Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1426: Lonely knight

What is the best anti-ship missile for the Bunny family? Eagle strike 12 击!

Supersonic flight throughout, the maximum speed at the end is four Mach, the maximum range of high ballistics exceeds 300 kilometers. Inertial plus satellite plus terminal active radar guidance. A two-hundred-kilogram half-piercing warhead can easily reimburse a battleship of less than 10,000 tons as long as it hits.

This stuff is prepared for the various large ships of the Eagle Sauce family.

But the thief is not vegetarian. The 'Aegis' system on 'Alibaba' has been developed to the seventh generation. The latest model of the 'Standard-3' air defense missile can even be used to defend ballistic missiles, and the 'Standard-6' is used to intercept fighters and anti-ships. The missile's capabilities are also super strong.

Rabbit's naval personnel have not eased from the surprise that Zhou Qingfeng fired four air-to-air missiles, and then heard that he was going to deal with 'Alibek.' Everyone seeing him is almost like seeing a neurosis.

This requires reporting to the high level of the military, and at the same time, there are naval officers on the 'fishing ship' to discuss with Zhou Qingfeng from a professional perspective. Now the war is systemic combat. Difficult to deal with 'Alibek.'

"First of all, this level of light early warning aircraft cannot pass."

After Zhou Qingfeng landed, he ate and drank in the cafeteria of the "Yuezheng Boat". His origins are mysterious, but his driving skills are not bad. Previous air combat exercises have pitted several veterans. At this moment there were several professional staff and pilots sitting by him, chatting and eating.

As the biggest 'cent', the Bunny Navy is facing tremendous military pressure. Neither Japan nor South Korea is a good stubble in the monster house of East Asia, and a thief eagle stands behind them to maintain the blockade of the first island chain.

How to deal with ‘Alibek’ is something that the staff of the Bunny Navy has pondered countless times. Zhou Qingfeng only mentioned the beginning, and someone later automatically connected the conversation.

"Well ... the enemy doesn't have an aircraft carrier, so you don't need to consider the ship-borne early warning aircraft."

"But land-based early warning aircraft, anti-submarine aircraft, and electronic fighter aircraft are also indispensable?"

"Lucky, there is a squadron of F-16s. But you're right, if things get easier, maybe the enemy will send an early warning aircraft."

"There is a land-based early warning aircraft, and the J-15 can be found 400 kilometers away. Basically, there is no way to approach the" Alibek. "This is why we need to develop a stealth fighter, which is to penetrate the enemy's air defense network to launch long-range air. Missiles kill the enemy's high-value targets. "

The discussion was a little joke. However, Zhou Qingfeng's stomach was full of frowns. He lived on a warship that day and returned to wasteland at night to call Marshall, who was hiding in Mexico City, asking the other party to get the latest update of the current Havana front as soon as possible.

Marshall now controls the whole family in Zhou Qingfeng's hands. He tried his best to contact his friends at the Enclave Ministry of Defense, collected and analyzed a large amount of information, and informed Zhou Qingfeng of the current situation of the Enclave front.

A good spy can change the battle!

Zhou Qingfeng, who received the information, was a treasure trove, although Marshall sent piecemeal communication information from multiple front-line air and sea forces, and most of them were nonsense. But it contains a lot of content such as troop movement and supply needs.

Zhou Qingfeng pulled all the staff on the aircraft carrier 'Kennedy' and analyzed them one by one. It took them only two or three hours to piece together the signs of the entire Enclave's movement on the Havana front. There are several important contents:

First, of the two "Alibek" destroyers on the Havana front, all of the main artillery shells were emptied during the first day of a shore attack by the "Jensen". It is applying to return to Pensaco, Florida. Pull supply shells.

Second, the Enclave commander of the commanding fleet has been complaining to the Enclave Ministry of Defense, saying that the crew of the two main destroyers are still lacking in training, and a lot of low-level errors have occurred in parade-like battles.

Third, Enclave did deploy an E-3 early warning aircraft in Florida, but this early warning aircraft is too busy now.

"'Jensen' applied for two F-16s to **** it. From the time of its application, this 'Alibek' should be on the way back at this moment. The other 'Black' also returned In Havana. Do you think the E-3 early warning opportunity takes care of which one? "

Zhou Qingfeng marked the chart of the enemy's warships on the chart, and also plotted the tracking range of the Enclave early warning aircraft. He looked back at Caterina, and then at the general staff who had been summoned.

This is somewhat of a bet nature. If Zhou Qingfeng had enough air power at hand, he could attack two targets naturally, but now he is alone in flying.

After thinking for a moment, Katrina said, "We don't bet, we drive two fighters."

"Two?" Zhou Qingfeng asked, "Where are the two?"

"We still have a few EA-18Gs on the aircraft carrier, and I have learned how to control them. I will go with you, and you should use the powerful electronic warfare capabilities of EA-18G." Katrina said.

Compared to fighters that need to be loaded with oil and ammunition for a large number of ground tests, the EA-18G, which is mainly equipped with electronic pods, is slightly better. Zhou Qingfeng had previously piloted an EA-18G in a national panic that scared Vietnamese monkeys in the real world.

"But you still lack a driver." Zhou Qingfeng's previous driving of the EA-18G was an electronic device that operated a rear cabin with a robotic arm. And the group of people who can now provide a robotic arm are hiding in a bomb shelter in Havana.

A group of staff members raised their hands this time, "I think I can fly the EA-18G. Although I'm not very skilled, it's okay to fly to the sky."

Raising his hand is Chen Rui, commander of the Air Force brought back from Africa by Zhou Qingfeng. This once rich second generation also enjoyed the peony benefits provided by Zhou Qingfeng, doing a good job on the aircraft carrier.

"Will you drive EA-18G?"

"Before the aircraft carrier was still in Guantanamo, I completed the virtual training on the ground and wanted to drive an F-35C. Only the F-35C was sealed, and I had a great time driving the EA-18G." Chen Rui shrugged, He laughed cheerfully: "I am the commander of the Air Force. I should have this right."

"Of course." Zhou Qingfeng laughed, but he was still reliable at the key time.

Two fighter jets ~ www.readwn.com ~ one of them was an electronic fighter jet, which greatly reduced Zhou Qingfeng's burden. A new battle plan was immediately launched under his command. Chen Rui began to practice driving EA-18G with Katrina, and he returned to the real world after waiting for a day.

"I want 'Eagle Strike-12' and hang enough 'Eagle Strike-12', as many as possible." As soon as Zhou Qingfeng came back, he asked to practice using the rabbit's latest and most severe anti-ship missile. He even ignored the Navy personnel. Painstaking advice, life and death need this thing.

No one could persuade Zhou Qingfeng, and he even said that he would hang four 'Eagle Strike-12's on the J-15. This firm attitude allowed Xiao Jinlang to do the navy work in turn. In the end, he had two 'Eagle Strike-12's mounted on the heavy-duty pylon of the J-15 fuselage.

‘Eagle Strike-12’ weighs more than two tons. Hanging two F-15s is very bulky. In order to bring enough fuel for flight, Zhou Qingfeng even cancelled other air-to-air missiles for defense.

After completing enough anti-ship training, Zhou Qingfeng drove off the aircraft carrier with only two ‘Eagle Strike-12’ fighters -15, taking off like a lone flying knight into the vast sky.

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