Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1491: God's will

"The identification and identification of people is judged from the face and skin color at first glance. When life is good, you are definitely willing to open the door to friends of any race. But when life is difficult, you can only choose to be with the same race. Bringing a group to keep warm. Unfortunately, life is getting harder now. "

The above is the last sentence that Bishop Pontier said when he left ‘News One’. This sentence is simply ‘men ’s and women ’s tears’, which is thought-provoking. Many French people do not feel that their lives are difficult, but many people still feel that winter is coming.

The old bishop put the cruel reality in front of the people. Although it was not so easy to accept, no one in the whole country felt that there was anything wrong with it. On the contrary, everyone lamented the old bishop Gao Fengliang Festival, daring to tell the truth for the country and the people regardless of reputation and gain.

And when the politically correct encounter was smashed by the old bishop, a nationwide topic about the country, nation, and religion spread rapidly.

This kind of topic was completely banned in the past, and now the eager national discussion is a huge piece of news, because discussing this topic has a refreshing feeling of breaking taboos and is a vent of social dissatisfaction.

The old bishop went back to his church, and the media could not stop President Martha, so they could only stop another culprit who created this topic. Before Uncle Zhou stepped out of the TV station building, 'News Channel' hurriedly wanted to give him an exclusive interview immediately.

Get out, uncle is running out!

The flames are already lit, and the topic has been heated. At this time, you should protect yourself and say less. Otherwise, there are so many mistakes, and I may be on fire anytime. Zhou Qingfeng just walked away and wanted to go back to the hotel, but the hotel told him that we also have a lot of reporters ready to block you!

After making a few calls, Zhou Qingfeng sat in an ordinary sign 308 for a while and was silent. The French girl named Ai Jie Lin stared at him in the co-pilot position, and asked intricately: "Where are you going next?"

"Nowhere to go," Zhou Qingfeng replied casually. He is now in the underground garage of the TV station. After a moment of contemplation, he turned his head to look at the car, and behind him were the people and cars that Guoan sent to protect him.

Dialing the phone again, Zhou Qingfeng asked Guoan's people not to follow him, even if they had to keep a distance. He asked Ai Jielin again: "Can you help me find a place to stay? It's more remote. I don't want anyone to bother. Of course, you can tell your colleagues where you've gone so they don't worry."

"Oh ...?" Ai Jielin stretched her tone. The whole look of this little French woman suddenly seemed extremely charming. "I have a small holiday villa in the suburbs. It's very remote and nobody disturbs me. I can even stay with you Go together, but you have to answer me a question. "

The woman suddenly became enthusiastic.

Zhou Qingfeng glanced at Ai Jie Lin, and stretched out her hand without any warning and flustered on the French girl. This French girl has a lot of petite flesh. The drum of the drum should be convex. Zhou Qingfeng's attack made her scream again and again, even scolding and beating.

But after ten seconds of entanglement between the two, Zhou Qingfeng pulled out a working mini walkie-talkie from the chest of Ms. Ai Jielin's small suit, and also found a locator under her hair. In addition, the woman's mobile phone was still recording, and a stunner was hidden in the Kun bag.

"You have a lot of things." Zhou Qingfeng also found a few kits and bounces when he retrieved the Kun package. Wait ... the bouncer only has a wireless remote control, where is the other half? He didn't even want to press the switch of the remote control, and directly shifted up to the maximum vibration mode.

Ai Jielin immediately clamped her legs, shivering with screams, and rushed to **** the remote control back and turn it off immediately.

Hahaha ... Zhou Qingfeng laughed at Noah, "You women really play."

Uncle Zhou easily turned off the recording of the mobile phone, the intercom was crushed and thrown out of the car window, as for the locator. After a while, several "News One" staff members hurried over to knock on the window, asking "Lin Sen" to stop the violation immediately.

"Enough, roll it for me!" The window lowered, and Zhou Qingfeng didn't speak, but Ai Jielin scolded the staff like an angry female cat. "I'm okay, just disappear for me and don't have to follow me anymore."

The staff of "Shinyuetai" looked at each other, but could only leave quickly. Ai Jielin, who was still very fascinated, took a deep breath, then took out her makeup mirror to organize her makeup. A moment of discomfort did not affect her, and the French girl quickly returned to her daily elegance.

"I misjudged your identity." Zhou Qingfeng watched the escaping staff member, "I thought you were an intern or something."

Ai Jielin frizzled her hair without explaining more about her identity. She asked in a cold tone: "Well, no monitoring, no recording, only you and me. Let's be honest. Tell me, how do you accomplish the magical reversal on the show tonight?"


"Of course it's amazing. I've been busy writing an eulogy to you in the background, I just want to see how you're finished. But Bishop Pontier actually stood by your side? This is not normal. Others may feel that the old bishop is here Shout for the country, but I don't think so. "

"Ai Jielin, you should be the old bishop who ignores the country's life and death, but only the upper elites who are high above him." Zhou Qingfeng smiled. "Did you have a sense of frustration that was overturned in your own home? That's right, the world is completely wrong. "

Ai Jielin continued to look cold, the little woman was angry. Although she had no teeth, she could see that she was upset.

"Magic?" Zhou Qingfeng loosened the shirt collar in the suit. With a sigh of relief, he sneered, "Things that look amazing to you are already long established."

"I have seen more cunning and hypocrisy in high society. I guess you and Bishop Pontier must have communicated in advance. The participation in the show is only confirmed this morning. How can you settle the old bishop so quickly?" Ai Jielin This is the most puzzled ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bishop Pontier is a stubborn person. "

"Maybe you can think that Bishop Pontier was on my side for the future of France." Zhou Qingfeng shrugged. "Or I called the Bishop and quickly reached a consensus."

Ai Jielin seemed to realize something, and her frown frowned slightly.

Zhou Qingfeng suddenly had a bad taste, and wanted to see what it would be like to completely smash an elite mental defense line. So he solved the mystery.

"You know that Catholic priests always have special hobbies, such as stories that must be told in the name of God and some little boys. And I just got some evidence of this, so the old bishop and I became good immediately. friend."

Ah ... Ai Jielin stayed unbelievable for a few seconds, followed by a screaming frenzied, and she cursed loudly, "It's so disgusting. I always thought that Pontier would be an exception, I I admired him. Hell, it's disgusting! "

"Belief is broken, isn't it?" Zhou Qingfeng joked enthusiastically: "How can a priest playing a little boy be disgusting? That is tradition, purification, and God's will!"

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