Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1477: Really goddess!

Louis and Gerrard hurriedly lifted a few devices from their cars, a simple portable table and chairs were spread out, and various radio receiving and transmitting devices were quickly installed.

These two people are engaged in underground radio stations. On weekdays, various bragging stories and out-of-band band songs are played. Today, they finally caught up with a big job and broadcast live broadcasts of unprecedented violent racing.

Because the organizers of the racing car banned the direct involvement of the television media, there were only a limited number of people who could watch the game at the scene, and even if they were there, they could not see the whole picture of the race. For this, Louis and Gerrard, the outdated grass-roots team, were found.

The frequency of the radio station has been announced on major racing forums, and many people are preparing to listen to the game through mobile phones or the Internet. This method of obtaining information, which was eliminated years ago, has made many people curious.

"Hey, men and women in France, are you awakened by phone in the middle of the night? Are you surprised to hear the rumors? Are you skeptical of an unprecedented game? I want to tell you that the game is real. Ten The three players are about to start a battle of life and death.

I understand your mood at the moment. In fact, I was puzzled by the news and followed by extreme anger. The movie star from China dared to challenge our French warriors, he said that we are all garbage, this is too hateful! "

Louis's commentary was fierce, and Gerrard was responsible for calming the atmosphere and ensuring that the pace of the broadcast did not collapse. The latter interface said: "I think the words of 'China Forest' are just competition strategies, which are often seen in fierce competitions, but I want to say that his success angered us.

See who is responding to the challenge of this arrogant kid. The first is Makinin. I am very optimistic about this young man. He has performed well in Le Mans, and I highly appreciate his calm racing style. Followed by……. "

The radio duo in Barabara introduced the current situation to listeners following the event. Because there is no image, the audience's attention can only be focused on the host's speech, and as long as the host's speech is lively, it can also give a sense of immersive presence and urgency.

In order to better broadcast the event, the 13 participating cars are all equipped with cameras in four directions. The rich Batista also allows more than 20 drones to be arranged along the track, so that they can be viewed from the air. Shoot the game live.

When everything is ready ...

"Caterina, Caterina is at the forefront of the track. Oh ... her long legs are my favorite. I like her handsome dress tonight. People who ca n’t be there can be jealous. Me. My goddess made my heart throb.

Thirteen cars were divided into two rows on the road. Only the 'China Forest' car was in the middle of the track. We can see from the surveillance that his head is facing Caterina. My goddess just changed a short skirt, her long legs are so beautiful!

Uh ... what's going on? What does Katrina do with her skirt tucked up? Oh ... God! She was taking off her underwear. She took off her underwear slowly from under the skirt in front of hundreds of people and countless cameras.

Katrina's movements were elegant and calm. She rolled her **** out of the skirt and lifted her legs to grab it. Oh god, save me! It was a pair of red lace panties, which was only as big as a slap, and was now being gently lifted by the goddess!

This scene is really sexy!

Gosh, my heart! My heart is going to burst, my blood is boiling, my nerves will be short-circuited. I had to stand up and scream, and everyone on the scene was instantly ignited with passion. Listen, everyone is screaming!

I was soft all over, and only one place was hard. I really want to pounce and worship at the feet of the goddess, just to kiss her toes. At this moment, Katrina is the muse, no one can compare to it!

The **** turned on the goddess' fingers and it floated slightly. All the cars are full of horsepower and roaring. I believe the hearts of the racers have been ignited by the flames of the battle. This is the sign of the start of the race!

Let's go!

Thirteen cars are roaring and starting!

Oh ... the car of 'China Forest' is in the middle of the road. He was accelerating, and he rushed straight to Katrina. The distance between the two of them is getting closer, and they are about to run into ...

Oh my God! Katerina jumped, the goddess jumped!

I can't describe my mood at the moment, I'm even feeling dizzy. The goddess is in the air, and she jumped on the 'China Forest' car in the air!

What a thrilling scene! Thirteen cars were racing under the goddess's skirt, and my excited blood vessels could not bear it anymore. Rewind the video for me right away and I want to watch it again in slow motion.

Oh ... the leaping Katrina is so beautiful! Her fluttering skirt corners, her sturdy figure, her handsome movements. This leap conquered my heart and conquered the hearts of everyone on the scene. The moment she fell, countless people flocked to her.

Cheers, she is the undisputed goddess in everyone's heart!

Oh ... the goddess jumped onto the roof of a car on the side of the road. She is being worshipped by everyone. At this moment she is the true god!

Oh ... I saw a shameless scene. Several guys are fighting for the **** that the goddess just dropped, the **** little **** with red lace. More and more people are rushing up, these guys are crazy!

Hell, why should I stay in front of this **** radio station? I really want to grab it! I really want to kiss the toes of the goddess ~ www.readwn.com ~ kiss her calf and thigh. As long as she thinks her vacuum is under her skirt, I can't make it!

We French men are so crazy and romantic in pursuit of beautiful women! "

Louie and Gerrard yelled on the radio, and the inflammatory words pushed the atmosphere of the game from the beginning. Countless people listening to the broadcast were unable to control themselves at all. At this moment, the number of people searching for the word 'Caterina' skyrocketed.

Some people posted pictures and short videos of the scene on the racing forum. The most attractive thing is that Katrina took off her underwear to make a signal flag and the moment she jumped from the roof of Zhou Qingfeng. The former is sexy, and the latter is handsome, and everyone will fall for it!

Catalina's popularity has soared like a rocket for this, which has stimulated more and more young people to pay attention to this rare game. Late in the middle of the night, the media in Paris finally couldn't bear to start reporting the news against time.

But as soon as the news came out, the focus was not on this illegal underground violent race car, but on Katrina. Her glamour and glamour looks and graceful poses can be described as stealing the limelight!

Really goddess!

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