Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1558: Lapse

At 6:30 in the morning, Nova woke up on time. She dressed up in sportswear and went out for a run. Jog for about half an hour, and then run at high speeds until the sweat drips back to your home.

The rushing hot water can wash away sweat and bring vitality to the body. Nova appeared energetic and energetic when she appeared again.

"Early, Nova!"

早 "Early!"

I was near the institute and greeted colleagues along the way. Nova walked briskly into a building. She is located in Jamaica, and all personnel and equipment of the Aurora Corps Biochemical Research have moved from Greater Abaco Island in the Bahamas.

The tropical Jamaican population nearly died during the nuclear winter and was easily occupied by the Legion. The island is large enough, and it is relatively safe behind Cuba, and was selected by Zhou Qingfeng as a biochemical experimental base.

After a long flight to the Aurora Army, Nova can finally live a relaxing life. Her daily work is basically to sort out all kinds of pre-catastrophic materials, and she is not needed for other things.

Most people at the research institute on Toshima appear to be idle because of insufficient equipment and materials. Biochemical research is a high-input industry that requires a variety of cutting-edge equipment and consumes a lot of consumables. Behind these things, the industrial chain is needed to protect them. Nothing is cheap.

The research on biochemical drugs is basically a loss of money toward the sea. It is difficult to produce results. It depends entirely on luck and probability, but as long as it is successful, it is of great value. Obviously, the Corps did not have enough resources to invest in various experiments of the Institute.

只有 On the entire island, only Myron's team is doing real work. The therapeutic needles they produce have miraculous effects. The magic drug that countless people want to imitate without success has brought great benefits to the legion.

I am also because of the huge income, Myron's team is strictly controlled, and outsiders are not allowed to communicate with them at will. Nova was originally absorbed by the Aurora Corps in the name of a mutant research expert, but was thrown idle after arriving in Jamaica.

It's okay if I cast it idle, and Nova is happy. She rarely takes a vacation for herself, but also enjoys her current comfortable life. It's just that her good days are coming to an end.

With a loud murmur, Nova felt that her office was shaking. The shock came from the floor, and it seemed that the ping-pong puppet was demolishing the house. People in the office were frightened to flee, only Nova slowly stood up and stared at the ceiling.

哐 When the ceiling broke directly, the reinforced concrete floor slammed and dropped a lot of debris, and a hole appeared in front of Nova. Along with the pieces, there was a raging guy wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, his clothes burst, his face sullen, and his roar roaring.

"His Excellency?" Nova recognized the mad guy in front of her. It was this sturdy guy who took her out of Mexico City, and hung Nova's underwear on the tank gun as the enemy and enemy identification mark.

照片 The "guns and roses" photo taken at that time later appeared in a certain issue of the "Cat's Claw" club, but that issue was sold out. Many people want to know who is the underwear hanging on the barrel?

But now when they meet again, there is a little alienation between them, and the head of the army actually went crazy to open a big hole on the floor and appeared in front of Nova.

A young man appeared near the gap in the hole, and his pale face was a small second force Mai Lang. He looked at Zhou Qingfeng below and exclaimed: "Oops, the medicament is just the wrong match. The boss went mad."

Zhou Qingfeng is squatting on the ground, restraining the madness of violence in his brain. His madness ability is ten times more powerful. This effect is good, but the aftermath is too terrible. Once his emotions get out of control, he is likely to be unable to return to normal reason.

According to the prior settings, the mechanical exoskeleton is restraining Zhou Qingfeng's limbs, forcing him to stop the violence. But I don't know what medicine Mai Lang did. Zhou Qingfeng's mood fluctuated this time, and the mechanical exoskeleton could not lock him.

"What did you give him?" Nova asked under the hole in the floor.

"An antidote, which is more complicated to say, you definitely don't understand." Mai Lang only thinks that the Nova downstairs is an idiot. "He's dead if he doesn't eat now, or die. I've done my best."

"Is it the antidote to NTZ-49?" Nova asked.

Mai Lang immediately paused, looking at the woman underneath, asking, "How do you know NTZ-49? This thing should be top secret."

"Do you think I haven't studied Victor Hugo? I've been guessing about his experience." Nova cast a grimace and strode forward to the hole in the floor. Her robotic arm grabbed the bare steel bars, and pull-ups pulled her up.

告诉 "Tell me, what kind of antidote do you give to which guy?" The Nova who climbed up, regardless of the madness of Zhou Qingfeng underground, turned to Mai Lang and asked.

"A biological protein." Mai Lang was a little scared of Nova's mechanical arm and sturdy performance, and honestly said a long molecular formula.

"Stupid, do you want to kill Victor Hugo?" Nova ridiculed in the simplest words, and then she said her own solution before the second child forced Mai Lang to protest.

After several hours, a remanufactured sedative was injected into Zhou Qingfeng. This allowed the leader of the regiment, who had been mad to six relatives, to calm down. After sleeping for three days and three nights, Zhou Qingfeng regained consciousness and opened his eyes to see that he was placed on a hospital bed.

I watched the nurse at the bedside for 24 hours ~ www.readwn.com ~ and saw Zhou Qingfeng opened his eyes and called the doctor immediately. After confirming that he was still in Jamaica, he asked the doctor what had happened these days?

Soon Mai Lang appeared in front of Zhou Qingfeng to report: "Sorry, Captain of the Corps. Although the antidote I developed has been successfully tested on animals, it has completely failed on you. Your madness seems to be a protection mechanism, so that Your body has become extremely strong, counteracting the toxicity of NTZ-49. "

Zhou Qingfeng was lying on the bed, and his body and mind were uncomfortable. He asked again: "Is there any other way?"

"Uh ..., I can't help it. Maybe you can try to let Nova take the lead in the next research." Myron rarely admits that his technology is not good, and took Nova to Zhou Qingfeng in the homeopathy.

"You are ..., Nova." Zhou Qingfeng's visit to Jamaica this time not only brought a large number of consumables required for biochemical experiments, but also specifically looked at Mai Lang's research progress on NTZ-49 antidote.

Regarding this antidote, Zhou Qingfeng has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the real world and waste soil. Both theoretical research and small batch animal experiments have been quite successful. However, there is a big problem with Zhou Qingfeng. He took medicine. Then went crazy directly.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng recognize himself, Nova swaggered and said, "Want to live?"

"of course."

"You have to listen to me."

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