Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1562: Confrontation

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The buzzing 'Kilov' airship flew across the sky, and the leader of the Aurora Army Guards Second Regiment, Rom, was on the airship. He led the regiment's staff and followed a tank platoon from Cuba to Merida, Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.

The Kirov airship has a carrying capacity of up to 300 tons. Although it cannot transport tens of thousands of tons of cargo like a large ship, it has great advantages in terms of timeliness and convenience.

An airship can easily take all the personnel and heavy take off of a tank platoon, from land to land, without the need for a port or airport transfer. It can fly thousands of kilometers and land in the wild, and the troops immediately enter combat without the need for trimming. This is the vehicle most convenient for strategic air transport.

Roma had three armoured battalions, each with more than a thousand people, plus artillery, communications, transport repair, and medical auxiliary forces. His regiment was more than 5,000, and was one of the most powerful armed forces in the regiment.

Armed with fighter jets from the Air Force, Roma's troops landed in the pots of the wild on the outskirts of Merida. This place can't be changed by plane, but an airship can.

After the airship landed, several five or nine tanks drove out of the cargo bay. These modified tanks are the most elite troops of the Aurora Corps. Perhaps the quality of the tank is not as good as the enemy's m60a3, but the number is absolutely sufficient, and the training is also exhausted.

After leaving the airship, the staff was responsible for reorganizing the unit, and Roma took a jeep into Merida. The city is full of collapsed buildings and destroyed roads. The engineering battalion of the ‘Mexition Front’ is clearing and repairing land bases, and a lot of busy soldiers can be seen along the way.

Qin Weidong was originally transferred to the Cuban General Staff in Merida. After being a mayor for a few days, Giris was also transferred to the Ministry of the Interior as the deputy chief. Uncle Zhou even went to Jamaica for a medical treatment. It was the former chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Paramount.

When Roma saw this round businessman in a shack, Paramount was relieved to see Roma appear and sighed: "Colonel, you're finally here. We have been scared these days. died."

The Legion officially formed the Mexican Front, Merida's security forces, and the guerrillas of the 'Mexico Front'. The regular troops sent by the Legion were all under the command of this Front. Roma, who had arrived earlier, was appointed Acting Commander of the Frontier Army and commanded more than 100,000 troops.

There is a sand table in the simple room, and two men in uniform are standing on either side of the sand table. One was Liu Meng, the commander of the Corps Missile Brigade that had been operating on the Yucatan Peninsula for a long time, and the other was Yue Hao, commander of the independent artillery regiment, who had been promoted by the FireWire.

Liu Meng's missile brigade played quite well in the previous raids and later defenses. However, Yue Hao was much more unlucky. The artillery battalion where he was originally was completely maimed. After reorganization, he replenished his equipment and personnel and expanded it into a regiment again. However, the backbone personnel were seriously inadequate.

"Let's talk, how are we?" Roma said nonsense.

"In the city, there are more than 100,000 emergency expansion security forces, more than 30,000 guerrillas, combat effectiveness, don't expect too much. A garrison in the city's Inkley has surrendered and directed their Colonel Harding into the prisoner of war camp. We have more than 300,000 citizens. "

"Food and drinking water in the city can be solved, but the war has just passed, there are many wounded and sick, and the medical conditions are poor. At present, the morale of the military and civilians is good. After all, we have just driven the army of the Diago regime."

"And our enemies assembled in Campeche, 150 kilometers away. The enemy's mixed first and second divisions were beaten by us, and the independent first division was also badly hit by us, but the enemy was adjusted later. There were several divisions, including troops with full capacity. "

Just a few people at the scene, you can say something clearly to me. The virtual projection of the electronic sand table depicts the terrain of the Yucatan Peninsula very clearly. The current pressure on Merida is not at all light.

"It looks like our opponents are not so easy to mess with." Rom stood in front of the sand table, realizing that his current opponent was far stronger than expected. "The enemy is going to launch an attack again, and they probably understand that if they do n’t desperately, died."

"We have now found the names of the six enemy divisions, and are slowly advancing towards us in an attempt to launch a siege again." Yue Hao said.

Liu Meng added: "We have air force support, but the number of aircraft is not enough to suppress opponents from time to time. My missiles are not very effective at hitting concealed and moving targets in the wild. The enemy is now learning and thinking The unit is working well. "

The enemy was once again under pressure, apparently trying to be desperate. The so-called trapped beast fighting, the last one seemed extremely fierce, and maybe it was about to come back. The drone ahead is transmitting the enemy's every move in real time, and the electronic map is updated every half an hour.

"Are we still defending the city?" Yue Hao asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ To be honest, he was afraid of defending the city. The last time he defended the city, his artillery battalion was almost complete.

Defending the city is simple, there is no shortage of weapons and equipment in the city, and there are a large number of cannon fodder-like security forces and guerrillas that can be filled in. The enemy has no air and sea support, and it is definitely impossible to fight against consumption.

When the enemy is tired, the second Guards regiment and the first Guards regiment will be able to launch a counterattack. The 'Kilov' airship is capable of air transport, and two elite regiments can even stab a knife behind the enemy.

The disadvantage of such a fight is that it will kill many people, only to be more fierce than the first Merida defense. If the morale of the city collapses before the enemy is exhausted, then the trouble is great.

On the electronic map, enemy forces are constantly approaching Merida. It wasn't too far from Campeche, and the armored force reached the throttle two or three hours later. As a commander, Rom suddenly felt a little stressed, and realized the plight of Qin Weidong when he was defending the city.

"We took the initiative to kill." Rom thought for a long time, but decided not to keep the city, because the city of Merida was broken and could not keep it. "I brought an armored unit. The armored unit didn't make sense to keep the city."

Rom's decision was soon prepared by the staff as a battle plan and reported to the staff. Qin Weidong, who was sitting behind the town, quickly approved the plan. Even Zhou Qingfeng, who was in convalescence, said: Don't be afraid of loss, let go of the fight, and lose it.

The boss at the back spoke, and the general in front was naturally bolder. The Yucatan Peninsula is flat, and the plains south of Merida are particularly suitable for tank and armored operations. In the face of the enemies who are pressing harder and harder, an offensive battle is about to begin.

And just before the war began, Mr. Suzano, a gangster of Diego who had just been fired, appeared on the front line, and he had to personally direct the battle to determine success or failure.

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