Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1452: Bloodlight Plague

"Victor, is this the level of fighting in your country?"

"This group of people is not fighting at all. They are just juggling. Although it is embarrassing to admit it, the overall atmosphere in our country in terms of fitness and fighting is quite bad. Many people who do this are scammers."

The butcher just flew up on his own. After the initial shock, everyone at the scene regarded it as some kind of weird performance. After all, his current identity is an actor.

However, Miss Fox continued to attract the attention of everyone. After all, compared with the butchery butcher, beauties are always more popular and privileged.

On the contrary, on the other hand, the master of parallel imports thought that Zhou Qingfeng's group of people were specially entrusted by the organizers. Otherwise, it could not be explained that Mao Butcher fell down by himself. Now that Miss Fox is playing, they are even more excited and hardworking.

"Growing flower martial arts requires training from an early age. I taught martial arts at my own age. From the age of five, I wore waistbands, leggings, and horsebacks. After decades of hard work, I am now a Tai Chi master." Turn on boast mode.

After exaggerating himself, the master of parallel imports still shook her head to the fox who came up to challenge: "You are late in martial arts now, you can't pull your bones and muscles, and you can never have much success."

Zhou Qingfeng was sitting behind and could n’t listen anymore. If he had the ability to boast, he wouldn't have to say anything, but in front of them all the acrobatic troupes were futile and their eyes were messy. Looking at them was not a master.

And Miss Fox did not receive systematic fighting training. When she saw that her opponent was a relatively big and strong ‘big disciple’, she also learned to put on a boxing posture like a butcher and was eager to try.

The other big disciple across was relaxed, all he had to do was perform hard qigong. This kind of interaction with big stars has always been easy. Everyone is highlighting the word 'play'. The actress on the other side is very beautiful. What about some fan punches? Just tickle it.

But at this time Zhou Qingfeng stepped up slowly and said to the host: "Do you mind if I teach Lina a trick on the spot?"

Oh? Learn and sell now!

Where is Zhou Qingfeng's celebrity? His joke-like statement cannot be rejected, and everyone should only be involved by multiple people. But Uncle Zhou came up with a very serious attitude.

"Lina, there are two actions. The first: the right leg is slightly bent, the left foot is stepped forward, and the left arm runs straight to the right; the second is: the left leg is slightly bent, the right foot is stepped forward, and the right arm is moved left. Straight punch. "

Zhou Qingfeng said as he was doing, his movement was very slow. To put it simply, to match the pace, left-click and right-click, then right-click and left-click. The left and right attacks alternate, and the limbs move in one go. He hit the stage from one end to the other.

"My name is Wang Baquan." Zhou Qingfeng amused the audience with a word. No one cares too much about this rude way of playing, just to watch a star variety show.

The acrobatic troupe didn't take it seriously. They watched Miss Fox follow Zhou Qingfeng and rehearsed. The big disciple also said cheerfully: "This boxing is good, great. I want to learn it when I look at it."

Hehehe ..., the two sides reopened their positions, and everyone was waiting to see the excitement. Zhou Qingfeng, who had a bad stomach, patted Lina on the shoulder, and whispered, "Take the punch as fast as possible and hit the other's chest."

Miss Fox has never done anything with her, and now the big disciple is an excellent meat target. The big disciple who confronted her stepped forward and said with a smile: "Come on, beauties, please, you can do whatever you want."

As soon as the voice fell ... Miss Fox moved.

Step out of your leg to block punches.

Fighting moves are simple. Putting up the shelves is a waste of time. A distance of two or three meters flew by. Lina Fox was the weakest and fastest in the five-member group, but she also struck NTZ-49 to strengthen it. A cold attack can definitely upset someone.

Which big disciple was still laughing one second before, and the next second he felt a flower in front of his eyes and a punch in his chest. Although Miss Fox is wearing gloves, the strength of the fist is not weak. She punched in the past, and whoever felt the opposite of her chest felt stuffy. She couldn't get up in a single breath, and fell softly.

Well, why is this woman so fast? Why is it so strong? !!

The scene was silent at this moment, and after a while there was another exclamation, all kinds of sighs coming and going. No one on the stage or the stage expected that the petite Miss Fox had knocked her opponent down with a punch.

The acrobatic troupe rushed to help his big brother. Which one fell down was just a sigh of sigh. After calming down, he quickly waved and shouted: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm okay, just a mistake. No ... It's not a mistake. I'm just cooperating with the big stars. "

It's just okay, which big disciple's weak hands and feet and cold sweat can't make a fake. Several close-ups at the scene came down, and no one would believe his words.

With one success, Miss Fox increased her confidence. She was still shouting cheerfully: "Come again, come again, I can hit two."

This beating does not hit his face, how can he eat after eating?

The master of parallel imports is also anxious. This face can affect whether he can collect money for cheating in the future. He agreed to Miss Fox's challenge. But there is no need to hit two, he himself went on.

But this time it wasn't just being beaten. The master said, this time it is ‘Tai Chi Boxing…. Fighting Western Fighting Skills’.

The two stood up again, and the guru took a step in the word, and then went back and forth. He lifted his hands with a ‘fairy pine welcoming guest’, his palms spread out and looked smart. This tuna pays attention to the change of yin and yang, and the true meaning of Taoism is hidden in the movement.

The opposite Fox missed the first battle, and her morale was high. Waiting for the host to say a few words to the end of the polite words, she immediately rushed over again. With the experience she had just now, she was stronger and faster this time, and she smashed into the presence of the Grand Master with a yell.

The two hands of "Xiansong Yingke" did not form any defense ~ www.readwn.com ~ The master didn't respond at all, and was hit by a small fox with a punch. After this punch, the master was not as good as his big disciple, and he fell without humming.

"Master, what's wrong with you, Master?" A group of disciples gathered around, and quickly carried his Master aside. Everyone at the scene was a little bit confused, and more of a collective sigh that almost lost the face of planting martial arts!

After a while of work, the Grand Master got himself up. Saying ‘Nothing, nothing’, “I ’ve recently broken boxing to the highest level of“ Refining God and returning to the void ”. The internal force expansion is a bit uncontrollable, so I ’m afraid to move. I ’m afraid I ’m too strong to hurt people.

A group of disciples nodded one after another, indicating that their master had indeed been too strong recently and had injured several brothers. The master asked in turn, "Miss Fox, haven't you been hurt by my internal forces?"

Lina smiled slyly and said in Chinese: "I'm sorry, I've been a bit uncontrollable and I've accidentally injured you recently. And I guess you will soon have a **** disaster."

The guru stretched out his hand, and she was hit with a nosebleed by Miss Fox's punch!

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