Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1533: 1st

Before 'Poison Spider' contacted 'Prince', Zhou Qingfeng returned to his temporary residence from the 'Lion''s house. In addition to killing, he only brought back a simple address.

That ghost place in Europe was ancient city after city, and it was the real feudal people. In the course of thousands of years of civilization, Europe has left many inexplicable societies. Some societies are still alive and well in modern times, and the 'Dark Web' is one of them.

European society has a strong aristocratic atmosphere, and big men always want to have more power. But modern social systems often do not allow this shift in power, so it has changed into a form of existence in the dark.

In order for the big men to effectively exercise their privileges, a network independent of the national bureaucracy has developed with modern science and technology. This network is cold, ruthless, and extreme, but it is popular because it allows for unlimited power expansion.

Richmond, Switzerland, Lausanne, city on Lake Geneva. Many international organizations and institutions have many hidden ancient existences.

The “Dark Web” maintenance team is hiding in this city, and it uses the best servers in the world to store many secrets. The "Dark Web" maintenance team has more than 300 people, more than 100 technicians, and more than 200 security personnel.

The entire 'darknet' server is not a few high-end computers, but a huge server array. It occupies the entire underground space of a building. To cool down these servers requires several large-scale servers worth millions of euros Precision air conditioning.

The secret in the 'Dark Web' is like the slang of the devil, and anyone who masters it will be addicted to it. Gross is the man in charge of this secret. He is Spanish but graduated from Humboldt University in Germany. He was recruited to manage and maintain the 'Dark Web' in his forties.

Joining the "Dark Web" maintenance team is tantamount to isolation from the world. But Gross doesn't care about it. He likes to peek into the privacy and secrets of big men in this secret network, and he never tires.

And the most noticeable event in the "Dark Web" recently is no more than a century reward. The mysterious "Prince" wanted the superstar Lin Sen's life and paid a huge price for it.

Killing a star is nothing. At first no one thought it was difficult. However, the development of the incident was beyond everyone's expectations. Lin Sen's vitality was too tenacious, so that fewer and fewer people were interested in his small life, and in the end it became even unattended.

The situation is more and more obvious, but the mystery is getting bigger and bigger. In the past two days, a lot of high-ranking big men in the 'Dark Web' have continuously asked for more information about the killing. such as…….

Who is protecting Lin Sen?

How did the people who opposed Linsen die?

The most confusing thing is ... what is Lin Sen's identity?

At this time, Linsen is just a big star, but no one will believe it anymore.

The 'Dark Web' is also an intelligence network, where countless information comes together. In order to provide useful intelligence support to the bigwigs who really control the 'dark web', Gross, the network director, worked very hard to organize the investigation. Unfortunately, too little information is available ...

"Young, golden, and world-famous. Obviously he should be a public figure, but what exactly is this Linsen from?" The more information Gross collected, the more doubtful he was. "This guy is either really okay or disguised. Great. "

Obviously, it was disguised too well.

"The ID called" Victor.Hugo "has posted a photo of the death of" Lion "on the" Dark Web ". Is this ID Lin Sen himself? If it is himself, the next goal of this revenge is Who?

Obviously the next thing to kill is the poisonous spider, but now the poisonous spider will never show up easily. If you want to track down the "poison spider", it seems that you can only come to our "dark web" to check. "

Gross changed his mind from thinking about it for a while, and then he felt that it was not himself who was going to be unlucky next?

"It's impossible." Gross, who is in charge of the maintenance of the "Dark Web," wants to laugh at this absurd idea, and regardless of the strict security measures in the location of the "Dark Web," it is to provide shelter for the "Dark Web." .

Challenging the 'Dark Web' is like confronting big men from all over Europe. The 'Dark Web' is their most powerful tool to truly rule the world. Many governments want to reveal the secrets of the 'dark web', but often before they take action, plans already appear in front of Gross.

"Mr. Gross, what are you thinking?" In the large 'dark web' server control room, the current chief of the French Likus family, Ronal Likus, sat in front of a console.

The French-Dutch consortium is one of the masters of the 'Dark Web', and Ronaldo specifically called up the 'Dark Web''s internal database. This database is physically disconnected from the outside world. High-level users must come in person to enable it.

Gross shook his head, shook away the thoughts in his heart, and concentrated on serving the big man in front of him. Regarding Ronald's question, he only said that he was lost.

Ronald didn't mind it, and asked himself: "I want to know who is our honourable" Prince "?"

The prince who released the reward of the century is honored, but he is only a user of the "dark web" and not the owner. To put it plainly, his identity is not enough.

Regarding Ronald's question, Gross said politely: "I'm sorry, I can't answer your question. But your father is a referrer of the" Prince ", maybe you can ask him."

Ronald snorted, extremely displeased. He asked again: "So I want to know where is the 'poison spider'? This can always answer me."

But Gross still refused to provide information. "Sorry, the information of 'Poison Spider' has been blocked according to the request of 'Prince'."

Ronald was even more annoyed, "I am one of the top masters of the" Dark Web ", and I have the right to call any resource of the" Dark Web. "

Gross said humblely: "I'm sorry, it's your father who confirms that you want to block the poison spider. He has more authority than you."

Thinking of the old man in the family, only a breath was left, as if he would die at any time, but his undead father, Ronald could not help rolling his eyes. He is in charge of the family, but is not happy enough.

"So where is Lin Sen who escaped from the Louvre? Can this be found?" Ronald followed suit ~ www.readwn.com ~ and wanted to ask what his enemies were doing?

But there is still no answer to this question. Gross also said helplessly: "According to the investigation by the French police and our intelligence communication with the CIA, no one knows where Linsen is?

There are still many people who want to find him, but they can't find him. He may be the most mysterious person in the world. But we are also working hard to find him has become the highest level of work in our team. "

This sounds good, but it's useless.

Ronald Likus leaned back in his chair and sighed. He squeezed his forehead a little stunned, feeling that things have gone wrong recently. And just as he wanted to close his eyes and reconcile himself for deep thinking, the underground space of the entire 'Dark Web' server suddenly turned on a red light.

"What's going on?" Ronald was startled, looking around.

Gross is also miserable. He has never seen this situation in the management of the 'Dark Web' for so many years. "It seems that some security measures have been triggered. Uh ..., it seems that the external power supply has been cut off."

There was a slight vibration in the underground where the 'dark web' server was located. This was the backup diesel generator set to start working to power the huge server array. At the same time, a heavy bullet-proof glass rose from the ground to isolate the direct connection between the server control room and the outside world.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this may just be a small accident." Gross is still comforting Ronald as a big man. At this moment, the entire maintenance team also started to busy check whether there was a problem there.

Ronald was very upset about this situation and asked angrily: "Don't try to lie to me, this is 'self-enclosed', the highest level of security measures in the 'dark web' defense system. Has this happened in the past?"

"Uh ..." Gross faltered for a while, and laughed helplessly: "There is always a first for everything." []

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