Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1529: Time to reverse

Paris, Charles de Gaulle Airport, a flight from a flower planter arrives.

As a tourist, Xiao Jinlang passed a series of inspections such as visas and dragged a suitcase to the airport exit. A taxi received him heading towards the city. The Guoan female officer who was accompanying Zhou Qingfeng was sitting in the car silently, and silently handed Lao Xiao a mission briefing.

The information in the briefing was poor and the national security network in France was not as powerful as the CIA. The female officer opened a notebook at hand, and the latest news was playing on the online video.

"The suspect blasted the Louvre's underpass with the help of his companions."

"Police were able to identify at least four suspects at the time and they were chasing the streets with the police."

"The suspect fled a truck to the A4 highway on the outskirts of the city. A medium-sized transport plane landed from the air and rescued all the suspects in the presence of the police. Police said the escape method was indeed beyond their expectations."

"Police are now pursuing the matter closely, and His Excellency the President is extremely angry."

"According to information from the Civil Aviation Administration, this medium transport aircraft pretended to be a cargo plane from Ukraine and entered French airspace, but has been circling the suburbs after approaching Paris."

"After the incident, the police urgently contacted the Air Force to try to land the transport plane. But just a few minutes after the plane took off again, it landed again on a highway less than 20 kilometers away. All the suspects on the plane fled."

"The suspect was rescued by a former Soviet Union An-12 transport plane. Police said the plane was very old and it was difficult to imagine that it could take off again. Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are investigating the source of the plane. It is very It may be from Ukraine or a country in Eastern Europe. "

"The current case concerning the terrorist attack on the Louvre has cut off all clues and all the suspects have disappeared. The police said that they do not know the specific identity of these people for the time being and are now seeking help from Interpol and issuing a high reward to the community for clues. "

After reading the news clip, Lao Xiao sighed weakly. He leaned on his seat and closed his eyes for a while, without saying a word. The female officer sitting next to him shouted weakly and delicately, "Dad ..., sorry, I messed up this time."

"I'm your leader now, it's your superior." Lao Xiao sternly.

The female officer was even weaker and her head was lowered to her chest. "Deputy Director Xiao, I admit that I have not fulfilled my duties this time, and let the enemy find out. I ...

Lao Xiao was even more upset, he waved and said, "Tell me, where is that fake?"


"Run away ... didn't I make you pay attention?"

"The guy named Liu Zonghan helped him escape, and both fled. I didn't stare for a while."

"What about the little princess of the Likus family?"

"Suicide by cutting his wrist."


Xiao Xiao's head immediately became two big. No matter what role the Likus family plays in this matter, if Ai Jielin, who is a Likus family member, dies, many things will not be clear.

"But she wasn't dead. We found it in time and sent it to the hospital." The female officer hurriedly said the next sentence when she looked at the way her father was about to run away.

Lao Xiao glared at his daughter, "Where is Ai Jielin now?"

"People were taken by the Likus family, and they didn't seem to want to preach it." The female officer said.

"Did you reconnect with Lin Sen?"

"He took the initiative to contact us, saying that there was no way to come back and let us take care of his female slave named Safia. The female slave accidentally rushed to the Louvre with 'dog meat', which saved a lot of time.

In addition, Ai Jielin left a video before cutting her wrist to commit suicide, saying that she would be transferred to Lin Sen. I have passed it through the Internet. "

The explanations are all finished, but Lao Xiao was not at all relaxed. At the same time, a group of uninvited guests came in a vacant villa outside Paris. Zhou Qingfeng and others broke into here after taking a transport plane to avoid police eyes.

In the bedroom, Zhou Qingfeng was watching the video sent by the female officer through the virtual screen of his armband computer. On the video is Ai Jielin, who is a strong smile. This French girl has a shrewd appearance and a passionate and romantic heart.

"Hey, Lin. I watched a TV report and I'm glad you could escape. I know it's hypocritical to say that because you're doing all this.

I dare not ask for your forgiveness, but I can't give you any clues, and I dare not face you again. All I can do is run away from it, far away.

I know I can't gain your trust no matter what I say. I just hope that ..., can't you forget me? Even if I hate me. "

The video is short, less than a minute, and a few words are full of sadness and despair. After Zhou Qingfeng closed the video, he remained silent. He sat on the sofa in the villa's living room and supported his head like a sculpture.

In the living room, most of the people who participated in the operation did not speak, just watching Zhou Qingfeng. Only Daddy Ruiwen couldn't hold back after a few minutes, and whispered to his daughter, "What high-tech is that thing on Victor's arm? How much? I want one."

Katerina smiled bitterly. "That's Victor's armband computer. I can give you one with ordinary performance. But he has only one such high-capacity, highly intelligent one. Even I don't have the same paragraph."

Sounds awesome. Daddy Ruiwen is even more stunned, but asks again in wonder: "Isn't this the prop in your movie? Is the technology now developing to this extent?"

Caterina can only smile bitterly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't answer.

Zhou Qingfeng was wearing short-sleeved shorts. The wounds on his body had been cleaned up, but there were still large swellings of blood and scars, which was very scary. A ponytailed Ukrainian girl was squatting beside him and re-bandaging him with items such as alcohol gauze.

The Ukrainian girl was young, and while looking at Zhou Qingfeng curiously, she asked Minsk on the other sofa with her eyes. Minsk shrugged, shook his finger silently, and signaled not to speak.

The living room was quiet for a while, and a car drove down the gravel road to the villa. Miss Fox jumped out of the car and shouted, "A few people came out to help move things, I bought your food and drink."

The butcher took Minsk as a coolie, and Miss Fox went into the living room. She saw Zhou Qingfeng, still covering her face with fabric, and asked, "How is Victor?"

"His injuries are still very serious, especially the facial skin burns, which may not be recovered for life." The Ukrainian girl who nursed Zhou Qingfeng said.

But Zhou Qingfeng said with a hoarse voice: "I can speak, but my ears are still not very good. My eyes and ankles have recovered, and I lack physical strength but I can fight. As for my skin, it It's itching, it's all over, and it will take about a week to recover. "

Miss Fox nodded and said, "You said that the woman who harmed you claimed to be 'poison spider'. I paid someone to check it.

This person is likely to be a senior CIA employee and her public identity is a Costa Police officer at the French National Centre for Terrorism. The woman personally directed the arrest of you, but the woman disappeared less than two hours after we fled. "

Zhou Qingfeng slowly raised his head, his head wrapped in cloth strips only revealed a pair of Senhan's eyes, "Missing? Yes, this chase game should be reversed."

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