Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1503: Lulu and pig are incompatible

"Dog" is very upset, very upset!

Isn't it good to be a dog? The unscrupulous owner has to be a pig. And it's a super big boar.

The original weight of ‘dog meat’ was only fifty kilograms, but the unscrupulous owner got a ‘wild boar kit’ to attach to his body, which directly increased his weight to two hundred kilograms. In addition, the shape of the obedient dog also turned into a terrible wild boar, and the two long fangs were extremely penetrating.

In addition to the thick ‘wild boar kit’, there are disguised pigskin and pig hair. Putting such a terrible thing on it will no longer be a cute dog.

"It's great, it's great, this is really a genius idea." Wuliang master patted the head of "dog meat", "Stupid dog, you will give me a brave move forward and go forward! No light. We want to contribute to world peace. "

Wangwang ..., ‘dog meat’ called two dissatisfaction.

"No, no, then you can't be swollen, just hum. Understand? Don't let anyone know you're a dog posing. Alright, obediently, go!"

"Dog Meat" came out of an underground parking lot on the Champs-Elysées, and when it debuted, it caused a frenzy. Everyone on the street was frightened by its fat and fierce appearance. Everyone shouted.


This wild boar is about one and a half meters long, seventy centimeters high, with thick limbs and a strong body. What is more frightening is its two thick and long fangs, which are extremely scary.

The panicked crowd immediately attracted the patrolling police, but when the police arrived, they found such a big pig, and we couldn't handle it!

"Headquarters, we need support. There is big trouble on the Champs-Elysées."

"A terrorist attack?"

"No, we meet a wild boar!"

"What ...? Are you sure you are awake?"

The police in Paris are being burned by the continuous destruction these days. The search of the Arab community today is just a huge arsenal, a slave trade and a slaughterhouse.

And the next ethnic group of Arab descent immediately organized a parade, and the Paris police who were in a hurry had no way to stop them. They could only watch the team kill the Arc de Triomphe. At this time, the Champs-Élysées near the Arc de Triomphe reported that a wild boar was found?

"You can do it yourself? We can't redeploy people to help you now."

"But this boar is so big, we can't figure it out!"

"If you can't figure it out, you have to do it. Now our police force has more important things to deal with."

Contact was interrupted, and the patrol officers summoned looked at each other. Under their gaze, the huge wild boar swayed by itself.

"Sir, should we kill it?"

"Do you think that small pistol in your hand killed such a big boar? If you anger it, believe it or not, it will kill you in minutes."

A few patrol officers can only hide behind the vehicle and sweat with their heads. In their opinion, this wild boar is not good to provoke, otherwise the big thing is not good!

Two hundred kilograms of wild boars just walked on the Champs-Elysées in this way. All the patrol officer could do was to stay beside him and not let it run around, and at the same time, he could prevent pedestrians on the street from accidents.

However, this big boar does not seem to have any interest in pedestrians. It just walks forward innocently, watching the street scene from time to time, and it does not do anything excessive. On the contrary, pedestrians are full of interest in it, people are constantly taking pictures of him, and even praise it as very cute.

To be honest, the news of a large-scale parade in Paris is not surprising news, but the news of a huge wild boar on the Champs-Elysées is more interesting. In the information age, as long as a piece of news can attract attention, it will soon be spread.

As the center point of world travel, shopping, and food, there is such a wild boar that does not match at all. This is simply a contrast!

Animal protection groups immediately rushed over and raised signs to protest police attempts to hunt wild boar. The police who are responsible for maintaining order at the scene are crying. How dare we kill this wild pig? It doesn't cause trouble, we are going to praise God!

Animal protection groups prepared food for the wild boar and tried to soothe it, approach it, and hug it. But this big boar did not respond except to continue to run forward, at most hesitated to warn anyone who dared to approach.

To the west of the Champs-Élysées is the Charles de Gaulle Square, the Arc de Triomphe is in the center of the square, and the parade organized by Mutahim is killing along the road. Before the team reached the Arc de Triomphe, the big boar arrived here in advance.

The Arc de Triomphe is one of the four major tourist attractions in Paris. It is a must-visit for tourists in Paris. When the wild boar came here, the tourists quickly calmed apart from a panic.

The gigantic boar stood under the huge arch of the Arc de Triomphe, and its solemn building set off its stout body. This magnificent place was established in commemoration of the defeat of the Russian and Austrian forces by the Emperor Napoleon. It is closely linked to the success or failure of France, and it is the same today.

As the wild boar stood still under the huge arch coupon, tourists became more curious and talked about it.

"Look, what a beautiful pig!"

"It's a bit too strong, but I think its mighty appearance matches this Arc de Triomphe to commemorate the war."

"Does this boar come to miss the great achievements of Emperor Napoleon? It looks really special."

Before the police arrived, some tourists even wanted to take a photo with this wild boar. The news that this big boar appeared in the Arc de Triomphe has aroused great interest of the entire Parisian ~ www.readwn.com ~ For Parisians, the Arc de Triomphe is a building that can be seen at any time. It's different. As soon as countless people ran towards the De Gaulle Square, I wanted to see this wild boar who did not know where it came from.

When the crowd began to gather the Arc de Triomphe, Mutashim's parade was about to arrive at the Charles de Gaulle. The square was built to commemorate the victory of Emperor Napoleon. In order to show the Arc de Triomphe, the designer intentionally made the building slightly higher than the surrounding ground.

In other words, the Arc de Triomphe is particularly eye-catching and tall from a distance. And the same eye-catching and tall ... and the pig under the Arc de Triomphe!

Mutashim's eyes mixed in the parade were so good that he saw an unknown creature under the arch of the Arc de Triomphe from a long distance. That head is not personal, it looks like a head ..., pig!

Hiss ..., Lujiao and Pig are incompatible!

The big boar was obviously unhappy to see this group of green believers. It groaned uneasily, violently hoofed hoof, flicked its tail in anger, and rushed out in the last stun, slaying to the enemy!

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