Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1519: Uncivilized

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Agents are people walking between black and white. When performing tasks, they must deal with all kinds of dark affairs. Naturally, they need to contact all kinds of dark characters hidden under public media. Mercenaries are one of them.

Mercenaries are a mixed group, and many African black uncles are mercenaries. But they have neither training nor organization, and their combat effectiveness is basically scary.

The mercenaries who can be called by the 'poison spider' are certainly not that simple. She was called a mercenary king.

"Lion", originally unknown, just because he has a rough and wild blond hair, so he got such a nickname. Tracing back to his background, people in the industry only know that he is Albanian and have a humble background.

Albania is known as the 'Country of Mountain Eagles'. Mountains and hills occupy three-quarters of the country's land area. Perhaps this environment has created the 'lion''s strong physical strength, stable character, and tough will. These qualities are too important for a mercenary.

'Lion' has fought the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, played genocide, and cut the heads of bear soldiers in Chechnya with CIA salary. After catching the "poisonous spider" line, he specialised in doing some wet work to clean up the mess-only those who bleed are called wet.

People who work as mercenaries are generally short-lived, because the mission always presents unforeseen dangers. Five years in this industry is a strong man. The reason why ‘Lion’ has been dead for more than ten years is that he is very cautious, and even laughed at as ‘the courage is small enough’.

But because of this caution, the 'lion' has become very famous. Because no employer would like to hire a bad-tempered thug, and no mercenary would like his boss to be a mindless reckless husband. People work with guns just to make money, not to die.

In order to complete the task, mercenaries are willing to spend money on their equipment. 'Lion' has a military night vision device smuggled from the United States, a full set of encrypted communications equipment for individual soldiers, and a large-area body armor. He even wanted optical camouflage, but unfortunately there were not a few of them.

And Zhou Qingfeng at this moment?

The uncle just had a few fights with the French special police. Unlike ordinary terrorists, he has no fear of confronting the military and police, even if there are many people. In his opinion, the powerful special police were not yet terribly hungry.

In the upper and lower floors of the Louvre, French special police first tried to control the stairways in order to reduce the scope of the activities of the 'terrorists'. And in order not to be trapped, Zhou Qingfeng deliberately scrambled around-do you guard the stairs? I'll drive you away.

How terrible a full-fledged legion leader is, as evidenced by his previous adventures. Without a tens of times advantage, it is basically impossible to trap him. Uncle Zhou, who is chasing around, has caused French special police officers to be transferred frequently. Once transferred, they often make mistakes.

Zhou Qingfeng is now staying at the Syrian Pavilion on the ground floor, here is the southeast side of the Louvre, and has a large collection of historical relics of ancient Egypt. A special policeman was lying at his feet, and his rapid breathing represented the current fear of the special policeman.

Under the deserted emergency light, Zhou Qingfeng's face was scorched, making people look unclear, and his image was terrible. The special police had heard the briefing of the mission before coming in, saying that the terrorist had suffered a blow at the Palace of Versailles and should have been injured. But now I can really see that this guy is seriously injured.

But such a badly wounded guy dared to take the initiative to attack the special police and let him succeed again and again. When he saw him limping to death, the first reaction of the special police was to laugh, but the accurate bullet quickly made them laugh.

The special policeman on the ground was knocked down in the thigh during a raid, and his companions had no time to rescue him. Half of the team could only be retreated. When the subsequent reinforcements came over, Zhou Qingfeng ran away with him hit in the thigh.

Successive loss of personnel made the special policemen slow to move, and Zhou Qingfeng took off the captive of the special policemen with spare time. The night vision goggles above were exactly what he needed urgently.

In addition to the night vision device, Zhou Qingfeng also took off the full uniform of the captured special police. He deliberately chose a special policeman about the same height to stay, just to change clothes.

Bulletproof vest, tactical vest, confidential walkie-talkie, shock ammunition, pistol, magazine, black uniform, until the last Zhou Qingfeng found that he actually caught a special policewoman. He squeezed his swollen chest towards the other side to confirm, then shrugged and apologized.

Take off your jacket and trousers. Just the process of wearing clothes made Zhou Qingfeng painful.

Zhou Qingfeng was hit by a heavy high-explosive grenade, and the skin on the front was almost burnt. Although his strong self-healing ability was closing his wounds, wearing clothes made him almost scream. Because some broken fabrics are embedded in the flesh, it is too painful to pull them.

The only female police officer on the ground was stripped of her underwear. Zhou Qingfeng kindly tied her thigh wound, then patted her face for a kiss, and walked away smartly.

Without Zhou Qingfeng's control, the female special policeman got up from the ground and watched the direction of the terrorists with complicated and inexplicable eyes, holding the wall to retreat slowly.

In addition to the pain in the wounds around the body, Zhou Qingfeng also had a self-healing itch at the moment, and these two feelings could still bear a little bit. But he has strong self-healing ability and strong digestive ability, and he is hungry again when he is full ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you are hungry, you can solve it. Finding food in the Louvre is not too difficult Another problem is very troublesome-strong digestive ability and strong metabolic ability, this is too much to excrete. Uncle Zhou feels that his stomach is going up, so he must find a place to make it easier.

"Do you want me to go to the toilet?" Zhou Qingfeng was not familiar with the Louvre, and it was difficult to find a toilet. And the structure of the toilet is all in and out, in case anyone gets caught in the trap-the headline of the newspaper after dawn is ‘stupid terrorists caught alive in the toilet’.

Zhou Qingfeng walked around in the quiet and quiet palace, surrounded by the crystallization of human civilization thousands of years ago, various sculptures, paintings, and crafts. When he saw the monitoring probe, he would shoot and destroy, and various cables were cut without hesitation. At present, the monitoring system on each floor has been paralyzed.

In this case, Uncle Zhou wandered to the west side of the ground floor and couldn't help it. Considering that the one-level passage is the most convenient, he chose to make it easier here.

After finding a statue, Zhou Qingfeng took off his pants and squatted down. He looked up, uh ..., Venus with a broken arm?

Goddess, sorry. This person has three urgency and must be resolved.

Under the gaze of the goddess for a thousand years, Uncle Zhou's excrement shuddered out. No one in the world has done it, and he did it again.

The mercenaries of the "Lion" have quietly cleared the negative second floor and the negative first floor. From the first floor to the ground, the head just emerged from the staircase, and a stench came on.

Who littered the tear gas?

No, this is not the smell of gas!

Is it chemical gas?

Not right ...

Whoops, who is so uncivilized? Actually **** in public, it was so stinky.

Ten miles in the wind!

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