Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1538: Night talk

[Title: Rise of the wasteland text Chapter of 1538 Arabian Nights: take-all Taoist .QD]

The latest chapter of "The Rise of Wasteland" pro ~ This site's domain name: The shorthand homonym of "166 小说", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Criminal Psychology: Teachers of Sin and Punishment are also crazy undead mercenaries. The prosperous medical scent of the night was indulged in Seoul. The chief executive is too dangerous. The famous doctor of the mountain village rebirth army has room in Paris, Saint Martin Private Medical Center.

This is a top medical institution located on the outskirts of Paris and is extremely famous around the world. It covers a small area and is hidden in a field manor. It is also not open to the public, and its services can only be enjoyed after its status reaches a certain level.

In addition to the independent medical building in the medical center, there are dozens of independent villas, and each villa is equipped with professional medical staff. In one of the villas, members of the Likus family gathered together, and dozens of people crowded together.

These are mainly the more than ten children of the old Likus, as well as his siblings and relatives, and then the huge network of relationships brought about by the marriage. The crowd was weeping, mourning the death of the current family chief, Ronald Likus, who died in Switzerland.

Ronald was in his prime, and his death was a thunderbolt for the Licus family. When the news came back, it was difficult for many people to accept. At this moment Old Likus was sitting in a wheelchair, surrounded by everyone.

Listening to dozens of people crying in their ears, old Likus didn't have any mood swings in his heart. It is not that he is not sad for the death of his son, but he is sure that the people present are afraid that few of them are actually crying, including even Ronal's biological children. Everyone is pretending to be.

"Our Lady, this is really a sad thing." Old Likus was old and experienced countless storms in his life. He did not expect that he was about to die, and he had to face this situation.

People in the family heard the old Likus sigh and cried a little bit more. Everyone felt that the 'old man' in the family was sighing 'white hair and black hair', this time must be Be a bit sad.

After listening to the cry in the villa hall for a long time, Old Likus looked tired, and he waved his hand to push himself back to the room. And just as his wheelchair disappeared, the cry in this hall quickly faded and disappeared, and finally everyone looked at each other boringly, with a strange mind.

The old Likus' wheelchair was slowly pushed in the corridor of the villa, and a private lawyer from the family was whispering to him: "Mr Likus, the board wants you to come back and designate a new board chair because they .... "

"Because they're arguing, right?" Old Likus, who was just showing fatigue, shook his head. "Let them keep arguing until they're exhausted."

The lawyer silently noted it, adding: "The Swiss police have said they will do their best to investigate the terrorist attack. They also want to send someone to ask us some questions and hope for new clues."

The old Likus continued to shake his head. "Even if I tell them who the killer is? Can they catch it? If the killer is so good at catching it, the billion-dollar century reward will have killed him long ago."

The lawyer silent again, and finally a little courage, whispered, "Some members of your family seem to be connecting, they ..."

"They want to know how I am going to amend my will, right?" Old Likus smiled wryly. "Is it all stupid or stupid as before. I chose Ronald for that, it was Because Ronald is slightly less stupid than them. "

The wheelchair was supposed to be pushed to Old Likus's own room, but when he passed a fork in the corridor, he changed his mind and said, "To Ai Jielin's room, I want to see my little daughter."

The wheelchair was pushed to the door of a room, and two guards saluted the old Likus slightly, opening the door carefully. The room was white with a petite sleeping beauty lying on a bed. But the most abrupt thing was a tall black man standing in the room.

The man in black was looking down at the petite woman who was asleep, while the two medical staff in the room hid in the corner with fear and did not dare to say a word. The family lawyer pushed the old Likus just into the door and exclaimed when he saw the man in black: "Someone broke in."

The guard at the door was suddenly shocked, and immediately drew his gun and rushed in. But the old Likus on the wheelchair sighed, "Quiet, do you want my entire family to die?"

The lawyer and the guard looked at each other, and the old Likus went into the room by pressing the button on the wheelchair lightly. He waved to the two paramedics in the room: "Go out, keep quiet, don't disturb us."

The guard wanted to remind a few words, but the family's personal lawyer knew some secrets, the less they knew the better. After the medical staff in the room came out, he closed the door and blocked the door himself, and whispered to the guard, "Do your duty, and don't worry about other things."

The man in black in the room covered his face with fabric. He turned his head to look at the old wrinkled and spotted face of Likus, and said with a bit of sarcasm: "You probably don't expect me to live. ? "

"I'm not too surprised, because there are so many amazing things I've seen." Old Likus didn't have any special mood swings, and he even laughed: "Victor Hugo, you are in front of me No need to cover it up, I can probably guess your identity. "

In a black suit is Zhou Qingfeng. He tore off his face, revealing his scarred face, and asked a little puzzled, "What do you guess my identity is?"

"It really is amazing." Old Likus stared at Zhou Qingfeng's face for a while, sighing again and again. "As a person with countless wealth and huge power, I have the power to fully satisfy my curiosity.

Like many rich people, I occasionally spend a lot of money on some strange unsolved mysteries. So I met 'Prince'. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

You are very similar to 'Prince' and have mysteries. But you and the prince are different. He chooses to cooperate with a consortium leader like me, and you choose to cooperate with the government. From the current point of view, you are better than 'Prince'. "

These words made Zhou Qingfeng value the old man in front. The so-called 'no-nothing under the prestige', the old Likus is indeed too old, but it does not mean that he is old and confused.

"You know a lot." Zhou Qingfeng couldn't understand the details of the old Likus for a while, and a little doubt appeared in his eyes.

But the old Likus shook his head: "On the contrary, the more I know, the more confused. Both you and the" Prince "have hidden their most amazing abilities. I have always wanted to crack, but I have been powerless.

If I really know you people, I can do better than you. Unfortunately, Heaven did not give me this opportunity, nor did I give me more time to solve the mystery. "

This is ridicule, it must be ridicule, it really is ridicule!

Zhou Qingfeng poked his lips, really dare not say that old Likus would not be so good if he had his own adventure. In fact, he had the bottom line--he wasn't a genius, he was just lucky.

Two people, one old and one young, look at each other, and they are very unconvinced. Just when they wanted to use their eyes to compare a victory or defeat, Ai Jielin lying on the bed blinked and suddenly woke up. The sleeping beauty sat up and looked at the two men in doubt.

"Who are you?" Ai Jielin seemed strange to Old Likus and Zhou Qingfeng.

Zhou Qingfeng was still surprised, but the old Likus smiled and said, "My dear child, I am your father, and he is your husband."

Ai Jielin was even more confused, "Why would I have such an old father, and ..., such an ugly husband?"

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