Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1536: God never punishes

"The police will come soon, and you have time to escape now."

"I think you don't know enough about the horror of the 'Dark Web'. This is the power that controls the whole of Europe."

"Young man, think it over. Offer your terms and we can talk."

Behind the bullet-proof glass, Ronald was heated, angry, and domineering, but he couldn't hide his speech power no matter what he did. The "dark web" maintenance personnel in the central control room have all avoided it, and the original unbreakable psychological defenses are now falling apart.

Zhou Qingfeng patted in front of the bulletproof glass, turned around and left. Catalina behind him carried a bag and took out a 'Gustav' M3 recoilless gun at a distance of ten meters from the bulletproof glass.

The shell entered, and the bolt was locked, aiming at the thick bulletproof glass and pulling the trigger. Originally, Ronald was still speaking loudly in front of the bullet-proof glass. When he saw the gun barrel, he immediately lay down, and crawled with his hands and feet to avoid it.

With an explosion, a armor-piercing bomb hit the bulletproof glass, and the metal jet easily penetrated the thirty-centimeter glass layer, leaving a small hole and a large crack on it.

In two more rounds, Katerina blasted the bulletproof glass out of a triangular damage point, and finally went further with a grenade, completely blasting a cracked hole in the cracked glass.

Without waiting for the smoke to dissipate, ‘dog meat’ was the first to enter through a hole. The ‘dark web’ maintenance staff inside was already squatting and holding his head in scream, someone even lay on the ground. Zhou Qingfeng and Caterina entered in turn, all in front of a group of people who surrendered.

The central control room is divided into two parts, one is the work place for ordinary maintenance staff, and is divided into a dozen square grid office areas of different sizes. The other is the main control area, which has only a few computers, but it is the key position.

Zhou Qingfeng went to the main control area and Shen Sheng asked: "Who is the head here?"

The surrendered people looked at Gross. The middle-aged man had to raise his hand stubbornly and shouted, "It's me."

"Come here." Zhou Qingfeng beckoned, "I heard you have an internal database here, and there are many, many interesting secrets hidden."

Zhou Qingfeng was carrying a small bag, and he took out a black box from the inside. This is the smart computer that was previously used to access the US Department of Justice's database using satellite data links. The Aurora Corps made it specifically for the head of the army.

"Tell me, where is the interface of your database?" Zhou Qingfeng powered on the black box and connected the monitor to say that the data link is a bit troublesome.

Gross saw Zhou Qingfeng holding an ordinary USB data cable in his hand, and said only weakly, "Our database is a dedicated interface, and there is no way to match this."

Zhou Qingfeng laughed. He saw Ronald, who had just been persuaded in front of the bullet-proof glass, who was embarrassingly rising from a burst of glass shavings. Zhou Qingfeng did not hesitate to draw a gun and gave the other party a peanut.

With a slamming shot, the head of the grand Francois consortium, the patriarch of the contemporary Likus family was headshot-the body slammed to the ground and died extremely recklessly.

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care about who you are. I only care if you are useful to me? You can live if you are useful, and you die when you are useless." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the time. Half an hour has passed since the operation began.

For the sake of small lives, who dares not work hard? An adapter cable was ready for Uncle Zhou in less than five minutes. The black box's intelligent AI has sufficient resolution capabilities, easily grasped the top-level control of the internal database of the 'dark web', and began analyzing and downloading data by super-high-speed data lines disguised as USB.

However, downloading the database of 'Dark Web' was not the main purpose of Zhou Qingfeng's trip. When Caterina applied explosives to this underground server array, he asked Gross's shoulder and asked, "You should know a poisonous spider 'Guy, right? The one who's been working on the Louvre recently.'

Gross felt that the arm on his shoulder was as heavy as a mountain, and he couldn't breathe. Regarding Zhou Qingfeng's problem, his chick nodded like a peck of rice, "I know. 'Poison Spider' is an employee of the CIA, lurking in the French National Counter-Terrorism Center and publicly identifying as a Costa Police officer."

"Well ..." Zhou Qingfeng was soothingly educated by the sister-in-law, "So where is this woman now?"

"This requires analysis of the data to get an approximate picture of her possible whereabouts, and it takes a bit of manpower and time." Gross said bitterly, fearing that he would be killed if he didn't do well. After all, Ronald Likus is such a big man, it doesn't mean that he will die.

"I don't have that much time. Is there a simpler way?" Zhou Qingfeng shook his head slightly.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng shaking his head, Gross felt that he was going to be sentenced to death. He said quickly: "I overheard Ronald Likus's phone number. He also contacted Poison Spider the other day, and it is said that" Prince "wanted to see" Poison Spider "."

"" Prince "?" On Zhou Qingfeng's killing list, the "Poison Spider" who killed him is still second, and the "Prince" behind him is the first. "Where is 'Prince' again?"

"I don't know, we really don't know this. 'Prince' was introduced to the 'Dark Web' by the elder elder of the Likus family. Others don't know his identity at all.

'Prince' has always been mysterious, and everyone thought he was just rich. In fact, what is most special about him is that he sells some very effective treatments. It is said that the old Likus could live to this day and still not die, relying on his medicine to sustain his life. "

"A biochemical pharmacist?" Zhou Qingfeng frowned. "That is to say, I have to go to the old Likus to reveal this last mystery? This is really not a satisfactory answer to me."

Just when he felt like he was going to die immediately, Gross felt a light shoulder. Zhou Qingfeng released him and turned to look at the black box.

Wanting to copy all the complicated data in a short period of time is not something that can be completed in a short time, even if the black box processing ability is no longer strong. After all, the transfer rate of the 'dark web' database is also a limitation.

The black box actually only conducted a directory search to determine the completeness and correctness of the database, so that Uncle Zhou could not be fooled by a finger. And after confirming that the database is okay ..., directly disassemble the memory.

Confirmation with a black box ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng evacuated more than a dozen large-capacity dedicated storage servers from the cabinet of the 'dark web' database. Although these things are clumsy and heavy, there is no problem with "dog meat" in the labor.

As Zhou Qingfeng left with the booty, Gross and other ‘dark web’ maintenance staff looked at each other. They looked back at the central control room where a large number of explosives were installed, and quickly exclaimed: "This is going to be destroyed, we will leave soon."

However, before these industry elites escaped through the hole in the bulletproof glass, Zhou Qingfeng, who had been away, pressed the button of the remote starter. The entire underground space was suddenly covered by intense vibrations and loud noises, and the air pressure suddenly changed, causing ear pain.

Successive explosions destroyed the entire underground space, and no one staying inside could be spared. Accumulated over the centuries and costing a lot of money to build, the ‘dark web’, which has connected with countless dark forces, disappeared with the team maintaining it in an instant.

With 'dog meat', Zhou Qingfeng and Katerina left quickly, and fled from the underground space immediately after joining the butcher and Minsk.

On the way back, Caterina shouted, "Victor, I thought you would let go of those technicians. I didn't expect you to let them bury the" Dark Web. "

Zhou Qingfeng got in the car and looked at the "Dark Web" building that was constantly emitting smoke, and said resentfully: "Remember the post I read when the butcher showed me the" Dark Web "for the first time?

Traffickers in Bulgaria sell female slaves from Eastern Europe, butchers say the poor girls lived less than two years after being resold. This kind of thing happened in a world known as freedom and civilization.

Unconventional power has created a huge amount of wealth, but there are countless injustices under the dead bones. The defenders of the 'dark web' are also perpetrators, and they are also stained with the blood of the victims. God never punishes the wicked, but I will punish! "[]

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