Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1422: Fifteen battles sixteen

Zhou Qingfeng drove the J-15 specially modified for him from the Shenfei base in the northeast of the rabbit, and directly transferred to the ‘No. 16 fishing administration ship’ located on the sea by virtue of his huge range.

After the plane was refueled, Zhou Qingfeng took off again and rushed out of the island chain. Under the eyes of the Japan-US aviation surveillance system, he opened the space-time door to return to the wasteland under the cover of the island.

Zhou Qingfeng left the wasteland before on the ground, and when he opened the space time door, he was roaring into the sky with a fighter jet. Mach rings can be clearly seen in the blue engine flames, and dozens of tons of fighters quickly climbed.

When Zhou Qingfeng traveled to the real world for help, Enclave's F-16 had just ended its bombing of Merida. He could hear the roar of receding in the wilderness outside the city.

Theoretically speaking, Zhou Qingfeng's appearance with a fighter will not attract the attention of opponents. The bombed F-16 had at most a few close-range fighting "Rattlesnake". But everything has to be careful, doesn't it?

During the rapid climb, Zhou Qingfeng first turned on the photoelectric probe of the nose. The passive infrared detection method can find the opponent without alarming the opponent, but he does not find any target in a circle around the air ...

Obviously, the opponent has flew a long distance.

Turn on the radar!

Zhou Qingfeng activated the phased array radar at the nose. Rabbit's electronic technology has made rapid progress in these years. Although there is still a distance from the thief eagle, it is far beyond the master Mao Xiong. As a heavy fighter, the J-15 can provide abundant power, which makes the radar's power extremely powerful.

For a typical non-stealth three-generation aircraft such as the F-16, the detection range of a phased array radar can reach 300 to 400 kilometers. Due to the correct pointing, almost immediately after Zhou Qingfeng turned on the radar, the fire control computer of the J-15 caught the target.

According to the characteristics of radar reflected waves, four fighters flying at high speed are marked on the head-up display in front of Zhou Qingfeng.

Four F-16s?

Zhou Qingfeng always thought that he only had to deal with two.

One of the simplest fighter formations is long and wingman, just two. At present, two F-16s were moving away at a distance of about 70 to 80 kilometers from Zhou Qingfeng, but two other F-16s were approaching about 200 kilometers away.

Fuk, he's meowing uninterrupted air strikes!

Think of the three Mexican divisions that have arrived in the city of Merida in these two days, and in all likelihood, the enemy's total offensive is about to begin. Zhou Qingfeng's face sank, and he secretly said: This is going to put me to death!

No matter how much it is, it's time to do it.

Zhou Qingfeng thought for only two or three seconds, and immediately made a decision. Under his wing are two 'Perak-15's that have a very long range. These two missile theories should be more secure against a target.

But now there are too many opponents, Zhou Qingfeng can only be greedy. He controlled the radar to assign firepower channels, locked the two farthest F-16s that were coming, and the target data was injected into the two big guys under the wing in an instant.

A 'Thunderbolt-15' popped out of the hanger, dropped with a certain distance of hundreds of kilometers per hour and started the engine, accelerated, whistled, and rushed into the distance fearlessly. Another ‘Thunderbolt-15’ also quickly broke away from the rack, soaring to Mach six under the impetus of a powerful tail flame, bursting!

At this moment over the Yucatan Strait, a two-aircraft formation from the Enclave Air Force is flying. Lieutenant Colonel Crowder from Texas. He was once a member of the National Guard. He piloted the F-16 in the Gulf region in his early years.

Lieutenant Colonel Crowder, who is already old, is proud to be able to fly F-16 again in the last days. He likes this noble feeling of manipulating powerful equipment to maintain world peace and the interests of the United States.

"God bless America!" Claude shouted cheerfully on the radio, drawing a laugh from his wingman and his companions. His task tonight is to destroy the defense system in the city of Merida, Mexico. It is said that those waste-like Mexican government forces were stopped by a group of guerrillas.

Night flight requires full attention, but Colonel Crowd is flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters at this moment, which is a very fuel-efficient and very safe altitude. He is in contact with the returning fleet, and the two sides have time to talk about supper or something?

The wingman said on the radio: "Lieutenant Colonel, I'm a bit tired of this flight. The bombs I threw were more valuable than the targets we destroyed. Why don't we attack Havana directly? I'm already famous for the 'Cat's Claw Club' Long."

Hahaha ..., Colonel Claude laughed a few times, "Don't ask me why? Politicians always think too much, in fact I also want to set foot in Havana to enjoy it. I have travelled to Cuba many times before, The girls there are all enthusiastic. "

After talking about Colonel Crowd, he laughed again, but this time he could not hear the voice of the wingman pilot. On the radio was a confused and panicked scream from my colleague, "Hell, what's going on? I'm locked, the radar alarm is alerting. There are enemies around!"

Radar warning machine is alarming?

The first reaction of Lieutenant Colonel Crowd was that their fighters were spotted by ground-based anti-aircraft radar, but the problem is that they are on the sea! All the way through, they were under the protection of their own battleships, and no hostile warships could be active.

At this time Colonel Crowd's landline also suddenly sounded an alarm sound, and the omnidirectional radar warning machine clearly showed that the danger came from the front!

Damn it!

Dense warning sounds indicate that the secret opponent has completed the fire control lock and the attack is likely on the way. Claude immediately burst into cold sweat, he shouted 'avoidance', and quickly controlled the fighter to roll and try to escape.

Crowder also adjusted the radar mode. Three targets appeared directly in front of the scanner, two were identified as friendly aircraft, and the farthest was the enemy.

"Fuk, this guy actually locked us two hundred kilometers away." Claude immediately calmed down, he quickly informed his wingman, and contacted the friendly aircraft in front and the air base in the rear at a rapid speed.

There are not many missiles capable of hitting 200 kilometers, and Crowder felt that he would not be unlucky. Although it is known that the Aurora Corps has F-22 and F-35 in hand, it may be discovered by F-16's radar at such a long distance. This must be the same three-generation aircraft as them.

"Don't be afraid. The enemy has only one fighter plane. We are separated from left to right and pinch the target from both sides." Colonel Crowd was very experienced. You know that air combat is also tactical, and simple coordination can make all the efforts of the opponent futile.

The two F-16s returning forward were also rolling and turning around. They are even more threatened and desperate for countermeasures. Crowder thought about it, thinking that he would have to get close to the distance to kill the reckless opponent on the other side.

Because the two F-16 fleets came out to perform ground attack missions this time, most of them were laser-guided bombs, and only two poor ‘rattlesnake ’s were defending themselves. Don't look at the Rattlesnake's maximum range of tens of kilometers, but its effective range is actually more than ten kilometers.

"It doesn't matter, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. As long as we cooperate, 'Rattlesnake' can kill that idiot." Claude encouraged his teammates on the radio. He has not conducted air combat for many years, even in the Middle East. The Gulf region has not shot down any enemy aircraft.

"My blood is tumbling, my heart is beating, my heart is shouting. Praise God, I finally have a chance ..." Colonel Crowd was carrying out a pre-war prayer to boost morale, but it was suddenly transmitted on the radio The panic call was the returning fleet that had just completed the turn.

"I'm Locke 60. My wingman was shot down and my opponent was equipped with a medium-range round. Repeatedly, my wingman was shot down. I'm preparing to parachute."

The shout stopped abruptly, and the radio was quiet for a few seconds. Enclave Air Force Base in Florida in the rear yelled like crazy and kept asking what happened?

The prayer oath was only half said, and Colonel Crowd was stuck. He stared at the two dots that disappeared on the radar screen and mumbled unbelievably: "Hell, the opponent was equipped with a medium-range bomb, and we just lost two F-16s."

And at this moment, Didi's radar warning machine is still urging it!

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