Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1469: inventory

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At dawn, Zhou Qingfeng also wanted to sleep late. However, when Miss Fox arrived in Paris, she flirted with hair and broke into the bedroom to pull him out for shopping.

"Can't you let Caterina take you there?" Zhou Qingfeng was holding the quilt to pretend to be dead, but she couldn't hold the magic sounds to fill her ears, and could only climb up helplessly.

In the living room of the suite, the hotel service staff were driven away, and all chores were replaced by Guoan's personnel. Minsk was lying on a large sofa and pouring wine into his mouth, and under his feet were two large travel bags.

Miss Fox is ready to go. Don't look at her rushing to pull Zhou Qingfeng, but she can start in half an hour is a miracle. Zhou Qingfeng, wearing casual clothes, sat in front of Minsk and said, "It's only seven in the morning. Is it necessary to get drunk?"

"I ended up with a **** who hated for years. I was relaxed. But I didn't sleep all night because I couldn't sleep. Now I want to get drunk, but I can't drink too much.

Minsk said this, and dragged two large bags under his feet to Zhou Qingfeng. "These were obtained from the Gusinski villa. Before I left, I opened his underground vault and picked some useful ones. My hands and feet are clean. No one can find them. Now they are yours. "

Two travelling bags opened, and Zhou Qingfeng thought he would see a lot of banknotes. In fact, there are very few monetary assets, most of which are bearer securities, and the safe keys of small private banks.

The West started as a robber and pirate at that time. One of the characteristics of its financial industry is that it likes to serve anonymous users, emphasizing confidentiality. Services of this nature are particularly suitable for storing unseen wealth, and access to this wealth is often done without looking at people but at tokens.

Zhou Qingfeng picked out the securities and other properties and set aside, and slammed his finger at the Guo'an female officer who was with her, "This is all Gusinski's legacy. Send someone to exchange these things out, don't Cheaper those bankers. "

After the murder last night, the arrogance of the female officer was greatly reduced, and the whole person became honest. She finally understood that she was really a secretary beside Zhou Qingfeng and had no right to speak.

The two travel bags are very large, and the securities and so on are not many. Subsequent to the various real estate and corporate share certificates throughout the world is the big head.

"Gusinski particularly likes to buy and buy!" Zhou Qingfeng discovered that Gusinski even opened a financial management company in order to manage his real estate. The dead ghost has industries on five continents around the world. They are also held anonymously.

Anonymous holding is a double-edged sword that can block police or adversary investigations. But once you lose your proof, the industry becomes someone else.

Zhou Qingfeng lamented that he had suddenly added at least one hundred luxury homes and offices around the world, but Minsk shook his head and said, "These may not have been bought by Gusinski. I bet that at least half of them were snatched by him. of."

"That's what it says." For eating black, Le Haha's Zhou Qingfeng has no burden at all. He also pushed all the real estate to the female officers around him, and commanded: "Let's make it real, and give you 20% of your labor costs."

The female officer was aggrieved like a girl in the house, she was a proud man, a guardian of national security, and a loyal guardian of the people. Now she is going to launder money for the wicked villain.

Although the female officer was expressionless, her mouth was a little shy. While registering all the items she pushed over, she couldn't help but glance at the two big bags on the carpet. She couldn't help sighing secretly: "The lawless life is really smart, and the money is too easy."

A large number of property documents were put out in the two travelling bags. Due to the huge amount involved, each one was a thick stack. This is related to the related services of many western law firms and banks, which is not easy to sort out.

Zhou Qingfeng even found a lot of stock certificates. This original certificate is often a proof of capital contribution of a major shareholder when the company is listed. In reckoning, Gusinski's property was worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

After clearing the big head, I also found several boxes in the travel bag, mostly containing precious jewelry. Zhou Qingfeng picked up an emerald necklace and felt it was not too top-level, so he handed it to the female officer around him, "This is for you."

Although the string of jadeite is not too expensive, it is also very valuable. The female officer immediately refused: "I can't."

"I know you don't dare to." Zhou Qingfeng glanced at her and pulled the female officer directly and put it on the other side. "But you are now my assistant. Anyway, you have to be pretty and you can't lose me." s face."

Talking about Zhou Qingfeng, he also grabbed several rings and earrings from the box. Regardless of whether the other party was willing or unwilling, he was crammed into the hands of the female officer.

The female officer arranged by Xiao Jinlang is first-rate in appearance and naturally possesses excellent qualities of character. She could not wear military uniforms around Zhou Qingfeng, and very plainly wore a black work suit. Plain clothes and luxurious jewellery are shining and dazzling for a while.

Regardless of Zhou Qingfeng's random grabbing, in fact, the jewelry he picked matched well with the female officer. But the female officer said with a brazen face: "I will report these things, and they will be converted into equivalent-value currency and paid to you."

Zhou Qingfeng, who was fishing for a fortune, was in a good mood. He opened the last box with a hum, and found that there were several large-capacity mobile hard disks. Seeing this stuff ~ www.readwn.com ~ he couldn't help laughing, "Guess what's up here?"

"Guilty evidence," said Minsk on the sofa. "There must be a lot of big men associated with Gusinski. This kind of gangster can't sleep without it."

Zhou Qingfeng found a computer and connected it to a mobile hard disk. The hard disk really contained various records of bribery and bribery, as well as various audio and video files. A lot of things are eye-opening, and the ugliness of high society in Europe is recorded.

"Leave it to you, it is more useful than leaving it in my hands." Zhou Qingfeng threw the hard disk directly to the female officer.

Compared to other belongings, female officers obviously attach more importance to this hard disk. She immediately asked someone to copy and read the hard disk, and the content was even encrypted and sent back to China.

After the two large travel bags are cleaned up, it is equivalent to adding a lot of money to Zhou Qingfeng's waist bag. This made him even more urged to spend money, and waited for Miss Fox to come out of the room. He waved his hands and said that he could buy and buy crazy these days!

"Go, spend the money!" The spirited Zhou Qingfeng was leaving the hotel with the little fox in his arms, but happened to meet Liu Zonghan who hurriedly rushed.

The inner ghost saw Zhou Qingfeng shouting immediately: "Mr. Lin, this is your outing today. I have specially helped you select a group of Parisian celebrities, which will help you win the prize in Cannes.

A list was listed in front of Zhou Qingfeng, and he only glanced at what he saw as a famous birdman with little eggs. So Uncle Zhou shook his head, "No, I'm not free!"

Wow ... do you have time to go shopping? I have given you appointments that are offensive to French high society!

Watching Uncle Zhou leave without looking back, Liu Zonghan, who had arranged everything, stayed where he was—how could this person be so wayward? Not obediently jumping into the trap!

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