Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1385: Hesitate

At night, Giris worked at his desk. He has almost endless work at hand, and various documents and accounts need to be reviewed and approved. He also needs to meet with middle and low-level leaders from various work projects. Although he could only sleep for a few hours a day, he was happy.

It has been more than a decade since graduating from a university in the United States, and Giris has never felt this fulfillment. He was also excited after the cataclysm, and felt that a chaotic world should always have the opportunity to change the world and show his talents.

But it is ridiculous that no one needs Giris's talents. All he can do is pretend to tour around the place, write a report and submit it, and then there is no news. Their family patriarch became a zombie president, and he also hoped that the patriarch who became extremely calm could change all this.

But the reality is that hundreds of people in the family took control, and the president's decree could not leave his office. Everyone knows that better management of the country can bring greater benefits, but when they are first decentralized to give up some of the benefits, none of the clan powers agree.

Just when Giris was disheartened, he came to Merida with the name of a tour. This is a remote ruling area, and the entire Yucatan Peninsula is poor. It has a small population and inadequate infrastructure, which is almost nothing. But a miracle happened in just this place.

At the bottom of Mexico in Merida, they are willing to work diligently. They produce a lot of living goods, which are exchanged for more and more demanding goods through commerce and trade. And Merida's officials are relatively clean and capable, and they are better than those in Mexico City who only fight and kill.

Giris is very satisfied with his current job. He started from managing the logistics of the first division of mixed editing and soon took over the city's public affairs. More than a dozen of his staff members turned into Merida's municipal administrators, and they were so busy every day.

All this was given by Alfonso. Giris couldn't think of anyone else in the family who wanted to do so. Don't look at him as the president's successor in the family, but in fact no one takes it seriously. Because he doesn't have the fundamentals of strength at all, he doesn't even have a lot of men.

For the assassination encountered by Alfonso during the day, Giris was frightened. He saw all kinds of simple and crude killings, and there was not much intrigue between the gangsters. Everyone is very direct in doing things.

Just for Alfonso, Giris had a complicated and inexplicable feeling-this man was covered in a layer of **** skin, but in his bones he was not like a person from the Diego family, even a Mexican.


After a busy night, Giris rubbed her dry eyes. He tried to open the window to let in the air, but the window was pulled with thick curtains to block the light from the room.

From time to time, there were sounds of gunfire outside the window, and it kept rattling. This was the case throughout the city. The security forces blocked the entire Merida and searched for suspects of assassination of the Governor.

What surprised Kiris most was that almost everyone in the city cooperated with the raid, and everyone proactively notified the suspects. The security forces have also demonstrated extremely high efficiency, and they are not relentless in their arrest.

Merida is now a business city, and people from other parts of the city are indispensable. Recently, these foreigners are indispensable, and it is the nature of these people to resist and resist. They always felt that they were very good, and they never looked at the police.

But Merida is different from any other Mexican city. The military and police here are trained ruthlessly, and the sense of responsibility and sacrifice is moving.

Giris didn't understand what was going on? He kept receiving reports from the security forces that there was a firefight in a certain place, how many people were killed by the suspects, and how many people were sacrificed by ours-if in other cities, the suspects often escaped without any casualties on our side. .

With constant sighs and many doubts, Giris wanted to take a break. But before he touched the bed, someone screamed outside: "Who?"

The shouting was the follower of Giris. After a moment, the door of the Giris office opened, panic-stricken Merida Gendarmerie Captain Lula stumbled and ran in, and there were two or three people behind Lula, and some were even injured Already.

"Mr. Giris, please shelter me." Lula ran to Giris and almost fell to the ground. "Alfonso betrayed the family. I have evidence of his collusion with the Aurora Corps. You must believe me, He wants to kill me now. "

Giris had met Lula once before and the two talked for a while. He also thought about whether to attract this person, but after a brief investigation, he knew that this guy had a bad reputation in Merida. Alfonso had cleaned him up fiercely, but later did not know why it was not completely eliminated.

Now it seems that Lula did not get the desired reuse in Giris, he turned and put into the arms of other powerful people. Sure enough, Lula said next: "Mr. Giris, these people behind me are Commander Suzanano. Commander Suzanano also asks for your help."

When he heard the name Suzano, Giriston felt scalp. The same is the "commander". His title is false, and Suzano who controls the entire Mexican government army is the one who can give orders ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suzano was originally in charge of violent punishment and secrets The assassin is not only ruthless, but also good at buying temptations. Many of the family's opponents were bought unwittingly by their close relatives, and died inexplicably.

Giris felt that if he did not agree, he would be immediately regarded as an enemy by Suzano. That was a truly rampant person. Whoever blocked his way would kill him, and the means were extremely cruel.

Giris felt that he couldn't refuse Lula's request at all, because even he wasn't sure if anyone around him was bought by Suzano. If he didn't agree, he would die quickly.

"I ..." Ji Ruisi was helpless and opened his mouth and said, "Well, you can stay. I will let you arrange a place for you."

Lula and others immediately rejoiced, and in their opinion, Giris was the only person in the city who could compete with Governor Alfonso. Now that the city is blocked, there are people from the Governor's House everywhere, and it is always safer to hide under the wings of Giris.

Asking his men to take Lula and others down, Giris fell back to his chair behind his desk, and his head was a little confused. Not good at making decisions, he was a bit unable to judge whether he had just made a decision. He scratched his head in distress, and regretted it.

A jingle bell, the phone on the desk rang.

The guilty Kiris was startled, and after a short while he connected the microphone, "Hey, I'm Giles."

"I'm Alfonso." His Excellency's voice came out of the microphone and asked directly: "Where is Lula of the gendarmerie? Are you involved in the assassination of me, my people are catching everywhere? he."

This problem caused Jiris's head to freeze for a while, and he didn't know what to say ...

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