Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1462: Crashed

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Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Genghis Khan Square.

The newly elected Mongolian President is holding a military parade here to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the founding of Mongolia. The new president, a judo athlete, has always advertised himself as a genuine Mongolian, and his favorite thing during the campaign was to denigrate his opponents' pedigree.

Now that he has become the ruler of more than one million square kilometers of land, His Excellency the new President is proud. We need to know that countries like Britain, France, Germany, and Japan are only hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, which is far inferior to Mongolia.

At the moment in front of the parade, a line of Mongolian guards of honour were lined up in the square. This is the style of the guard left by Genghis Khan. The new president suddenly became grand and proud, and felt that at this moment he was also the most powerful Genghis Khan.

"What a mighty army!" His Excellency the new President is satisfied, the guard of honor is followed by the armored convoy, and there is still such a mighty power in the roar of the outdated.

"Ah, that's a classic T-54 tank, made in Russia."

"There are also classic BMP-1 armored vehicles, which we also produced in Russia."

"There are self-propelled artillery behind, all of them are made by Russia."

As a close ally and a guest of honor, His Excellency Sergei, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the Bear Federation, participated in the parade. Looking at the various antiques entering the venue, he kept commenting like he was praised.

His Excellency the new President is not unhappy, instead he said affectionately to his fur friends: "Thanks to the Soviets who rescued Mongolia from the claws of planting flowers nearly a hundred years ago, we have become an independent country."

"We are still helping you to resist the attacks from the south." His Excellency also seized the new president's hand and said with sincere eyes: "But help is not free. Dear, you should save some money for new equipment. "

This year, the bears are also poor. If there is no jujube, they have to play two shots. Maybe they can squeeze some oil and water there.

His eyes were so earnest that His Excellency the new President could hardly resist. He could n’t even break free, and could only say with the same sincerity: "Our Mongolia's economy is not good. Some time ago, it was put together by Modi of India, and he almost deceived and went bankrupt."

"You ca n’t lose your defense even if you are miserable. Look at your broken tanks. It's time to throw out the garbage dump. Buy some of our T-90S. Ah Sang said it's all right." His Excellency pointed at the square. Said it was a bad tank that has been used for almost half a century.

"And your MiG-21, too old! You need to drop parts when flying to the sky. Would you like a few Su-27? Or MiG-29? Can you buy second-hand goods if you ca n’t afford new ones? His Excellency Sergei pointed to the fighter planes in the sky passing through the square, and those old planes were all painted.

His Excellency the new President is also full of pain, who does not want to have a strong defense. He also wanted to whipped the horse to Europe and drink the Madanube. But now Mongolia's treasury is empty enough to run mice. What fighter planes to buy?

Glancing at the sky, Gu's new Mongolian president immediately found another topic, "Ah ... dear Russian friend, the next review fighter you sent passed the sky."

His Excellency Sergei was very dissatisfied with Mongolia's new president's behavior of turning aside the topic. He was too lazy to look up, but just said, "Um," we naturally sent the most advanced fighters to add a little color to the anniversary of the founding of our friends. "

While the new president is still looking at the sky, the expression on his face is more colorful. At this time he in turn seized Sergei's hand and shook, "Thanks to your Russian friends for their great support, you really sent the most advanced fighters to our celebration. I am so happy!"

Failing to squeeze the oil and water, Sergei was lethargic. He perfunctoryly said, "Yes, our Su-27 series is the most advanced, powerful and scary in the world."

"Su-27?" The new president stared at the sky a few more times. "Although it looks like, I think it seems to be a Su-27 flattened."

Shooting Su-27?

His Excellency Sergei finally looked up, watching the fighter jet slowly drifting over the horizon, and suddenly cursed in shock: the idiot sent T-50?

T-50, this is a future fighter that has not yet completed its test flight. Just a few appearances at the Moscow Air Show, it has always been the most secret presence in the Mao Xiong military body. How come to Mongolia to participate in this **** celebration?

But now that the planes are here, His Excellency Sergei cannot be caught on the spot. He sees that the new president seems very interested in this fighter, and can only play a mental explanation and say, "Oh, this is not Su-27, this is our T-50. Are you interested in the T-50? Really vision It's up!

Our T-50 has the engine with the highest thrust in the fifth-generation aircraft, and a full 20 tons of thrust ‘Target-30’. The T-50 will be the fifth generation with the fastest speed, the longest range, and the largest bomb load. It also has a very powerful avionics system, with five full radars.


Among them is the L-band anti-stealth phased array radar, and no stealth fighter can escape its detection. This information perception ability is invincible!

No F-22, F-20 is its opponent. 'Raptor' is too old, more than ten years behind T-50. The J-20 is just our botched imitator, and their engine has to be provided by us.

Such a powerful fighter, who can not stop? Dear, would you like to join us in this project? "

His Excellency Sergei used the narrative epic tone to boast the T-50 from the inside out. And Mongolia's new president is also very excited at this moment. He grabbed Sergei's hand and shouted, "Your T-50 is really too advanced. Its tail smoke is large and thick. I have never seen it before."

Uh ...? What's so thick?

His Excellency, Sergei, who had just boasted, looked up again ~ www.readwn.com ~ The T-50 was flickering past Genghis Khan Square. That cigarette ...

Damn it, it wasn't the exhaust that was pulled out, but the exhaust that was hit!

Sergei suddenly became numb.

But the new Mongolian president continued to shout with excitement: "Oh my God, your fighter actually has no pilot. What kind of stunt is this? There are no people in the cockpit. Do you say that you have improved the T-50 into a drone?

Shit ... boasting people also boast of ideas!

What drone is there? It was clear that the fighter was hit and the pilot parachuted!

A large number of people participated in the military parade on the entire Genghis Khan square. At this moment, everyone is looking up at the sudden emergence of the fighter, and countless reporters have pointed their cameras at it.

The Mongolian soldier on the ground also looked up, but no one could figure out that the plane was flying so low, so slow, so for Mao.

No, it's going to fall!

The people on the ground fled, and the joyful atmosphere of the founding of the People's Republic of China suddenly disappeared. People and vehicles were hiding around, and they felt that the fighter was about to hit their heads.

When arriving over the square, the unfortunate T-50 finally failed to support it. It lost all its power and floated for a long distance. Eventually, an upside-down onion slammed on the side of the square, which just smashed the seated Genghis Khan statue.

Suddenly ... everyone is stunned!

The new Mongolian President, who was already excited, was even more excited. He snarled and pinched Sergei's neck collar and yelled, "Your plane hit our statue of Genghis Khan and lost money!"

"I'll lose you a ghost!" Sergei was also furious, kicking the new president apart, and yelled likewise: "How many bad money is your broken statue? We just crashed a very expensive Super fighter! "

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