Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1434: Nuclear explosion

"The **** wants to bomb me with a nuclear bomb?" The message was transmitted back and forth in the airwaves. Zhou Qingfeng, who was staying on the sea carrier a few times, knew this terrible news. "I also want to use a nuclear bomb to bomb Inkley. It's just that Lao Tzu's nuclear missile is not ready yet. "

President Corning was determined to have a nuclear explosion in Havana, and the news immediately reached the ears of the five brothers of the Brotherhood of Steel. Not only was David Lawrence of New York jumping, but several other forces that had never been associated with the Aurora Corps sent alarms.

In terms of strength, mastering the Enclave of California and Texas surpasses the Brotherhood of Steel. In addition, the Brotherhood of Steel was divided into five local forces, each of which looked great, but each was far worse than Inkley.

The Aurora Corps disrupted Enclave in the Caribbean, and the Five Brothers of the Iron Brotherhood were absolutely happy to see it happen. If Victor Hugo is finished, the Brotherhood of Steel will be under more pressure.

After receiving the news, the five leaders of the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel immediately issued a joint statement demanding that both the Inkley and the Aurora Legion be restrained and immediately cease fire and use negotiations to solve the problem. Everyone said in unison that no one was allowed to use nuclear weapons.

President Corning followed by saying he would not use nuclear weapons and was willing to negotiate. But then he didn't move.

Zhou Qingfeng received the news that it had been more than half a day since Enclave's decision to explode. The five major leaders of the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel all said, "Nuclear warheads have been extracted from secret reserve bases. At most, it is detected that the aircraft is installed and then bombed. Just one day.

Now we are pressing Inkley to give up this crazy plan. We are also worried about whether Enclave will go crazy and explode us.

The next situation is likely to be that the Brotherhood of Steel and Inkley are ready to blast each other, but no one dares to take action. The only thing I'm going to do is fear that the Enclave nuclear explosion in Havana. So hurry up and evacuate the inhabitants of Havana. "

The chiefs of the Brotherhood of Steel apparently just came to warn, one by one, scared to death by President Corning's madness. At this time, no one will really fight a nuclear war for the Aurora Corps.

This year, I was afraid of being afraid, and being afraid of being stupid, stupid afraid of death. Zhou Qingfeng was arrogant at best, but now he is stupid. When he heard the news, he was extremely manic, and it was amazing to have a nuclear bomb. I also have it!

Zhou Qingfeng finally saw someone who was crazy and unreasonable than himself. He originally tossed ‘Dongfeng-3’ to give Mexico City a shot so that he could successfully occupy the entire Mexico. But now he has been forced to publicly announce that he also has a nuclear warhead.

Fortunately, Havana's civilian broadcasting system is still in place. Zhou Qingfeng, as the commander of the army, published the ‘Letter to All Residents of the Legion’, publicly announced the number and model of nuclear bombs he owned, and even announced its history.

The meaning is obvious, and it is also warning Enclave not to mess around with more than one of you.

Zhou Qingfeng even announced some details of his 'Dongfeng' plan, telling the world that he owns ballistic missiles.

As a result, Enclave said, "I don't believe that there is no long-range ballistic missile in the world." I do n’t even have Inkley, why do you have it? Unless you let me check it.

I'm stupid to let you check!

The severity of the incident became beyond imagination. Even Zhou Qingfeng didn't expect that the Enclave had thought of him together, and both sides hoped to use nuclear weapons to get the final result. Failure to win a conventional war is called the use of nuclear weapons. There are too many rogues in this world.

While ordering Havana to accelerate its withdrawal from the urban population, Zhou Qingfeng continued to publicize the nuclear forces in his possession. At this moment, he incarnates `` golden fat man '', trying to make himself look better, intending to deter his opponents from provoking himself easily.

But the Enclave really followed the temper of the US government that year. Do you have weapons of mass destruction? I don't admit it, I don't believe it. If so, why was it so badly beaten by me? You must be lying to me!

Yes, Zhou Qingfeng's words also looked bluffing in the eyes of the leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel. If the Aurora Corps really has a ballistic missile capable of attacking thousands of kilometers and carrying nuclear warheads, why is it so badly blocked by the Enclave?

Havana's openness has gathered intelligence personnel of all forces here, and everyone can easily obtain the situation where the Aurora Army was violently engulfed by Enclave.

The various military facilities and reserve weapons that Zhou Qingfeng has worked hard to build in the past two years have basically been completely destroyed. Although the only two counterattacks are beautiful, this will not change the huge gap between the two sides.

Suspected of this, Zhou Qingfeng had completely vomited blood. He said he had nuclear weapons but no one believed it, and he was not ready for nuclear weapons alone!

Zhou Qingfeng, who has reached a state of madness, can only hurried to his ‘Dongfeng’ project base in Matanzas. This base, which is completely guarded by Chinese from Africa, is his biggest killer.

After arriving at the base, Zhou Qingfeng directly caught Professor Johnson who was in charge of the place and asked, "What's going on with 'Dongfeng-3'? I must use it now to deter Incre, otherwise the whole Hawa will be finished Now. "

In the past, Professor Johnson has always been an elegant scholar, confident, generous, and friendly. This is what an old churros that have been asking the Congress for funds for years should look like. But facing Zhou Qingfeng in the base's humble office, he took off his glasses and wiped them.

"My Excellency, I have to admit that I deceived you. The missile was ready half a month ago, and I have been delaying it." Professor Johnson put his glasses back on and decided to face the reality openly, "You can think of me Suddenly called by God, I don't want you to use this missile. "

"Inspiring a ghost! You want to die, don't you?" Hearing this news, Zhou Qingfeng was really furious this time. He stepped forward and grabbed Professor Johnson's neck collar, holding him directly. "You dare to even play with me?"


"Head of the army, it is impossible for Incre to use nuclear weapons. They are more rational. They just want to persecute us. All problems can be solved through negotiations.

I recently wanted to understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ A nuclear bomb will kill many people. Would you sympathize with the world? We have died too many people. "

The old professor knelt directly on Zhou Qingfeng's knees, holding his thigh in tears and crying, "I don't want to bear the crime of destroying the world. We must have other ways, there are other ways to solve the problem."

This is the sudden outbreak of Notre Dame disease, and this is the cost of having no one in the key position. Zhou Qingfeng was so angry that his hair had to be erected one by one, and he couldn't help but choke Professor Johnson to death. When he died, he lost one missile expert.

Zhou Qingfeng was about to dismiss Johnson's position and let someone else replace him. At this moment, a communications officer hurried over and approached him with a pale face. He said in a heavy voice: "Honest Commander, Miss Fox sent a telegram, The city was destroyed by a nuclear bomb! "


A word was not loud, but it made Zhou Qingfeng like Lei. The old professor holding his thigh shouted several impossibility, fell pale on the ground and passed out.

Zhou Qingfeng was full of anger and could not come out. The whole brain buzzed and the Feng Shui took turns. There was a day when I was nuclear-blasted!

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