Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1432: guard

The heavy smoke was used to Raphael's mouth and nose. He opened his mouth and coughed violently, and it was extremely difficult to breathe. The explosion point where the M7 warhead landed was nearly 100 meters away from him. A 500-kilogram warhead and more than 100 kilograms of charge directly blasted the tank several tens of meters away.

But even a short distance apart, the shock wave of the explosion also made Raphael half dead. He dragged Best's body back and walked away for dozens of meters before leaving the smoke to see the sky.

"Best, we are really fatal. How are you ..." Raphael knelt down on the ground, breathing calmly, and looking back, the joy of nine deaths suddenly disappeared.

Just before the tank was destroyed, a grenade hit the rubble pile that Best had avoided. When Raphael was desperate to plan it out, he now saw that his comrade in arms who had been with him for many days was only half-length. No wonder it's so light.

"Hell, we don't have to jump out of the crater, we can survive if we don't jump out." Raphael yelled a few times, but he didn't weep, but fell into the sand of the city ruins, annoyed Scratched his own hair.

There is no war if ...

There are so many sad things that Raphael doesn't even know how else to express his sadness. He watched Best's body for a while, and finally hesitated to stand up and search around. He didn't find his rifle, he only picked up a dropped grenade.

Put the pull ring on the finger, Raphael clenched the grenade tightly and walked in the direction of the government forces. He felt that he was afraid that he would not survive today, and he had to find a few backs for himself and his companions before he died.

Breathing heavily and staring at red eyes, Raphael ran a distance of more than a hundred meters with a grenade, and he would want to find someone desperate. Killing one is enough, killing two is profitable. Grunting in his breath, he heard a rattle in a crater, and when he ran over, he saw a dog coming out.

The dog gave Raphael a bark. Two agile figures appeared behind the dog. Irene and Ellie cat aimed at him from the crater with guns on their waists.

The sisters were quite embarrassed at the moment, covered in mud. They lost their free and easy British spirit, but their cold faces looked extremely fierce.

Raphael held up a grenade and tried to fight desperately, but before he threw out his grenade, ‘dog meat’ swooped forward and knocked him down. Irene recognized Raphael's uniform and followed his face.

"Isn't this the kid who was the guide for us before? What's the name ... Raphael." Ellie also followed, and she let the 'dog meat' move away, but still asked with vigilance, "You What are you doing here? "

"Fight," Raphael whispered, and he recognized the two girls in front of him. He got up, patted him, and calmly asked, "Why are you here?"

"We have been staring at the third division of the mix for the last few days, and today we finally found an opportunity to provide ground guidance for ballistic missiles." Ellie pointed to a large crater just blasted out. "This is our masterpiece."

"If only you can act early." Listening to the sisters, Raphael was displeased, but breathed a sigh of relief. His shoulders slackened softly, looking at the grenade in his hand, and the expressionless ring was pushed back into the handle.

"You're fighting badly?" The sisters led Raphael back. They are now on the edge of the city, all the houses have been destroyed, and the streets no longer look the same.

There were damaged firearms and scattered cartridge cases everywhere on the ground. Raphael stepped on the floating soil in the crater to return to his original place, retrieved his rifle, and packed up several grenades. He only nodded bitterly when asked by the sisters.

awful? Of course miserable! Everyone is going to die ...

Which radio was the most valuable in the position, and the recent shelling seemed to damage it. Raphael picked it up and blew it up, shaking it, but there was no sound. He had only tucked it into his pocket and regarded it as a treasure.

The three men and one dog continued to walk back, passing the Best's body, the sisters did not care about the humble corpse. Only Raphael glanced and sighed and moved on.

A few hundred meters more went before Raphael returned to the current front of the security forces. As a result of the severe missile attack, the offensive of the Mexican government forces completely collapsed, and teams of security forces reserve teams are starting to pursue the enemy.

The two sisters came to an officer and asked, "Hello, my name is Ellie. We want to know where Qin Weidong's command is?"

The twin maids around the legion leader knew that they were not in the minority. The officer in question was marshaling in a worn military uniform and took the time to say, "Hello, my name is Yue Hao, and I'm temporarily editing the commander of the Third Regiment.

I don't know where Commander Qin's headquarters is, only radio contact. You can go to the city center and ask someone. In your capacity, someone will take you there. "

Ellie nodded and glanced at Yue Hao's epaulets. "You are an artillery? I heard you are fighting hard."

Yue Hao sighed, "We were fighting tenaciously, but the casualties were too great. The damned Inkley Air Force has been staring at us, and the artillery battalion is almost dead. There are no more artillery in the city, and my commander is temporary Yes, in fact, I only have one battalion added. "

"Thank you for the guided missiles, I have to set off to chase the soldiers and restore my position." After speaking, Yue Hao saluted the sisters and hurried away with deployment. He didn't talk much, everything was busy fighting.

Everyone on the battlefield was in a hurry, and recruits with simple weapons followed the officers away. The sisters also set off on their way to the city center again, passing by houses that collapsed one after another, and even saw the Governor's Mansion destroyed by the incendiary bomb.

In the end, the two sisters saw Qin Weidong in a humble collapse for several days. Raphael had insufficient positions and was arranged to rest outside the headquarters.

Not long after sitting down, Raphael heard a hoarse and excited voice inside the fortification, shouting: "Although the loss was great, we kept Merida, and Havana was still under Legion control.

The legionnaire personally shot and killed an enemy destroyer, forcing the enemy's air and sea blockade force to retreat. We are going to counterattack, we are going to counterattack!

When it comes to propaganda, we need to talk about our current sacrifice, but even more about our future.

What does it matter if Havana is destroyed, the entire Mexico will belong to us, the entire Latin America will be our trophy, and the entire Caribbean Sea will become our territory. We will have tickets for the North American continent and it will be a great victory! "

What propaganda missions seem to be being arranged in the headquarters ~ www.readwn.com ~ Raphael doesn't know who is talking, but a slightly husky young female voice is also talking. Immediately he heard the sound, he turned his head and probed into the command.

After a while, a young girl came out of the collapsed fortifications. Seeing her eyes flushed, Raphael said with courage and asked, "Excuse me, is Miss Utherman in the command?"

The young girl raised her head and smiled tiredly, saying, "I'm Utherman."

"You ... hello." Raphael suddenly didn't know what to say. He smirked for a while and took the damaged radio out of his pocket. "We've been listening to your broadcast. We like you very much, really Like it very much. My companion even kissed the radio and said he wanted to guard you. "

"Really?" Utherman smiled happily when he heard this. "Thank you, thank you. Where are your companions?"

"He ... he was blown to death, just a moment ago." Raphael's tone dropped momentarily. "But he was brave before he died, he fulfilled his promise, and he did guard you."

Utherman followed with sadness and tears.

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