Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1417: cutting edge

Major General Brenita of the First Division of Mexican Blending felt that he was really a dog, and the situation in front of him was really terrible. The Yucatan peninsula had suffered from a shortage of troops, and the attack was weak, but now the retreat has been blocked.

Major General originally thought that this was the rebellion of Governor Alfonso of Merida, which could be easily resolved with a regiment. As a result, the regiment of more than a thousand people went back and forth, not even knowing how to be wiped out.

Thousands of people in the division were trapped in the Valladolid frontline, lacking food and drinking, and had to rely on Mexico City to transport supplies by air. Now even the airlift is gone. The airport in Mexico City has been hit by an unknown source, and the Air Force's transport plane is completely dead.

"The bureaucrats in Mexico City are really idiots!" Major General Brittata unbuttoned his collar and stood in front of the division's tent with a camouflage net resentfully.

Successive situations have made the whole situation more disturbing, and the strength of the opponent seems to have just begun to show. Major General Brinitta was ordered to abandon Valladolid and immediately return to attack the city of Merida.

"The man who gave the order was a stupid idiot!" Major General Brinnita felt that he was really unlucky. "If we look back, what will happen to the forces of the Molien? They are poorly equipped, but the number is more than 20,000." . Nobody will be surrounded by that time. "

But even if the hatred was so fierce, Major General Brinita could only lead the team to Merida. Because the city must be taken down before the whole division runs out of food, and now the supply will last at least two days. As soon as the food is cut off, the first division of the compilation will definitely collapse.

"General, you can rest assured. Mr. Suzano has sent two divisions to support us, one of which is a full division. The naval and air force support will not be cut off." The current situation looks more optimistic.

At present, the first mixed division has retired from Valladolid to the outskirts of Merida. Since the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula is a savanna, there are basically no complex terrains to provide cover.

Arriving near the city of Merida, Major Brenita's divisional reconnaissance unit found that the defensive positions in the city had advanced to a distance of one or twenty kilometers outside the city. This distance meant that the artillery in his hand could not attack the city directly.

"Bombard the town of Tikpo for half an hour, and then let the tanks cover the infantry. This town can't stand for long." His Majesty Major looked at the map and stopped him in a small town. It should not be a big town problem.

The first mixed division had a division artillery battalion, equipped with a light howitzer of 105 millimeters, and the artillery set up a stance of 10 kilometers from the town of Tikpo for artillery bombardment.

The deafening artillery sounded quickly and continuously, and this earth-shaking momentum could greatly boost morale. Major General Brinnita's division was a little far from the artillery battalion. He raised his telescope outside the division to look in the direction of the position, and then to the direction of the town farther away.

"How many of Alfonso's men are opposite us?" Major General felt that there should not be many people in a town. After listening to the direction of the artillery battalion for a round, he had some pain in his shells. let's go."

The first regiment of the first division was a mechanized regiment, with the main force being 36 M60A3 tanks. Just ten minutes after the shelling, a tank company with an infantry battalion in an infantry fighting vehicle killed the city.

"Let the reconnaissance troops provide battlefield cover for the main force, and don't let enemy scouts approach us."

"Let the attacking tanks go faster, the slow ones will only attract enemy shells."

"Pay attention to the enemy's unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and try to knock down those nasty things as much as possible."

In the past two days, Major General Brenita had gathered a few third regiments scattered in the wilderness. These soldiers were bleak and bleak one by one. They could tell from their mouths that there was a quite powerful artillery unit in Merida.

The major general also feared that his opponent's artillery was too fierce and had to be extra vigilant. His tank didn't even follow the main road, and after the bombardment he killed him from the wild. Thinking about a distance of more than ten kilometers, the opponent's artillery should not be able to react.

If he can easily win the town of "Tikepo", the major general will immediately order the entire division to carry out assault operations and use his mechanized and motorized characteristics to go straight to Merida. Once in the city, the battle was half won.

In the town of "Tikepo," the Merida security forces stationed here are all in bunkers. Since the town was facing the enemy from Valladolid, Qin Weidong, who commanded the battle, sent the only mechanical and chemical barracks in his hand to build fortifications.

The town has been fully formed, and five ring-shaped defensive circles have been dug back and forth. Each defensive circle has deep trenches, and two or three meters thick wood and soil-covered blast holes.

When the gunfire sounded, all the battalions stationed there hid in the gun-proof hole. Waiting for the enemy's hundreds of artillery shells to fall down, at most, it collapsed a small number of trenches, which had little effect on the entire fortification group.

The sentinel in charge of observation looked at the movement of the outside through the artillery mirror, and soon heard the report from the radio, "The company commander, the enemy's tank came up."

"Are you stupid? According to regulations, you should report identity, location, enemy equipment, quantity and distance." Immediately, a reprimand from the grass-roots commander came from the radio. Little is a rookie just enlisted.

The sentinel reported was tense, babbling and unorganized. The helpless officer could only come out for confirmation himself, and soon more detailed orders began to be issued, "The rocket gun company is ready, and the enemy's tank is up. The position is five kilometers ahead of our position."

Behind the gun-proof holes of the position, one after another launching six or three 107mm rocket launchers. A gun has twelve barrels, and the firepower of a rocket gun is equivalent to an ordinary howitzer group.

At this moment Major General Brenita's leading tanks and dozens of tanks had a battlefield width of at least 500 meters. They were followed by dozens of infantry vehicles and armored vehicles, stretching a depth of one or two kilometers. According to common sense, such a large area is difficult to be covered by artillery fire.

The M60A3 ran very happily on the grassland, and there was almost nothing in the field that could hinder their progress. The captain inside the tank can already see the buildings in the town a few kilometers away, which seems to have been demolished into a white ground.

"Our artillery is so powerful?" The leader of the company's tank company poked out half of his body from the turret of his command vehicle. He felt the speed and ease of the armored chariots galloping on the battlefield, and also lamented the strength of his own firepower. "Next we should be left with a boring occupation."

The tank company quickly advanced to a distance of one kilometer from the town. At this time, the telescope could clearly see the human heads appearing in the opposite position. The M60A3's machine gun started firing, adding a bit of authority.

And when the impact of the tank company reached its peak, a series of continuous flames suddenly burst out of the town's position, and a series of anti-tank missiles flew out of it.

This sudden change made the leading tank officer exclaim: "Release smoke and interfere."

Booming smoke bombs came out on the battlefield, and more than a dozen M60A3s were shrouded in them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Some missiles launched from the town lost their targets and only flew, but there are more The missile flew towards the chariot behind the tank.

The following chariot also quickly released smoke for shelter. The results of this first batch of anti-tank missiles were achieved. A total of fifty were fired, but fewer than five enemy armored vehicles were destroyed.

It was just this attack that scared Major General Brinnita's tank commando. The loss of five cars is also a loss. No one wants to continue to lose so. The commander hardly needed to speak more, and the entire commando force immediately began to charge forward.

As a result, it rushed about seven or eight hundred meters away from the town, and a M60A3 suddenly blasted off without warning. The tens of tons of tank jumped several meters high, and the crawler on one side collapsed, and the weight of the car dropped and capsized.

"Anti-tank mines?" The commander of the tank company exclaimed in his turret. As soon as his words fell, the town suddenly flew out a large number of ballistic trajectories, and hundreds of rockets burst out like a swarm of bees.

Damn, what a fire density this place is!

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