Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1481: protest

There are many examples of technological revolutions changing lives in this world.

Don't say far, say a closer Nokia.

That Finnish company once built a mobile phone empire that spreads all over the world. It is so powerful that it beats other mobile phone companies to its knees. Its mobile phone is easy to use, durable and economical, and its performance has left other mobile phone companies eight streets.

But later, the boss Joe made an ihone, and there was nothing about Nokia. Nokia has also been struggling, but who still buys it now? From Ruzhongtiantian to Menkoloque, it is only two or three years.

There are many similar examples.

When the European aristocratic master made a lot of money to build a full-body plate armor and wrapped himself into a canned meat, a musket appeared.

When the sailing battleship was invincible, the steam battleship appeared.

When the battle on the Somme wiped out a whole generation of men in Europe, tanks appeared.

The times are getting faster and faster. In the past, there were still people who could predict a hundred years. Now who can predict that the world will be a big cow three years later.

In the automotive industry, major manufacturers in the world have long been engaged in electric drives. The development speed of high-efficiency batteries is not as fast as the internal combustion engine, and at most a hybrid is developed. There are still many shortcomings in the performance of pure electric vehicles.

Zhou Qingfeng now basically comes out with the top technology of internal combustion engine cars, and he also mix and match many advanced technologies in driverless and safety protection. These things can be dazzling when packaged.

These technologies have too much influence. People with no influence are like holding a gold ingot in the hands of a downtown child and being snatched by the minute. There is no need for a world-class auto maker, just a car group in China can set people flat.

Zhou Qingfeng didn't dare to take out these technologies until now. He is also powerful enough and still supports the rabbit government. All he has to do is sell at the price and slowly fish. The day after he secretly disclosed the information, someone tried to contact him for a side-by-side attack.

A team of politicians, lawyers, corporate giants, and business elites wants to learn more. These people have huge power, extensive connections and endless means. Not to mention ordinary people, even smaller countries are killed by these forces. Zhou Qingfeng's only advantage is patience.

Caterina originally wanted to pull Zhou Qingfeng into a one-shot deal to sell the useless internal combustion engine cars in the waste land, and just spend a few hundred million enough to spend.

But after Zhou Qingfeng's intervention, how much money can be made by selling more cars? Isn't selling technology more comfortable? Can also dig people to jump in. It's so cool.

"Do you want to use these technologies to implicate those major international automobile groups? Make them unable to develop electric vehicles?" For the idea of ​​Zhou Qingfeng, the female officer who followed him still doubted the feasibility. She passed the relevant information back to China as soon as possible, which was actually not optimistic in China.

"Involved?" Zhou Qingfeng shook his head. "How could this be involved? Allowing the opponent to take a few more steps on the wrong path is victory. In this era of rapid development, taking the wrong step has to pay a heavy price. . "

Early in the morning, Zhou Qingfeng didn't go out after waking up, so he ate breakfast on the balcony of his suite. He eliminated all offers and left the affairs to the female officer. "This matter is not urgent. It can be done quickly in half a year. We will now discuss the patent application."

Because of the pale face scared by Zhou Qingfeng last night, the female officer sent by Xiao Jinlang was completely out of temper. Right now she was soft and obedient, obedient and obedient.

Originally, the female officer thought that she would be sacrificed for hue when she was arranged next to Zhou Qingfeng, and she suffered a great deal of grievances. Did you know that Zhou Qingfeng's beauties were so beautiful that she didn't look down on her at all. Instead, she was a little tempted by Zhou Qingfeng's unrestrained stubbornness and her broad temperament.

"Now what we have to do is prepare to negotiate with various auto companies, and release some information from time to time to attract the attention of the public, and let the media help us to carry out publicity for free. However, this requires a team. .

My racing car won't be hidden. It can be tested generously, just be careful not to let people steal it. Technically I will give a memorandum, which will be the basis for your negotiations with the outside world. "

Zhou Qingfeng's detailed explanation made the female officer feel good, at least he left the matter to Guoan to represent a kind of trust, and trust is the basis for continued cooperation between the two sides.

As for Zhou Qingfeng, this guy screamed when he was full and satiated, "I feel my wallet is resurrected, and it's bigger and bigger than before, and I can spend a lot of money!"

The female officer rolled her eyes.

After having breakfast, Zhou Qingfeng was about to go out. Butcher and Minsk, and Lena and Katerina don't know where they are going? Presumably they all have fun. He came out of the suite by himself, scratching his head and thinking about how to spend the day?

National security, police, and even hotels provide first-class security to Zhou Qingfeng. Just staying in this environment for two days made him a little uncomfortable, and he also remembered that he was being chased by a reward. If there are too many people around, he will not be able to fight back.

Subconsciously escaping the security personnel around him, Zhou Qingfeng left the Morris Hotel with a big wave. Along the way, he had to shake off a lot of celebrities who tried to stick to it. When he came to the hotel door, he wanted to call a taxi and left, but saw someone standing with a big sign.

The sign reads, "Paris does not welcome privileged people who ignore the law, which is harmful to social justice. Yes, Lin Sen. I mean you!"

Seeing much more flattering and complimenting, Zhou Qingfeng was the first time in Paris to see a public sign in protest. The big sign was one person tall and covered up the people holding the sign. Although he wondered if this was a deliberate attempt to attract his attention, the move was obviously successful.

"Sir, are you still getting in the car?" The taxi driver who was about to carry Zhou Qingfeng leaned out his car window.

Zhou Qingfeng raised his chin and asked, "Who is this?"

The taxi driver turned his head and shrugged, "I don't know, there are protesters in Paris every day. No one can satisfy everyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is normal for someone to hate you."

That makes sense!

Zhou Qingfeng got into the car, thinking about asking the driver where to go. When the protester saw Zhou Qingfeng, he rushed over and affixed a large sign to the window.

"Sir, don't care too much. We'll get rid of this person right away." The taxi driver was about to start.

But Zhou Qingfeng saw many reporters waiting for the camera near the hotel. He suddenly opened the door on the protester's side and gave a hilarious voice.

The protester hurriedly rushed over, seemingly to sue. But this person did not expect that Zhou Qingfeng in the car actually reached out and dragged her into the car.

It was a pretty French girl who came in. She stayed for a few seconds after being dragged in. She had no idea why she was sitting in the car.

For this unexpected operation, the taxi driver laughed, and Zhou Qingfeng was overjoyed, and the paparazzi around the hotel were mad. Only the French girl shouted after staying, "I want to protest, I want to protest, I want to protest!" (.)

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