Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1387: Not a good person

In the parlor living room, there are all human beings. In a word, the Governor's boss can taste a lot of flavors. Right now it's clear to clean up people, and no one dares to talk nonsense. In all kinds of eye contact, everyone's eyes were finally locked on Giris, who is responsible for public affairs in the city.

Whoever made Giris frightened by a word, the sweat beads on his forehead were only invisible to the blind. This thing is clear, without much interrogation and guessing!

The crowd kept silent and continued to watch the show.

The governor Alfonso only saw the strange shape of the living room. He leaned leaning against the chair, holding a pen on the conference table in one hand in a continuous circle, and said, "About Lula, It's actually quite interesting.

I dismembered Lula's forces at the beginning but kept his life. I was thinking of using waste. At that time, the city of Merida had just fallen into my hands. I was worried that my foundation was unstable. The original interest groups would deal with me without threatening to make a U-turn. I kept Lula as a frightening dog. "

With that said, everyone's faces in the living room were embarrassed. At first, they trembled under Lula's provocative power, and pushed Governor Alfonso to fight against him. After Lula's defeat, they didn't think about continuing to levy the Governor, but Lord Governor is not stupid ...

Governor Alfonso continued: "There is another reason to keep Lula. That guy is fierce in his work. He doesn't stop if he doesn't achieve his goals. He has a bit of a pervert and is actually a personal talent. Now, in the last days, I rarely have talent. Can still bear it, but he has never trusted me. "

The second paragraph said that the bottom of the pile of horse farts surged up.

"The Governor is really kind as Father!"

"The Governor is open-minded, and we really admire it!"

"It is an honour for my life to serve under the Governor's Majesty."

The atmosphere that was just tense was diluted by a bunch of horse farts, and Giris, who was frightened, seemed to be watching a circus clown performance, and couldn't laugh or cry. I just want to laugh on my face, but I'm bitter in my heart. He doesn't know how it happened.

Governor Alfonso gave the pen in his hand a double stroke on the table, and the crisp voice made everyone shut up immediately. He went on to say: "Actually, Lula has done well this year.

Ace, who took care of Lula's life, was originally the maid-in-chief of the Governor's House, and reported everything to the Governor's House. For example, what people he went to and what topics he talked about are all documented. "

As soon as the Governor's voice fell, Colonel Harding, who was closer to him, stood up and yelled, "The traitor Lula is indeed insidious. He has drawn me many times in the past year. I was strictly rejected.

Last night Lula also tried to seek asylum from me, and I wanted to arrest him on the spot. Unfortunately, I fought for many years. I had old injuries, and my hands and feet were not flexible. I was run away by this villain, Lula. I am ashamed of not being able to share your concerns with the Governor. "

After Harding finished speaking, Paramount beside him also stood up and shouted in the same words: "Lula also wanted to pull me into the water last night, but I am loyal to the Governor, how can it be merged with me? Drive him out without letting him in.

It is a pity that afterwards I thought that I should deceive him into the house and win it in one fell swoop. I blame my IQ for being too hurry, and the emergencies were not flexible enough. I am very sorry. "

Watching Harding and Paramount acting together, even the Governor's mouth kept pumping. The two **** apparently dared not offend on either side, and neither caught Lula nor turned to the big guy behind Lula.

In addition, there are two acting tricks coming out, and everyone in the living room stood up to show loyalty. Generous submissions recounted the firmness of refusing to join Lula last night, as well as the regret of failing to catch each other.

The sweat dripping from his forehead kept falling down, and he realized that Lula had sought refuge like a mourning dog last night, but only he was scared to hide the other side.

The living room was too noisy, and the Governor knocked on the table again with a pen. After the scene was quiet, he coughed and said, "In fact, last night I sent the Governor's Guard to follow Lula all the time. I just wanted to see who else was with him in this city. The result made me very Comforting and disappointed. "

Alas ... countless eyes in the parlour stared at Giris again. It is now clear that the man who sheltered Lula was the airborne man from Mexico City. Everyone was gloating, and they waited for the Governor to take it down.

But the Governor does not follow the routine!

"Jiris." Alfonso patted him and sat next to him. The latter was already sweaty and pale, and shouted when he heard the shout. But the governor said softly, "I recognize your ability. Is your character good? It's just that your emotional intelligence is not enough.

Your current job is equivalent to the mayor of Merida. This job was originally done by Martin, the old butler around me. But old Martin was too old, with poor energy and lack of ability.

There are always people who bully the elderly. They do n’t understand, they do n’t understand, and they take a lot of advantage in municipal work. But you are a professional, and your followers are also good, which prevents a lot of things that take advantage. "

This remark made the other bureaucrats and nobles in the parlor's face look too bad. These people also want to see Giris unlucky because of a kind of revenge. Because the latter is professional in management, it hurts many of their interests.

The Governor continued: "I know that you are from Mexico City, you do n’t know enough about me, and you do n’t have much confidence. Instead, you are afraid of Mexico City's senior officials and powers. And your character is weak, sometimes you do Decisions are indeed difficult, and mistakes are inevitable.

But I still want to say that eschatological talent is rare. I can tolerate even the scum of Lula. Why can't I tolerate some mistakes in your work? But I only give chance once, I hope you think about it carefully. I am willing to trust you, I wonder if you can trust me? "

It ’s time to say everything. The Governor slowly got up, said something like ‘Dismissal’ and left. It was just that the living room was still quiet, and no one was leaving for a while, everyone was still staring at the sweaty Giris, not sure what they were thinking.

Kiris's mind was rising, his thinking was chaotic. He was like a disappointed wooden man, holding up the table to prop up himself, walking out of the parlor a little bit, and out of the Governor's House.

Behind Giris, there was much discussion.

"This guy is too lucky!"

"It won't die this way, it seems that the Governor values ​​him very much."

"If the matter was changed in Mexico City, those big men would not have the patience and would have killed people long ago."

When Giris returned to the town hall by car, he found that a few people who were hiding in Lula were waiting for him, and they seemed to have been in fear.

Seeing his current asylum returning, Lula hurriedly asked, "Mr. Giris, can you send us out of the city right away? The city is still too dangerous."

"Uhhhhhhhhh!" Giris collapsed softly toward his office seat and said weakly, "Useless, what you hid with me, Alfonso already knew. He used you to come If anyone in the city opposes him, only me will win. "

After that, Giris wanted to cry. He is really only suitable for practical work, not for intrigue, not at all!

"Alfonso knows that?" Lula was startled, only to see that Giris actually came back nicely ~ www.readwn.com ~ quickly asked for details. After learning that the Lord Governor evaluated him as ‘a bit of a psychopath, but talent is rare’, he quickly asked repeatedly, “Does the Governor really say that to me?”

Giris nodded, "Everyone heard it, this is Alfonso said personally. He also asked me to think again, but now my whole brain is chaotic. I don't know how to decide, I think I am It's really not suitable for mixing in officialdom. "

But Lula was about to explode when he heard his whole head. His face was blue for a while, white for a while, hesitated for a moment, and remorse for a while. At last he shouted ‘I ’m a stupid’, then pulled out his pistol and aimed at the three people around him, “Go to death!”

A few bangs, a few who followed Lula last night were caught off guard and fell to the ground on the spot. Griston, who was slouching, was startled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"These are the people of Suzano. The assassination of the Governor is what they planned. I just helped a little bit, not the mastermind." Lula yelled a few times before turning to look at Giris. He stepped forward and grabbed the opponent, dragging it out of the town hall.

"What do you want to do again?"

"Why not, I want a way to live!"

The two scuffled, entangled, and even scolded and bite. In the end, Lula was even more fierce by relying on herself, and he just dragged Giris to the Governor's House. At the entrance of the Governor's Mansion, Lula dropped his gun and dragged the horrified Giris into a kneel and shouted.

"His Excellency, the suspect Lula has caught the suspect who has shielded the suspect Lula and has come to you to commit his crimes! You need a stupid dog like Giris and a vicious dog like me!"

At the moment, Kiris, who had been pressed to the ground, was going to get angry. He was desperately trying to stand up, and scolded in his heart: Nima, none of you are good, all come to play with me!

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