over, and the gunshots suddenly sounded.

The missile flies slowly, and it takes a while from launch to hit. For a few seconds, the response to the clearing squad was quick, and several people popped out of the tent to look outward, and the bullets flew thinly and chaotically. Sematic's light machine gun also fired, suppressing the enemy on the opposite side and preventing it from running around.

The brief gunfire ended with a roaring explosion. The camouflage tent was hit directly, the modified grenade warhead exploded, and the steel ball rain covered more than ten meters.

Nearly half of the surrender team was killed or injured.

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