Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1381: The evil dog is here again

When Maersk rushed to the battlefield with a dozen or so men, he felt that the atmosphere on the battlefield was strange. The two sides of the battle fired at a distance of less than two hundred meters. You shot one, and I shot endlessly.

Maersk's first reaction was that the number of enemies was not large, otherwise it would have been a roundabout. However, the mortar team behind the Qingying squad was knocked out by the opponent. From this point of view, the enemy is fully capable of killing the Qingying squad easily.

"Head, there are only about four or five people on the opposite side. They controlled the gentle **** on the west side and suppressed the Qingying team under the gentle slope. But I just confirmed on the radio that the Qingying team originally had the terrain advantage on that gentle slope, and the result was 愣It was driven off. "

A jackal player completed a preliminary terrain survey and came forward to report. Maersk was three hundred meters away from the battlefield at this moment, and he stayed in the grass to hide from the soldiers.

The members of the jackal are waiting for their commander to order. In everyone's opinion, as long as one or the other is outraged, the four or five people across are dead. However, Maersk did not order at all, but ordered the suppressed Qinglu team to retreat on the radio.

"If we can retreat ourselves, you still need to come to our rescue? We can't retreat now." On the radio, those who were still alive in the Qingqing squad yelled.

Maersk raised his binoculars and easily found the guy hiding in the bunker and shouting. He said strangely: "Which guy's position was exposed early, but the opponent kept him shouting on the radio on purpose. This must be a trap! "

One said it was a trap, and the jackal rushed to the battlefield all woke up. This unit has always liked to trap opponents, and for the first time today, it encountered an enemy who digged them.

"Head, what shall we do?" One Jackal asked.

"Don't worry about the **** of the idiots, back up two hundred meters in search of favorable terrain. At the same time, release the drone and search the surrounding environment, I bet there will be surprises." Maersk sneered a little, "the opposite must be coming Master, but I like to abuse masters. "

A dozen people's jackal teams began to slowly disperse. This unit was first trained by the United States and Israel, and its tactical capabilities were quite strong. Because their status changed to gangs instead of disappearing during the cataclysm, they are now extremely rare special combat forces.

The end of the war has greatly enhanced the status of the jackals, and also allowed their ambitions to expand rapidly. As opponents are rarely encountered on the battlefield, they are given an extremely arrogant invincibility.

Judging that there are some interesting opponents on the battlefield, the spirit of the entire team is inspired. They are all waiting to prove again that they are the strongest on the battlefield.

A member of the team stepped back to find a slightly higher soil slope. The savanna was annoying. It was too difficult to find a commanding height. But when he set up a m240B machine gun, he suddenly heard a gurgling sound behind him.

What's behind? He is the deputy shooter of the machine gun group and has the responsibility to protect the main shooter. But the main shooter looked back, but found that the deputy shooter who should have protected him was actually bitten by a dog and was being dragged into the grass.

what? !!

Is there anything wrong with dogs now?

And still such a fierce dog!

The machine gun shooter clearly saw a medium-sized dog, which looked like a German blackback. This dog breed is very competent as a police dog, but it is not possible to kill a special soldier trained for many years without any sound!

In particular, the deputy shooter should be facing the back, but he did not bite the neck of a dog without any reaction—this dog must be hungry and mad to attack a fully armed human.

The machine gun shooter can't think too much. He couldn't watch his companion get carried away by a dog and quickly took a pistol from his leg pocket and aimed at it. He was also worried about hitting his companion, and the muzzle was slightly raised, thinking that the sound of the gun should be enough to scare the evil dog away.

Bang ... the two shots went off.

In the end, the bad dog who bit the deputy shooter not only didn't let go, but accelerated his speed. He stretched his legs on the ground, and dragged people into the grass in a blink of an eye. This evil dog thinks so ... I can hump even a backpack of two hundred kilograms, and care about you who are less than one hundred kilograms?

The main shooter was dumbfounded, and looked at the shaking thick grass for two or three seconds. If it weren't for some blood stains on the ground as a reminder, he couldn't imagine his companion being taken away by a dog.

The sound of gunfire rang and Maersk's question rang on the radio. And the surrounding wolf players immediately began to move closer to the machine gunner. They rushed in from all directions to see the blood on the ground. They quickly asked the machine gunner: "What happened? Your partner?"

"My partner ... was dragged away by a dog!"

The machine gunner reached for the direction in which the evil dog disappeared, holding the machine gun and chasing angrily. Behind him, the team members who came to help all thought that they heard the wrong ear-a dog dragged away your partner? Why didn't that dog eat your brain!

It ’s just that my teammates are chasing them out ~ www.readwn.com. And just when they broke up and wanted to find out the truth, the truth was that an anti-infantry directed thunder was waiting for them.

Hundreds of steel **** exploded with a fan surface of 60 degrees, and the attack range was up to 50 meters. Although blocking too much in the grass, hundreds of grams of explosives have hit targets within a few meters.

The rain of steel ball bullets swept across, a large swath of grass fell in the explosion gas waves, an empty space appeared in front of the Jackal players, and two or three people fell in the empty space.

The deputy shooter, who had just disappeared, was on the open ground, his throat was bitten, and the blood flow was more than twitching. The others were not dead, and their eyes were staring at the sky, rather uncomfortable.

The machine gun shooter chased out was hit by a directional thunder, and his lower body was as rotten as a rag. He also did not die on the spot, fell to the ground repeatedly miserably, and kept rolling.

In addition, another person was affected by the bullet rain. Although the injury was not serious, he also lost his combat power and could only drag a wounded leg to crawl on the ground. And just now with a bit of inexplicable and miserable jackal players, then they realized that they really met their opponents, and they have lost three people.

Captain Maersk was far away, and when he heard the explosion, he realized that something was bad. He repeatedly asked what happened on the radio, and at the same time ordered his team members to evacuate immediately-the opponent's trap seemed particularly large, and the crossfire was too bad when the enemy and I were unknown.

The Jackal players immediately retreated. At this time, they no longer had a long and short mood with their opponents, and some of the basic fighting principles in previous trainings reappeared in their brains—don't stay in the enemy's preset battlefield.

At this time, the retreat was a bit late, and a rocket bomb, RPG-26, with a warm-pressure warhead, flew two hundred meters away.

Detonation, three thousand degrees high temperature!

Burn this garbage!

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