Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1542: Treasure in the record

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After meeting with "Prince", "Poison Spider" hurriedly left the house of the mysterious figure. She really didn't like the biochemical laboratory. It felt like a personal meat slaughterhouse.

No ... ten thousand times worse than the slaughterhouse. Although the light inside is bright, although the laboratory is clean and sterile, although the **** smell is not smelled, the breath of death is still condensed.

After the poisonous spider left, the prince was alone in his personal office for a long time. He drove a wheelchair into a cubicle in the office. There were rows and rows of folders in the cubicle, and he flipped through them all over the past ten years of recording and organizing memory fragments.

"Prince" also has a moment of his own glory, which once made all the powerful people in Europe look at him. But over time, he can give less and less results, and he feels that his memory seems to have been dug out the most important piece.

There is a small TV in the cubicle. ‘Prince’ grabbed a remote control and started playing. The screen showed the ‘waste land’ movie played by Zhou Qingfeng. That was the first episode. Uncle Zhou had just arrived and the cataclysm had not yet begun.

"Did I also have a movie dedicated to myself? It records the time I spent living and researching in the wasteland. And I eventually failed, so my memory was erased." "Prince" leaned on a wheelchair and remained blank. Watching the movie for a long time.

Until the end of the movie two hours later, the prince was shocked and found that there were more people around him. His body was awkward and he only looked back at the half-length of the stranger.

This strange intruder seemed to have been standing in the cubicle for a long time, rummaging through several folders of memory fragments.

"Old El." The Prince screamed angrily.

The intruder put down the folder and asked indifferently, "Are you calling your housekeeper? He is not so honest, I was fainted, and now someone is torture him."

"Prince" suddenly burst into cold sweat. He couldn't turn his head and could only ask, "Who are you?"

"Don't you always watch the movie I made? I thought you could guess who I am?" The stranger gently pushed the wheelchair so that the other person could face him, "I didn't expect that" Prince "was really Prince. You actually set up a biochemical laboratory. "

"Prince" can finally see who the intruder was, and he exclaimed in a voice: "Victor Hugo. How did you find here?"

"Do you think your identity is very secretive?" The person who came was Zhou Qingfeng, who looked at the memory files of the "Prince" and said slightly mockingly: "I dare to blow up the" Dark Web ", even theirs. The database can be snatched by me. What other secrets can I hide from me? "

"No, it's impossible." The Prince continued to shake his head. "No one on the" Dark Web "knows who I am? I haven't left any identity records on the" Dark Web. "I ..., I'm ... "

"Prince" suddenly stopped talking, his eyes flickered. Zhou Qingfeng continued to look at the folder in which he recorded his memory slowly, while turning, he was surprised in his mouth.

"You things are very valuable." Zhou Qingfeng looked more and more vigorous, he pointed to a record and read: "After the nuclear winter is over, the Brotherhood of Steel will be split, and the internal military giants will be separated due to uneven distribution of stolen goods. independent.

Corruption problems within Enclave will also become more serious, and power will be concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. However, the concentration of power brought about the rapid expansion of the war machine. In order to resolve internal contradictions, expansion became inevitable. "

Zhou Qingfeng's admiration continued, "'Prince', these are the records of the wasteland situation. There are both strategic and personal details. Oh ... what did I see? Tony Parker, that A lucky man who always looks for death but can't die.

Tony Parker betrayed his commander-in-chief, Commander Mountbatten, and threw himself into the arms of the Mormon Church. For this reason, the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel was severely wounded, and was repeatedly hit in the following wars.

Who is Mountbatten? What is Mormon Rebellion? Shouldn't Tony Parker follow David Lawrence? ‘Prince’, is this what happened in the plot you experienced? Oh my god! I found a treasure, these things are too important. "

It's so important that he meows!

Zhou Qingfeng grew more and more excited, and looked more and more happy. He yelled directly to the sky-when he had lost his prediction about the future, he suddenly found a record like a prophecy, which was very precious.

Obviously, in the world experienced by the 'Prince', there are no aurora disruptions and checks and balances. Only the Brotherhood of Steel and Inkley's North America have greatly accelerated the event.

Among Zhou Qingfeng's wasteland, North America after the cataclysm has maintained basic peace for more than two years. But in the wasteland of the 'Prince', the two organizations took a big shot in about a year. But except for a few different protagonists, other NPCs are generally the same although they are different.

"These are mine. They are mine. I need to study and study well." Zhou Qingfeng was so excited that he quickly found the box in the Prince's office and recorded all the records of the Prince All the folders with memory fragments were installed.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng Le Haha like a tattered one, ‘Prince’ was full of anger. He reached out and pointed at Zhou Qingfeng and cursed: "You ..., you have no right to take these, these are my records."

"I don't have the right?" Zhou Qingfeng refused, and he straightened his chest and shouted, "I know you were also the candidate, but you failed. It's like David Lawrence, or which Russian girl, You have all failed. It's me who saves the world and the wasteland. "

"Prince" was so angry that he cursed cursely: "You will not succeed, you will certainly not succeed. You learned from the old Likus ~ www.readwn.com ~ Right Which old guy will betray me and betray you. None of those people can be trusted. "

Zhou Qingfeng nodded, "Yes, a person who doesn't even take care of his own son's death is really tolerant or cold-blooded. But the old reason why the old Likus gave up you and cooperated with me. It's because I'm better than you. Admit it, your power can't compare with me at all.

Do you think I can change all of this? Dream it, you are Loser! "

Uncle Zhou ridiculed, and reached out and patted ‘Prince’ on the shoulder. And just as he touched the 'Prince' hand, a cold, sticky, and slippery thing got into Zhou Qingfeng's body.

Zhou Qingfeng immediately became soft and fell to his knees on one knee. He twitched his head, widened his eyes like a dead fish, opened his mouth, his whole body muscles were shaking and he could not hold the wheelchair of the "Prince" down completely with his hands.

Fuck, what is he meowing?

It is a fragment of memory.

Zhou Qingfeng went to Russia last time to find the body of 'Winter Frost', the ballet girl student named Yana. At that time, Yana's body contained mad memories, the baptism of blood and fire. These things Zhou Qingfeng could still accept, after all he had experienced himself.

But what is the memory of "Prince"?

It is a rotten body with lesions, an operating table with blood and blackness, an experimental body crying and begging, and a living anatomy that destroys humanity. These things do not match up with Zhou Qingfeng. He has never done these things, and he cannot tolerate such abnormal behavior.

"Cornima, what have you done? You don't even let the children and women, you bastard!" Zhou Qingfeng was crazy by these memories and went crazy on the spot. When he woke up panting, there was a puddle of mud on the wheelchair in front of him, and his fists were full of flesh.

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