Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1565: Set


Rom stared at the stunned captives in front of him. Not to mention the petrol and bombs consumed by dozens of aircraft supported by the Air Force, not to mention the thousands of shells fired by the independent artillery regiment. The three main armored battalions ran out and took a lap to consume fuel. The result ...

When the enemy took the initiative to retreat, it still left several Rangers scattered and failed to escape and was arrested. Rom saw these sad enemy soldiers crying on the side of a road, looking at their dusty and teary faces, and crumpled uniforms. They thought they had suffered.

"Tell me, what orders did your officers have given?" Annoyed Roma questioned himself with an angry expression. At this trial, it was learned that the six front divisions of the enemy had reached a certain tacit understanding, that is, they retreated when attacked by the Aurora Legion and resolutely did not fight hard.

"The former First Division and the Independent First Division were both maimed. The officers who lost their troops immediately lost their power and were completely marginalized."

"The previous Merida siege battle was too miserable. Especially the retired first division, which had more than 8,000 people, could survive less than a thousand, and all the wounded were abandoned. Every division was frightened by this tragic situation. "

"The six divisions now coming from Campeche were originally stationed in Mexico City. They were all elites under Susano's boss. But several division chiefs did not want to light up their troops. No one wants to fight now."

"We have long received the command of the sergeant, and it is the most important thing to keep our lives in the face of an attack.

The captive's confession was in front of him, and such an opponent made the senior officers of the Aurora Corps, such as Roma, angry and laughed. However, the enemy's six divisions did not leave, and the pressure was still great. The legion cannot show weakness, after all, the enemy just doesn't want to lose too much, not to fight.

"Mr. Roma, what shall we do next?" Several staff officers asked.

"What else can I do?" For more than two years, Roma had been with Zhou Qingfeng, and the rabbits had to grow tusks. He showed a bit of ruthlessness and said: "The more the enemy does not want to fight, the more we have to fight. The more fierce and fierce we are, the less afraid we will die, the more our opponent will be scared."

"But ..." Some staff expressed concern. "Sir, we have too few troops. There are 5,000 troops in the regiment, and the number of front-line combat troops is less than 3,000. Moreover, there are only more than 100 tanks and their performance is still very low. Great gap. It's driving the enemy into a hurry. How can these eight-tier cars beat ten-tier cars? "

Yeah, this is a real problem.

Dare to fight is a good thing, but the disadvantages of equipment can not be ignored. The performance of the enemy's M60A3 is far superior to that of the old Wu Jiu in every respect. If you face it up, you will be waiting to be slaughtered.

"Maybe we can take the initiative to seduce the enemy into our trap." A staff officer thought about it. "Our advantage is that the regiment is fully mechanized and mobile. The enemy's tanks are scattered in six divisions. If you grab a division and fight hard, the winning rate is still very high. "

It is impossible to fight without loss. If a mechanized and strengthened regiment is used to deal with the enemy and a motorized infantry division, it is still possible to win. Just how to play is a problem.

The staff's proposal caused Roma to ponder deeply. His eyes were repeatedly examined on the electronic map. Finally, he ordered the staff to form a combat plan based on this idea, and sent it back to the General Staff to seek a higher-level officer's opinion.

Qin Weidong had no comment on this, and Zhou Qingfeng waved his hands when he learned that, so that the 'Kilov' airship could be brought together to immediately transport the three armored battalions of the Guards regiment, especially the tanks. Strengthen the armor power in Roma's hands.

"Put the armored battalion together and use it as the enemy's independent third division. Find a way to draw it out of the enemy's six divisions. We set him a trap and fight it well."

Just as Roma was determined to give the enemy a brutal hand, Suzano on the other side was forcing his troops to press forward. He stayed dead in the division of the Independent Third Division, staring at the division's senior officers and ordering the offensive.

The boss stared at him, and the Independent Third Division couldn't be lazy. The whole division can only launch an attack forward. But this third division is moving forward, but the other divisions are not sitting there. Seeing that one division has formed a protrusion on the front and emerged.

Soon, Suzano, who was sitting in the division, received a report from an armored reconnaissance company stating that a small enemy mobile force was found on the flank of the third division, accompanied by enemy shelling.

This seems to be very similar to the situation the previous time, and it is a bombardment and armored shock. The commander of the third division asked the number of incoming enemies and learned that there was only about one mechanized company including a tank platoon, and he felt a little confident.

The Yucatan Peninsula is flat, and it is difficult to set it down. Armored forces can rush back and forth, and roads are everywhere. Thinking that the number of enemies was small, and his side had an absolute military advantage, the third division immediately launched its troops to launch a counter-attack.

In the open field, three M60A3 tanks were connected to the command to begin steering. Dozens of tons of armored vehicles rolled over the grass and gravel and began to accelerate. Behind them were two infantry battalions on armoured vehicles, and behind it was a howitzer battalion that had stopped in place to fire.

"It looks like this third division has some ability." Through the investigation of the drone, Roma could see the enemy's formation in his command vehicle. It was just five minutes before the drone flew and was shot down by enemy air defense fire.

On the Suzano side, an 'Avenger' anti-aircraft tank just knocked down a drone observing by an artillery opposite. That medium-sized drone shattered into pieces in the air and dropped a string of black smoke onto the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suzano can see the trail of smoke falling seven or eight kilometers away, He was quite satisfied with this, and asked the staff of the division: "How is the front line?"

"Our tank column is pursuing. We have destroyed two old tanks and several armored vehicles by the enemy's harassing unit. The division is directing the follow-up units to expand the front of the attack and decided to completely eat out this small enemy army. "

Listening to the good results, Suzano laughed. He showed a bit of sneer and scolded the commander of his third division, "Isn't the battle in front of you simple and it's not difficult. These **** are not honest. I have to sit in town to fight hard."

The staff of the division naturally praised Susano for his leadership and strong command, and all his credits were hiss. It was just exaggerated for a while, and suddenly a few dazzling meteors appeared above the sky.

The meteor fell to the ground in an instant, exploding a cloud of smoke plumes. The place where it landed was really the third division with a radio cable. This bombing was a serious blow, and the people in the division had to die as long as they didn't die.

Secretly ... the laser legion's tactical ballistic missile is beheading!

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