Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1394: Opening of the **** battle

After solving the secret of Marshall, put on the human skin mask again, and the Governor ‘Alfonso’ returned to the State Guesthouse by car. When he got out of the car, he remembered that he had originally planned to talk to Enclave about the war bond, but he forgot about it, scratching his head and thinking about it tomorrow.

Get out of the car and enter the State Guest House. The old butler Martin hurriedly greeted Alfonso, saying in an angry and frightened voice: "Master, when you were just out, a group of our guards were at the hotel. Observing the environment nearby was attacked by several killers disguised as beggars. "

"Alphonso" frowned, and Shen asked, "What about the casualties?"

"One death and one injury, I'm afraid the injured can't survive tonight." Old Martin said.

The wounded and wounded were in the front lobby of the State Guest House, and the people in the hotel seemed to be accustomed to it, or had anticipated it. They stood whispering in the distance and glanced back and forth on Governor Alfonso.

The deceased was shot in the head and died on the spot. The wounded was hit in the groin, the aorta was broken, the blood could not be stopped, and the person was shocked and unconscious. The wound was too big to be controlled with a treatment needle, and it really wasn't saved.

There were no police and no rescue at the scene, and only a few members of the guard surrounded the wounded with anger. ‘Alfonso’ looked cold, and looked back at the old housekeeper and asked, “What about the killer?”

"Our people counterattacked and killed three people and fled a few. Don't know who did it yet?" The old housekeeper was helpless. "This way, our people can't go out."

‘Alfonso’ had just met with Marshall in secret. People and cars were brought in temporarily. Members of the public operation were attacked, saying that it was not intentionally arranged, and the ghosts did not believe it.

At this moment, anger will only appear to be helpless. Alfonso simply said: "Inject the injured brother with morphine so that he can leave the world more comfortably. People who informed the presidential palace said that we need to strengthen our guards. In addition, contact Plane and return the bodies of the brothers to Merida. "

The old housekeeper and the guards began to be busy, and everyone could only ignore life and death and stop talking. And through today's series of events, ‘Alfonso’ can also clearly see that Mexico City is now divided into two factions.

President Ziago, who has become a zombie, has become the spokesperson for Enclave, while members of the original Ziago family continue to hold the key to government departments. No one on either side can do without each other, but both are wondering how to overwhelm each other.

The emergence of Merida forces surprised both factions, and they both hoped to draw 'Alfonso' to join their own side. The sudden war was just an inducement. Only the zombie president chose to let Alfonso hook himself, while the family side threatened persecution.

Counting the time, there is still a few days before the combat power of the Kennedy air strike group is restored. ‘Afonso’ secretly cursed: “Fuck! Bastards, wait and see. I just need to hold you back for a few days, and I want you all to eat.”

'Alfonso' also dared to come to Mexico City to deceive people while he was brave. The first day he arrived in the city, he was met by his opponent. The two men who lost can also be added from Merida, but the lost face must be recovered in this city.

It is just that Your Excellency the Governor wants to continue to forbear, but the style of the Diego family is simple and rude. ‘Alfonso’ returned to his bedroom, and a maid suddenly stepped forward and said, “Lord Governor, I have a phone call in your living room.”

"Looking for my phone?" Zhou Qingfeng walked to the living room puzzled, a video phone with a virtual projection has been connected, and the cousin Kunke who almost called him during the day appeared on the screen.

The short and ingenious Kunk has the iconic black beard on his lips, and he looks like a gangster who is alive and detached. He saw ‘Alfonso’ appear on the other end of the phone and laughed immediately: “Hi ... Alfonso, I heard you died two men?”

"I don't think you heard about it, you just sent someone to do it." ‘Alfonso’ is not angry, not salty or unspoken, to reveal the facts, too lazy to circle the other party.

Kunk sneered for a while and continued, "Alfonso, you haven't been in Mexico City for a while, and you don't know how dangerous this city is. I must remind you that this is not your place If you want to join our game, you must obey our rules.

And Mexico City rules are made by Uncle Vazzano, and you either play with us or you will die somewhere. Don't try to escape from the family, because Merida is also a family territory. You can be the governor of Merida, and so can others. "

Facing Kunk, the arrogant and ignorant, ‘Alfonso’ was disgusted, hated, and full of disdain. If you have to choose between the two factions in Mexico City, ‘Alfonso’ would rather cooperate with the zombie president than approach these gangsters and idiots.

"Alfonso, don't you like women? There are all kinds of women here, and you always like them. As long as you cooperate with us, I will send you a batch to let you have a good time. You sleep with my wife , I can also forget, anyway, that sister-in-law made me tired of playing. "

In the video, Kunk is wearing an off-the-shoulder vest, with a scary skull tattoo on his arms, and a yelling shout accompanied by a provocative gesture. As he spoke, he pointed to ‘Alfonso’, pointing with high toes as if holding many trump cards that could determine his victory.

"Kunke, have you said that you look like a clown?" Alfonso said quietly to the virtual screen: "You killed my men ~ www.readwn.com ~ and came to me Demonstration, I think you are tired. The next time I see you, I will kill you. I can do it. "

‘Alfonso’ turned off the videophone when he said it, and ignored Kunk, the other end of the phone. After Kunk yelled at the closed phone, he could only helplessly face Suzano who was sitting next to him.

The leaders of the Dialgo family gathered together. Dozens of people were sitting in a living room, all staring at Suzano, who was sitting in the middle. This seemingly generous and gentle middle-aged Mexican is the only head-to-head character in the crowd and naturally became the backbone.

"Dear Uncle Suzano, what are we going to do now? Alfonso's **** seems unwilling to give in, so let's just kill him directly," said Kunk, approaching Suzano.

Surrounded by the crowd, Suzano sat steadily and meditated quietly for a while before he said, "We can't live without Enclave's support, but Enclave obviously doesn't like us. It's not good for us to completely fall out, but maybe We can really consider changing the governor of Merida. "

Kunk was overjoyed and said eagerly: "I immediately arranged for someone to kill Alfonso."

But Suzano shook his head. "You haven't grasped the point at all. What we have to do is to grab the city of Merida first. That city is the key. Alfonso is not important at all."

"Then I'll send someone to grab it immediately." Kunk continued excitedly.

Suzano smiled this time, "It is necessary to send an army to grab a city, and I happen to have an army near Merida."

"Motorized First Division?"

"Yes, I want to break Alfonso's foundations, take away his territory and ruin his power." Suzano said, gritted his teeth, "I will see how crazy he can be then!"

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