Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1413: Sky Crit

Zhou Qingfeng deliberately chose a dirt pit next to the highway to drive in. All he could see around was a turret. He emerged from the turret with agility and hung his underwear in just a few seconds. No one disturbed the whole process, and the enemies surrounding him had almost no time to respond.

The bright underwear floated on the gun barrel, and this scene was simply a shame to others. Hmm ... with some inexplicable fragrance.

However, this is also a motivating factor for the pursuit of Zhou Qingfeng. The obvious sign is obviously not for fun, but for distinguishing ourselves from foes. Guard officers at the scene began to worry about the invaders who had taken away Nova and other associates.

When the situation was reported to the National Palace, the zombie president gave the order to arrest Nova as much as possible. If that doesn't work ... she must never be taken away.

The guard officer at the scene apparently didn't want to be too risky. He chose a simpler way to deal with it-to kill the hijacked tank, and he was lucky to get Nova back.

The guard's M60 is slowly advancing, and the two sides confront each other carefully across a highway. It tried to use the road slightly above the ground as a cover to send the infantry forward.

However, deep pits selected by the road like Zhou Qingfeng were rare. When the body of an armored vehicle was slightly higher than the road surface, it was immediately hit by a 105 mm armor-piercing projectile.

Duang, a crisp crit!

The reckless armored car paid the price for its own invasion. The black smoke billowed, the car body broke, and several soldiers escaped from the rear of the car body. They were also killed by Zhou Qingfeng's parallel machine gun.

The clapping gunfire was so crisp that the battlefield seemed lively. Zhou Qingfeng repelled the attack on one side, but before he reloaded the cannon, a mortar shell smashed through the projectile trajectory.

The first shell failed to hit and the splashed mud fell on the tank. The second shell actually hit the target accurately and hit the front armor of the tank. It was impossible for the grenade to bomb the fuze to penetrate the heavy armor, but the violent sound and vibration still made Nova in the tank scream.

"Should we break out? Otherwise, we will be finished after being instilled." Nova tried to find out the enemy's mortar, but looked around for a week and saw nothing. She could only shout to Zhou Qingfeng for a solution.

At the same time, another guard's armored vehicle attacked Zhou Qingfeng from the rear. Nova's M85 heavy machine gun has no way to armored vehicles, and he only saw a few bouncing Mars for a long time.

Regarding the mortars, Zhou Qingfeng could only leave it alone, praying that the shells would not land on the weakest part of the turret, and smashed elsewhere. He didn't plan to move anyway. As for the armored vehicle that was shot up in the rear, he decisively turned around and blasted the opponent with an armor-piercing projectile.

The armored car that came to die was very sacrificed. The armor-piercing core penetrated from the front to the rear of the car, and none of the full people escaped. Even the accompanying infantry that followed it were knocked down by the shrapnel shrapnel, and the offensive was blocked for a while.

But this gun also provided an opportunity for the M60 on the other side. When Zhou Qingfeng's turret turned around, it had plenty of time to drive on the highway, and the gun muzzle aimed at Zhou Qingfeng's tank.

Nova is taking care of this, but her heavy machine guns cannot even deal with armored vehicles, let alone against tanks. She screamed exclaimed: "We are in big trouble with helmets!"

Zhou Qingfeng naturally knew what the trouble was. He reloaded the gun chamber with the fastest speed, and turned the turret to compete with his opponent. To this end, he even used ‘excellent alertness’ to fight for time.

After being strengthened by the murderous spirit, Zhou Qingfeng can stop for a maximum of six seconds. He had previously used ‘excellent alertness’ and had only five seconds left. But it takes 7.5 seconds for the M60's turret to rotate for half a week, no matter how much he tries to win time.

‘Extreme alertness’ is at the cost of physical exertion, and even if Zhou Qingfeng is exhausted, he cannot continue to extend it. And when his muzzle was at least sixty to seventy degrees, the enemy's tank not only stopped the body, but the muzzle locked him.

Fuck, it's too late!

At the last moment, Zhou Qingfeng decisively gave up turning the turret. He reached out and pushed open the hatch of the commander's command tower, pushing Tonova's waist with both hands to push her out. He himself also drilled out of the agile turret. At this time, waiting in the tank is dead!

Nova's anxious body shivered at this moment, and Zhou Qingfeng was sweating. His misjudgment led to exhaustion of his physical strength, and at this moment, he was always living alive. The two were stuck on the turret and couldn't get out. They could only stare at a door about 100 meters away pointing at their muzzle.

This time it's out, it's over!

There was a loud noise ..., the M60 on the opposite side suddenly exploded!

With the continuous iron wings roaring in the sky, more than a dozen planes appeared as if out of nowhere, and the buzz of high-powered aviation engines rang through the hall. Raindrop-like bombs fell, and the surrounding ground was paved with bangs.

The submerged fighter pulled up again, dropped, turned, and returned, killing the two machine guns under the wing. The rampant firepower fired the ground into a line of fire. Countless people are weeping in the smoke and projectiles, or running around, or repenting on their stomachs.

The entire battlefield was repeatedly bombarded with the tank where Zhou Qingfeng was located. The encirclement, which was still strictly inescapable, became scattered and chaotic at this moment. Waiting for the dead Nova to look around the scene, she was speechless in surprise, feeling if she suddenly changed through time and space.

Zhou Qingfeng, who was released, loosened his hands, and the whole man fell back softly into the turret. He sat in the captain's position, leaning his head against the inner wall of the hard, cold turret, panting, and didn't want to move.

The air raid lasted for more than five minutes, and the siege of Zhou Qingfeng and Nova's guard, which had been besieged, completely disintegrated, causing numerous injuries. When the group evacuated, the leader's fighter also deliberately passed over Zhou Qingfeng's tank. Nova saw that there seemed to be a proud woman sitting in the cabin.

The moment the two looked at each other, Nova felt that the other person had deliberately glanced at her big red underwear still attached to the gun barrel, and looked away.

"Hmm ... what's wrong with guns and roses?" Nova raised her head proudly, and looked disdainfully at the sky. She left Zhou Qingfeng tired like a dead dog, jumped off the turret and made a circle on the battlefield.

There were countless deaths and injuries throughout the battlefield, wreckage of vehicles and human bodies can be seen everywhere, and crater bomb marks can be seen everywhere within a kilometer. Nova found a damaged and abandoned armored car and pulled a bucket of diesel from the car to carry it back.

At this point Zhou Qingfeng recovered his strength a bit, and got out of the turret. He leaned on the track of the old "Barton" to eat his carry-on food to strengthen his body, and said to Nova: "Where did you get the diesel?"

"I just got it." Nova filled the tank with diesel oil and restarted the tank. After suffering, Zhou Qingfeng sat lazily on the turret as the tank swayed, and the two continued to evacuate like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ After another two hours of running, a slow-moving Yunfei , Landing directly on the highway. Before getting on the plane, Nova grabbed Zhou Qingfeng and said, "Take it down."

"What to shoot?"

"Guns and roses." Now Nova was free and easy. She pointed to the old 'Batton' who had gone through the robbery, and the red underwear floating on the old 'Batton', "I agree with you, the tank representing the masculinity is with the feminine woman, There is always a special beauty! "

Hahaha ... I'm bullshit!

Zhou Qingfeng laughed and started his armband computer. He took a picture of the 'guns and roses' against the background of the setting sun and the wilderness, which had stood the test of smoke and war.

After taking back their underwear, the two took a ride to meet the five gods. A few hours later the plane landed at the airport in Merida. All the senior officials in the city came to meet and celebrate their boss's victory from Mexico City.

When he stepped down the ramp, he faced a group of officials who fluttered with a smile and horseshit. Nova looked back at Zhou Qingfeng behind her and asked, "Who the **** are you?"

Zhou Qingfeng took off his helmet.

"Alfonso? How could it be you?" Nova exclaimed. The people who came around knew that they had chanted ‘Long live the governor’, ‘Long live Alfonso’, and ‘Long live Merida’.

Zhou Qingfeng stretched out his human skin mask again and said to the stunned welcome crowd: "I'm sorry, I've been deceiving you, the real Alfonso has long since died. I'm Victor. Hugo, head of the Aurora Corps. "

The scene was dead for a few seconds. After a while, the grassmen shouted again: "Long live the Aurora Legion! Long live the Legion! Long live Victor. Hugo!"

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