Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1437: Cold-blooded

Matanzas is more than 80 kilometers from Havana, just outside the scope of the killing of a nuclear bomb. Rachel arrived here to show her support for the Aurora Corps. By the way, if you need help?

Walking out of the airship landing point is Matanzas's containment camp. Rachel was also worried that the legion that was in distress would be a messy mess, but in fact, the entire Matanzas, in addition to a large number of temporary tents, was a variety of soldiers armed with guns.

"I don't expect you to be in good order here." Rachel walked freely accompanied by Zhou Qingfeng, very satisfied with the situation in the containment area. "I also worry about seeing a mess."

Many children are playing around in the tent. They did not understand the power of the nuclear bomb at all, but they were very happy. The standing soldier paid tribute to Zhou Qingfeng, and Zhou Qingfeng saluted as a reply. Rachel ran to the corner of the skirt to play with the children for a while, and distributed some candy.

Everything looks harmonious.

"All the containment areas are in such good order?" Rachel was very happy when she returned to Zhou Qingfeng, and saw Havana's tragic depression disappear sharply.

When accompanied by Zhou Qingfeng, he also ordered the distribution of relief materials, which were donated by the Brotherhood who arrived with Rachel. Most are medicines with a small amount of food and household appliances.

After the order was issued, many white and Han Chinese came out of the tent in this containment area. Look at their face and body shape is the middle class with good nutrition.

Regarding Rachel's question, Zhou Qingfeng explained: "Matassas contains the core members of the Legion, most of them are members of the Legion government and the military, and there are about 100,000 people. These people are the priority of the Legion and live. Materials are guaranteed. "

"Really ..." Hearing this, Rachel probably thought that she should be a model area in front of her, certainly not the worst. "I hope to go to the bottom of society. You don't need to take care of my emotions too much. I hope that I can help those who need it most."

Zhou Qingfeng poked his lips. "We don't have any society at the moment, only the division of labor is different. If you want to see other containment areas, you need to change places."

Rachel nodded, followed by Zhou Qingfeng from Matanzas to the east for dozens of kilometers, arrived at a place called Cardenas. It's farther from Havana, and Rachel couldn't even believe her eyes when she got out of the car. "This is the place to host refugees?"

Cardenas has a large area of ​​farmland. There is no tent area in Matanzas, only ordinary homes. The people who live here are calm and peaceful, and they are not experiencing the flames of war.

"After the nuclear winter, the Legion began to develop the entire Cuba and evacuated the agricultural population from Havana a year ago. Cardenas was originally abandoned and later became an agricultural settlement. The dwellings were originally there. Liveable. About 10,000 people are here. "

Cardenas was originally a small town, mainly agricultural, with a port. Rachel took a car around the town, and she even saw many large ships parked by the harbor.

Before waiting for his wife and mother to ask, Zhou Qingfeng took the initiative to explain: "Each boat is a suitable place to live for one or two thousand people, carrying thousands of tons of materials. Very good containment tool."

Rachel came to pay her condolences. She had made all her psychological preparations and filled her tears, but now the situation is stable and harmonious. The wives and mothers felt that these residents did not want to be the miserable look of their homes, but they were quite comfortable.

"Victor, tell me the truth, how much did you lose?" The wife and mother couldn't help wondering. She put away her pitiful heart, and repositioned the tall man in front of her as the commander of the army. "Are you showing me the worst situation?"

From all past examples, people who despise this guy have no good food.

Zhou Qingfeng was personally putting candy for the children in the town and announced loudly that these were sent to them by Ms. Rachel Conner. The children who received the candy all came politely to thank Rachel for saluting, and then the screaming screamer continued to play wildly.

When Zhou Qingfeng returned to his side, Rachel asked again, "The residents here have no fear at all, as if the nuclear bomb attack did not happen at all. Shouldn't you have any more ghosts? Your territory has suffered A nuclear bomb, are you still so calm? "

"Do you think I have set up a conspiracy?" Zhou Qingfeng chuckled a few times. He walked to Rachel and sighed, "I don't want to lie to you because it doesn't make sense. But things are more important than you think Simple, and there is no conspiracy.

As I said just now, the Legion has been redeveloping Cuba for a year. Havana's population is being diverted. The agricultural population has begun to expand externally, which is also reducing the population pressure in Havana and providing employment.

At the peak of the Legion, there were about 1.8 million people, of which one million were agricultural people. Next is industrial and commercial and manufacturing, about 100,000. There are also government agencies and the military system, with more than 50,000 people. There are more than 100,000 in the service industry.

In other words, the Legion has an effective population of about 1.3 million. At the time of the Enclave bombardment of Hava, these people were either out of town or were being evacuated. These people were resettled before the nuclear bombing in Enclave. "

When Rachel heard this, her lips opened slightly, and I realized it would be like this. She glanced at Zhou Qingfeng with a slightly unpleasant glance and said, "Interesting, very interesting.

There is no one who can be said to be the most cunning in the world. No one can match your Victor Hugo. You lied to us all! "

Zhou Qingfeng shook his head, "No, I didn't lie to anyone. I didn't know that Enclave would attack me with a nuclear bomb. In fact, before the nuclear bomb hit, Havana still had more than 100,000 police officers and some residents. I spent It took a lot of effort to withdraw these people.

Don't think that I haven't lost anything. Havana has been a city I focused on for the past two years. Now all my efforts are in vain. The original administrative system needs to be rebuilt, because the hardware facilities have disappeared. "

Considering the destruction of a city in the other side, it is indeed a heavy loss. Rachel was unconscious and sad for the other side, she comforted: "Don't worry, we will help you. But you still have half a million inhabitants?"

Simple calculation also knows that a large part of the population just mentioned by Zhou Qingfeng has not fallen. Rachel mentioned this a little, his head bowed slightly, and his voice was soothing, "there are those people who are not effectively ruling the population."

Rachel was tight in her heart, staring at Zhou Qingfeng.

Zhou Qingfeng didn't seem to want to say it, but in the end, he said, "In the past year or more, Incre has intentionally let a large number of people enter Cuba, the number of which is about one million. Among them, I can take care of the absorption, and I take care of it as much as possible .

But most of these people are urban poor, basically illiterate, most of them are black, without any survival skills. They can't farm, they can't work, and they have a bad temper. They used to be social dregs who received social assistance. They used to hang out on the streets, and now they haven't changed.

In the past, the US government could still support them, but Incret gave them to me as a burden. To be honest, I don't want this group of guys who can only cause trouble, but I haven't figured out how to deal with it, and even set aside relief to support these 500,000 useless people.

When I evacuated the urban population ~ www.readwn.com ~ those social dregs began to smash and rob. So I simply borrowed the nuclear bomb of Incre and cleared up this burden. "

Rachel's eyes were incredible, "You didn't tell them to evacuate?"


"You watched them killed by the nuclear bomb?"


"That's half a million people, just because they're useless to you, just because you think they're bored, and just because they are the bottom of society, you let them die?"

"Yes, half a million people will only be more, not less. Those should be the 'bottom of society' you think, but they are all done now."

Pa ..., Rachel raised her hand and gave Zhou Qingfeng a slap.

The wife's wife's brain was messed with ruthless words, and she almost broke down and cried, "God, why do I meet all of you cold-blooded guys? Why do you people become superiors? Why do you Tell me this? You bastard! "

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