Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1475: mad!

"Five Wasteland" has avid fans, and even woods like Minsk like it. Katrina, an iceberg beauty, can even inspire men to conquer.

Tall, fit, and hot-looking, he relies on men a bit. Catalina is a rare woman with a shivering M attribute, but it is the most inspiring favorite of some pretentious men.

On the night when she settled in the Morris Hotel, Katrina followed Minsk to kill Gusinski, and when she returned, she found that someone had sent flowers that could fill a room. The flower sender left a handwritten flax love letter and a phone number without leaving any name.

But as long as you ask the people in the hotel, Caterina can easily know which idiot wants to stab her own son of a French rich man named Batista, who is in his thirties and rich and willful. His greatest skill is picking up girls.

To such a person, Katerina, who was the grand defense secretary of the Legion, was completely uninterested. The flowers were distributed to the people in the hotel, and the love letters went directly to the trash.

As a result, half an hour after the rejection, the **** went directly to the door to invite Caterina to attend the upper party of his home, and was punched into a lobster-like manner and carried out.

But even so, this man not only did not give up, but even more vigorous. He likes Katrina's wild and taunting tone, and even feels that he has found true love.

Another ordinary woman might have been dealt with by the soft and hard foam of the father-in-law, but after the investigation of this person, the **** girl decided to pull Zhou Qingfeng out to slaughter the fat sheep.

"What do you want me to do?" Zhou Qingfeng got out of the car and closed the door. There was a traffic intersection in front of him. He was really afraid that Katerina would spend another 100 million dollars at dinner, but the **** girl just stopped buying a batch of ingredients and instead pulled him to the suburbs southwest of Paris.

Katerina changed into a smart sportswear, long legs, thin waist, big breasts, and exquisite facial expression. With Zhou Qingfeng's pride when she saw her at first, Huanniu generously walked to the front of the car and whistled, and the highway was full of lights.

Oops ... it looks like the **** is in an ambush. It feels like the enemy is in sight!

As soon as the lights came on, the sound of the rumbled engines was one after another. Catalina laughed and jumped to the front of the car like she found herself. She saw Zhou Qingfeng look back at herself and smiled proudly: "I used to race with people before. It's a long absence!"

Dozens of road sports cars have been rumbling across the road. The sunroofs of these cars are open, and people are often standing on top. There are simply a few big young horses with **** on their tops!

Zhou Qingfeng took a few steps forward in puzzlement, only to see a few cars making sharp turns and banging on the accelerator and flashing lights towards him.

The other person was absolutely frightened and backed away, embarrassed to be laughed at. Uncle Zhou was keenly aware that this was a kind of deterrence, and the wheels would only pass by from a position close to him.

Fuck, is this going to give Lao Tzu a disappointment?

Zhou Qingfeng did not move, leaving one car after another to hang a strong wind from him. But these suddenly appearing vehicles are running back and forth endlessly, the shouts of groaning and drinking are endless, and the horns are shattered at night.

One left, one right, and even one car saw Zhou Qingfeng unmoved, and rushed over at a very fast speed. There was a stance of ‘you do n’t hide, I will directly kill you’!

The crowd around me shouted, cheered loudly, and the car rushing up was getting faster and faster, and it was too late to turn and brake. The driver in the car was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old man with a gigantic head, and his excited eyes revealed the height of the earth!

The car rushed to Zhou Qingfeng, and everyone's cheering turned into exclaim. Seeing that it was about to hit someone, Zhou Qingfeng jumped slightly in place, and the sudden drop fell on the front cover of the vehicle rushing forward.

The shocking kinetic energy shook Zhou Qingfeng, who jumped into the car, backwards, but he stepped on the windshield, cracked the glass, and stabilized his body.

The crowd's exclamation continued, and no one expected that Zhou Qingfeng could jump on the car and stand still. The exclamation turned into an unbelievable uproar, and the teenager driving in the car apparently did not expect such a scene. He could not see the road ahead, and he could only twist the steering wheel in a panic.

The car was constantly taking a serpentine route, turning left and right, and hitting the last head on the side fence. During the whole process, Zhou Qingfeng stood firmly on the front of the car. Although his body was shaking, his feet remained motionless, as if taking root.

Waiting for the car to install a roadside fence, Zhou Qingfeng jumped out of the car one step ahead. A group of onlookers hurried to the impacted vehicle to rescue the teenager inside. When he lifted it out, the guy who had no idea of ​​life or death was hit by the airbag, covered with blood, and fainted.

By the time Zhou Qingfeng returned to Katerina, a road car had stopped there. There was a handsome French man with long hair on the car. He was mature and steady in his thirties. He had a Chinese character face, but it was very masculine and an absolute pick-up girl.

"Victor, this is your opponent tonight, Mr. Batista. Mr. Batista, this is my man, Victor Hugo." Katerina was still standing in the car, afraid of the world Chaos' look hilarious gesture.

For the first time, Zhou Qingfeng looked at the "girl hooligan" look of Hanu Niu. He sighed and looked at the handsome French man in front of him: "What do you want to compare with me?"

Batista looked at Caterina as if she saw the Muse, but she looked at Zhou Qingfeng with a little appreciation and admiration. "Hello, Mr. Lin. I have never seen anyone like this in front of a fast-hitting car Calm down, but you still stirred my desire to challenge.

I'm going to test the car with you, from here to Le Mans, southwest of Paris, back and forth for nearly 500 kilometers. I bet five million euros, and if you win I take the bet. If you lose ... "

Batista smirked and sneered for a moment, staring at Caterina with a clear meaning. Zhou Qingfeng first looked at Katrina, "This is the fat sheep you said? But he is too thin."

He looked at Batista ~ www.readwn.com ~ What can five million Euros do? I'm not the poor ghost you usually meet, I just spent more money on this meal. "

Batista's breathing was stagnant, and it seemed to come to mind that this one was a real tyrant, spending more than one billion a day. But the temperament cultivated by the high society did not allow him to step back at the moment. He could only hold back and said, "So 100 million euros, how? For my goddess, I am willing to give everything."

"I don't think you can lose a hundred million, you are more bragging. I don't even think any of you can win me." Zhou Qingfeng stepped back and pointed at everyone present, shouting loudly: "Listen to everyone, I'm not targeting anyone, I mean, you guys present are all garbage.

You must all think you are very good, but I want to crush you. I am willing to play a violent racing with you, you can stop me in any way. As long as someone can stop me, I give him a reward of five million euros.

But I don't think anyone of you can do it, because you are nothing in front of me, and I'm happy to fragment your pitiful pride blow and make you realize how cruel the world is. Fight with me, you will cry like a BABY in my womb! "

Stand up crazy!

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