Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1484: Air

"Excuse me, Taiwan is the life of the lady's mind, the life of the princess, the life of the peasant woman, and the life of the local tyrant. Of the four Asian dragons, Taiwan was the worst mixed. All your efforts Fighting, I don't even think about the world tide has changed.

The mainland did spend a lot of manpower and material resources to prevent your counterattack at that time. However, Wang Shi did not work hard and never landed! You have now reached the point where you can rely on fools on the inside and cry on the outside. I don't want to recognize your embarrassing compatriots.

At present, the development of military equipment on the mainland is aimed at the United States, and sincerely it has nothing to do with Taiwan. Thunder and rain are all good fortune, we beat you for reason, not for love. Rather than worrying about the mainland's attacks, you should worry about the internal chaos that day.

People like Ms. Long, like you, clown like a clown every day, constantly making all kinds of jokes to entertain the public. I bet the wild history of a hundred years later will inevitably record your words and deeds. Maybe some idioms can be passed on to future generations. For example ..., Taiwan should sell ugliness. How do you feel? "

Zhou Qingfeng speaks quickly, and his words are sharp. He stood among a group of guests and taunted the old woman like a cannonball. He said the other person was so embarrassed that he almost jumped up and scolded him.

Few people in the Western media dare to taunt people in a blatant manner of war. Today, Zhou Qingfeng set a precedent. In an era when both politicians and celebrities are compassionate and peace-seeking, his words are rare.

After scolding the old woman, Zhou Qingfeng turned again and turned to face Vannes, who had initially mocked him. This old French man has always been hippie with a smiley face, because Zhou Qingfeng scolds people in French, he listens very cheerfully. But waiting for Zhou Qingfeng to face him, he suddenly had the illusion of a 'big calamity'.

Zhou Qingfeng's tall shadow shrouded!

"Mr. Vanes, you just said that you were not discriminating against women in our country. Is that true? In the Roman era more than two thousand years ago, Gauls were called barbarians. Presumably the Romans at that time also loved you very much. Ancestor women, that's definitely not discrimination.

If you feel that Roman times are too far away, then the British-French century war is closer. At that time, it seemed that the British were still claiming 'the right to the beginning of the night' in French territory, and that must not be discrimination.

You must also feel that the century-long war between Britain and France is too far away, so what about World War II? Who spent huge sums of money to build a fortified fortress that was useless? Who was destroyed in less than a month? Whose government surrendered?

You know, our country did not surrender so badly during World War II.

I think when German soldiers were walking around Paris with French girls shopping, there was definitely no discrimination. However, you did not fight well, and afterwards you became very angry, but you vented all your anger on those poor women.

To be honest, since Napoleon I, your French men have not fought a victory against a strong enemy and have been losing almost.

When our nation was strong, we were as ugly as ghosts like Mr. Vanes. You can sleep the girls in our country at low cost, simply because we have been too poor and weak for two hundred years.

But this good day is almost coming to an end. Can you imagine a country with a land and population that is several dozen times yours in France, and what kind of horror scene per capita living standard is almost like you? At that time, nothing happened to your French men.

As if I could sleep now, the French girl I could sleep was beyond your imagination, because I was richer than you. But I don't show it off because it's too vulgar, and it's nothing extraordinary. "

Zhou Qingfeng now proudly looks like a small cock, holding his head high. It's the uncle who has money these days, and he is really qualified to say that.

Vannes was said to be blushing and red, and always wanted to stand up and refute a few words. It was just that Zhou Qingfeng was speaking too fast, so that he could not organize his speech well. In the end, he was also put on a ‘vulgar’ hat by Zhou Qingfeng, and no one spoke for him at the scene, almost quiet.

The director of the show was excited when Zhou Qingfeng said that a guest with a sharp mouth was silent. "This is what I want, this is the real guest. This overwhelming advantage will make the audience love him."

On the field, Zhou Qingfeng did not stop, and he turned to the black brother from the United States. Which guy seemed afraid, and shouted before Zhou Qingfeng said, "I have no money, and the girls I associate with all appreciate my talent."

"Nigga, you shut up. What talent do you have? You have to be grateful for too many virgins in this world, instead of feeling that you are great. You have been arguing for fair treatment like everyone else, But have you treated others fairly?

Do you black people create wealth for others to enjoy? Do you Negroes build strong nations and build confidence? Do you black people have thinkers, philosophers, scientists, and politicians? What contribution have you made to human development? Speak up and let me hear! "

Zhou Qingfeng made a big noise in the whole studio at one mouth, and the host immediately remembered to stop him. However, the director in the director's studio instructed loudly, "No, don't stop him, let him continue. What I want is such a sensational topic. Whoever dares to stop him, I will fire him!"

The black American opposite was said to be gaping and stunned. It took him a long time to answer, "We have Martin Luther King, Mandela, and Obama."

"Oh ... black human rights leader. But what did this man do in addition to making you a social parasite? Do you think you've been successful in sleeping in the American robes and talking a few more girls?

Do the education levels of black Americans improve? Are job opportunities equal? Are political rights the same as whites? Looks like you still have to worry about not being shot by white police?

The more a country advertises, the more it lacks. It's as if you don't want to eat when you're full, and only think about food when you're hungry. The United States is clamoring for multiculturalism, racial equality, democracy and freedom, but are these things universal?

I haven't been to the United States, the black community and the white community are completely different.

As for Mandela, a black man who has been in jail for more than 20 years, will run the country after being released from prison? What about the Nobel Peace Prize? A good South Africa was stabbed by him to the way it is now, that is really the most tragic and ridiculous thing in the world.

As for Obama, if he is really capable, why did the American people not choose the more favored wife of the elite, and instead chose the apostate Donald as president. That must not be that the people love Okuko too much, but that they are disappointed in the political correctness?

Finally, I would like to say that you black people are really well developed with simple limbs. The girl who will go to bed with you is either dreaming about going to the United States or thinking that you have a good job. It is a little difficult to make them fall in love with you. You know, in our culture, dark skin is the original sin. "

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Qingfeng also added that the original words of the previous black brother were still true, without any falsehood or discrimination. You have to accept. "

After three rounds, Zhou Qingfeng thrilled everyone at the scene. This kind of extreme political inaccuracy was actually spoken by a world-class star like him, and it was justified.

For a while the audience in France was shocked!

And Zhou Qingfeng circled again, and the guests around the studio seemed to want to find the next goal. But most people were afraid of his sharp mouth, but an Indian brother stood up and challenged with angrily: "Mr. Lin, can you talk about the current tension on the China-India border?

I can provide 100% proof that the land belongs to us in India. Why do you build roads at the border? The current tension is entirely yours. "

Straightforward ~ www.readwn.com ~ It looks like this Indian brother is prepared and wants to fight Zhou Qingfeng.

But Zhou Qingfeng only downplayed a few words on this issue because we are better than you.

What……? Nope!

"We are no longer India in 1962." The Indian brother shouted angrily.

"We are better than you." Zhou Qingfeng just said that.

The Indian brother who wanted to have a long story was anxious. How can he refute such a few words? "You said so much to everyone, why did you answer me in a few words?"

The Indian brother thundered violently, is there? Short of breath, is there any? Anger is overwhelming, is there? I can't wait for a fight with Zhou Qingfeng immediately!

But Zhou Qingfeng added only a few words at the top, "All said that we are better than you, why are there so many nonsense?"

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