Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1424: give up

"Hahaha ... the turtle grandsons didn't bring any shots!" In one breath, he flipped through his opponent's four F-16s. Zhou Qingfeng was as happy as a child in his fighter.

Taking one to four, Uncle Zhou actually has some danger. The F-16 is very flexible. If the two returning F-16s carry medium-range rounds, they will fire a few rounds of AIM-120D ‘Amram’ if they turn around properly.

This is like fighting bayonet on the battlefield, with similar equipment and morale, more people definitely win less.

However, this time the Incret made a big deal. In the past, the Aurora Corps has only used propeller fighters. It stands to reason that F-16s with close-range combat bombs are sufficient for any situation, but they obviously did not expect that they would encounter a J-15.

After finishing work, Zhou Qingfeng contacted the aircraft carrier 'Kennedy' on the west coast of Mexico to prepare to return. When he landed on the deck at night, the first news he received was a bad news. Enclave launched revenge.

"We just received a report that Havana was attacked by ballistic missiles." Katerina on the aircraft carrier avoided others and personally told Zhou Qingfeng about the situation. "Inkley clearly wanted to attack our military forces and they destroyed us Two arsenals located outside Havana.

The destroyed arsenal stores your army equipment, including artillery, armored vehicles, radar, and communications equipment. Probably a division's weapons and ammunition are all gone.

I don't know if we should be lucky or unfortunate, our casualties are not large. Because the arsenal is far from the city and the city has a curfew. The residents of Havana heard the explosion at most, but they didn't know exactly what happened. We are currently announcing that the Army is conducting artillery exercises. "

This situation is like pouring a basin of cold water, Zhou Qingfeng took a deep breath and exhaled for a long time. He also whispered, "Ballistic missiles? Enclave is really a thick family, and he gave me a slap with his hands."

"Our analysis is an Army tactical missile launched by the M270 rocket gun. With a range of 300 kilometers, it can be easily hit from southern Florida to Havana."

Katrina continued to whisper: "At present, Havana is evacuating, and Lena is a little panicked. She said that the drone monitored that the Enclave's blockade fleet was approaching, and it is likely that there will be artillery attacks."

This is really a big hit!

"Damn Johnson, did he get it?" Zhou Qingfeng scolded the former NASA rocket expert who was implementing the 'Dongfeng Plan'. The situation became more urgent and he couldn't help getting angry. "If he can't figure it out, I have to shoot his entire team."

"You are useless in a hurry." Caterina was still calm, "It is impossible to lose nothing in the war. Also, you are not allowed to return to Merida. Qin Weidong just sent a report saying that the three divisions of Mexico The government has just started a general offensive. "

The war is intensifying. In order to win, some things must be traded off. Zhou Qingfeng squeezed his forehead and paced back and forth on the deck. After thinking for a while, he said, "We can't be beaten so passively, we have to think of a way. Especially Havana must not be messy."

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's grim expression, Katerina asked with frost: "What do you want to do?"

"Incredible obviously wants to get full Havana, so it is currently attacking our military targets around Havana. What if we give them specific locations for these military targets?"

"You want to give them fake targets a delay? The enemy has air dominance and can evaluate the results of the battle. This can't be kept for too long!"

"No, I gave them the real goal. Didn't they want to bomb my arsenal? I didn't just bring over one division's equipment, we had several divisions."

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's decisiveness, Katerina chuckled, "You are willing? Those equipment can cost you a lot of money."

At that time, Zhou Qingfeng purchased a bunch of retired army equipment from the rabbit army from the ultra-low price of `` a division of two billion soft sister coins '' in the form of large purchases, which cost him a total of 12 billion. Half of this was given to fellow Africans, and the other half formed an army in Havana.

Although purchased at the price of scrap iron, the total amount of 12 billion soft sister coins still gave Zhou Qingfeng a debt, but it was only after a lot of waste equipment was poured out to fill the pit. Now he is going to use this batch of arms as bait to attract the firepower of Incre.

"Big deal, I will get a few more divisions of arms and continue to use various high-tech waste equipment to pay off debts." Zhou Qingfeng resentfully said: "In short arms can be lost, but Havana must not be lost. Lao Tzu is so stable The site must be preserved. "

Katrina nodded, knowing that there was no other way. She added: "How do you plan to attract Enclave to bomb?"

Zhou Qingfeng chuckled, "Isn't there a few moles inside us? Let them pass on the message."

The command of the regiment passed to Havana via encrypted communication and was sent all the way to the 'Cat's Claw Club' in the city. Milta is now looking through the documents in her office with closed doors and windows.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. A rumbling sound came from outside the city in the early hours of the morning. During the period, the sky was accompanied by a thunderous light. At first glance, it looks like a thunderstorm, but you can tell that it should be a violent explosion.

Because of the curfew, irrelevant people are forbidden to move around the city, the news spreads more slowly, and the panic caused by the violent explosion is still under control. But Mirta's scalp was stunned by a thunderous noise, and she could only use her work to divert her attention.

In the middle of the night, Bangbang knocked on the door a few times, and Mirta's secretary came in from outside the room. "Madam, the commander of the army just gave the order himself."

The decoded secret message was placed next to Mirta, and she grabbed a glance and saw: "Immediately control the Mole No. 2 and let it do the following ..."

The command is only a few lines long, but the list is a whole bunch. Mirta didn't quite understand why such a measure would be implemented, but she knew she was finally about to debut.

"Notify our action team that it is time to work." Mirtahoar stood up and told the secretary, "Whether we can enter the upper class depends on this operation."

At the time, Marshall formed the Military Intelligence Bureau to focus on selecting elites, but the anti-espionage organizations built by Mirta were mostly the three religions of the society and the city flies.

These people are desperate to change their lives and status, and Mirta, an institution without a name, is extremely attractive to them.

Mirta led the team in person, and two humble limousines drove out of the cat's claw club to the officer's accommodation in the city. As the manager of the "Cat's Paw Club", she let the soldiers responsible for the security of the accommodation area release, and the name of "Ms. Black Gauze" made the soldiers look a lot more.

It's not bright yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ Get off a few charming women from Mirta's car. They easily knocked on the door of Fanoist's room.

"What's the matter?" East, in his pajamas, was still sleepy, and he looked at the pretty woman at the door. "Did you knock on the wrong door?"

"You ordered late-night service, so we came."

"No, I don't want any 'late night service.'"

In the face of a smiling, dusty woman, Fenoist was indifferent to close. But the woman at the door put an electric shocker under his rib. The sparks crackled when he was about to fall.

"I want you to order our service." Milta, who was wearing a black veil, slowly walked into the door and looked at the number two mole who was carried to the sofa by his own hands. Idiot? We know exactly what you have done, so Your Excellency the Legion asked me to ask you a few questions. "

He heard such a speech that night, and Fenoist, who was twitching, stared at his speech, and felt a cold heart.

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