Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1512: Wolverine

In an open environment, the power of the explosion can spread into open spaces. However, in a closed environment, the explosive air waves can no longer be released, and their power will become extremely great.

Zhou Qingfeng was deceived into a lounge, with simple tables, chairs and tea set. The full power of the special heavy-duty high-explosive grenade is limited to this small space, causing tremendous damage.

The first T-51A was blown up against the iron door, and the thick iron plates were bumped outward. Although protected by armor, the soldier inside the T-51A fainted on the spot and was dying.

The room's carpet was blown out of a large hole, and the surrounding furniture was shattered as if by a hurricane. The ceiling of the ceiling slumped sparsely, and the wiring of the lamp shook the broken lamp tube.

The other T-51A was in better condition, but was also blown to the ground by the blast of the blast, and it took a while to get up. After he got up and turned on infrared vision, he quickly found Zhou Qingfeng lying in a pile of rotten furniture.

"Damn asshole." The soldier operating this T-51A didn't know how to scold, Zhou Qingfeng's performance was too weird. He bent down to insist on the condition of the target, but Zhou Qingfeng, who was like a corpse, suddenly moved, his arm grabbing an alloy steel spine on the side of the power armor waistbelt, and pulled out with a bang.

The soldiers who can now equip T-51A are all elite and respond very quickly. As soon as Zhou Qingfeng moved, the armored soldiers wanted to pinch Zhou Qingfeng's back with a strong hand, which would definitely make Zhou Qingfeng completely weak and fail.

But Zhou Qingfeng used his last few points of energy to start the 'stop', and grabbed the steel stab to get into the weak point of the neck of T-51A. This weakness is the connection point between the neck and the shoulder. Come.

A sharp steel stab pierced the neck of the T-51A and brought out a stream of blood when pulled out. The originally bent T-51A suddenly lost the ability to control balance, and his heavy body fell instantly.

When the hundreds of kilograms of the body fell, Zhou Qingfeng, who had already lost his strength, withdrew with a last bit of strength to escape. After rolling a few times on the ground, the T-51A banged on his side.

Then the whole room fell into silence. Zhou Qingfeng's breathing was very weak. He lay on the ground and couldn't even move a finger. He lay for a few minutes before raising his hand slightly, and the moment when he raised his hand touched a series of injuries on him, and he screamed in pain.

After finally turning over, Zhou Qingfeng already felt that his body was not his own. He tore open a pocket inside his shirt, found a tube of treatment needle from the inside and pierced it directly into his neck, followed by several energy bars and a water bag to pour into his mouth.

Healing needles, energy bars and water bags, which are Zhou Qingfeng's magic weapon, are more important than guns, and they are always carried. After a few more minutes, when he recovered some energy, he got up. Except for the pain in his body, and his hoarse throat, his vision was blurred.

The lights in the room were all off, and there was only light on the side of the window. There was no need to open the iron door. Zhou Qingfeng moved to the window to look around, and it was sealed with a thick steel bar.

What he meowed in this room was a mousetrap, but the designer did not expect that it was a dragon that got into the cage.

Returning to the body of T-54A, Zhou Qingfeng removed the heavy machine gun clasped on the bamboo shoot, and opened the iron window with a few bullets. As soon as the gunshot rang, a scream came from the window, but he couldn't care too much. He dropped the bulky machine gun, crawled the broken window and crawled out, and fell down with one foot.

Thankfully, Versailles has only two floors. Although Zhou Qingfeng was on the second floor, it seemed that his bones were falling apart except for the pain. He couldn't fall to this point.

Outside the window, the crowd was fleeing. When Zhou Qingfeng got up again, he didn't know where he was. He saw several security personnel running towards himself, and the subconscious greeted him.

And when Zhou Qingfeng managed to escape from the trap, 'Poison Spider' took Liu Zonghan to the room just outside his room. Seeing the specially-made iron gate protruding outwards, and hearing the muffled sound of heavy machine guns firing, the 'poison spider' immediately realized that the situation had changed.

"There must be something wrong in the room. You immediately evacuated the crowd here, opened the door and checked it. I took a detour to the side of the window and looked at it." 'Poison Spider' seemed very decisive. After simply arranging the division of labor, she trot herself The palace came out, trying to prevent Zhou Qingfeng from escaping.

On the way, 'Poison Spider' received a call from Liu Zonghan. "An explosion occurred in the room and it seemed that a grenade had blown up. Both armored soldiers were dead and the target escaped from the window. We just The muffled sound was that he was operating a heavy machine gun. "

"Hell, the two armored soldiers couldn't catch him. Is this guy a Rambo?" The poisonous spider was so angry that the trot became fast.

At this time, the news of the shooting at the Palace of Versailles was spreading rapidly. Security personnel rushed to the scene of the incident, and at the same time, they were also organizing a rapid evacuation of the guests attending the dinner.

‘Poison Spider’ grabbed a document from her pocket and rushed to a security head to show it and shouted, “I ’m a Costa police officer at the French National Centre for Terrorism. I ’m responsible for the safety of the dinner today.

We just lost two people when a terrorist launched an explosion in the Palace of Versailles. This terrorist is very dangerous, and he is still fleeing, withdraw your people and let my people go up. "

'Poison Spider' does not want any outsiders to contact Zhou Qingfeng at this moment. She has urgently followed up with seven or eight armed men, all dressed up as special police officers. She was a bluff, and the security personnel at the scene immediately transferred her command and informed the current situation.

At this moment, Zhou Qingfeng was running outwards right away. He had just reset his dislocated ankle, but he still could walk. His throat was hoarse, he couldn't say anything, he could only make sounds that he couldn't understand. His ears were deaf, and his eyes were even blind.

Zhou Qingfeng was walking towards the security personnel, but the idiots who were also approaching him were retreating after a distance. He waved for help, but the security personnel ran faster, like a frightened rabbit.

Zhou Qingfeng was suffering from a husky throat and couldn't shout. He scolded the security personnel as stupid as a pig, but he saw coldly that several armed men with guns replaced the security personnel and approached him.

How do you feel the situation is not good!

I don't know how many times Zhou Qingfeng was bathed in the battlefield, and ‘combat intuition’ even made him feel dangerous. He even saw several people on a distant step. One of the women was holding the walkie-talkie and stared at him commanding harshly.

'Poison Spider' bumped into the escaped Zhou Qingfeng in the garden on the west side of Versailles Palace. She saw the inconvenient target and the target's face destroyed by the explosion.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's indistinguishable appearance, ‘Poison Spider’ was instantly calm. She grabbed the intercom and ordered: "Catch as much as you can, and if necessary, kill him ~ www.readwn.com ~ You must not let him escape. He is not allowed to contact any unrelated personnel."

Realizing his danger, Zhou Qingfeng immediately turned his head and ran. He limped, but he was not running slow. The armed men who surrounded him at the rear saw him running away and wanted to catch him alive, and quickly chased him up.

As a result, Zhou Qingfeng escaped a corner of the garden and threw out a heavy high explosive grenade. This was the weapon he brought with him, and it finally came in handy.

Due to the lack of strength, a kilogram of grenade flew less than ten meters, and suddenly burst after a delay of three seconds. Zhou Qingfeng lost his grenade to the concealed, and the armed men who followed him were bombed with a blast.

Waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Zhou Qingfeng, who had run away, ran to the square of the main entrance of the palace. A large number of guests attending the dinner are evacuating from here, and the flow of people is very large. The sound of the explosion made all senior officials palpitate, and the crowd seemed to be very confused.

Zhou Qingfeng's blasted clothes in the room were torn and tarnished. When he appeared, many people were screaming in fright. In the crowd, he suddenly found that Ai Jielin, who was also evacuating, and ‘self’ beside Ai Jielin.

Well ... who is the guy who looks like me?

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