Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1574: Yaowu Yangwei

A small 'Cessna' plane landed at Merida Airport, and the light body stopped on the ground as it staggered. The cabin opened, Herbert, a special envoy from the Brotherhood of Steel, and Sudano, a representative of the Diego government, set foot on this war-torn land.

In addition to the welcome team at the airport, there are also a lot of broken war scenes. In the previous offensive and defensive battle of Merida, the airport was hit by fighter aircraft and naval guns, the runway was almost completely destroyed, and the auxiliary facilities, including the terminal building, were more than half collapsed and looked extremely broken.

Herbert, with a feminine atmosphere, looked tall and thin like a sissy in a tight suit. He turned to look around the airport and sighed in a low voice: "Why didn't this city come down?"

Suzano blushed immediately when he heard this, and it was his army who was responsible for the siege. If the winning side was him, there would be no such bad situation. Regarding Herbert's inquiry, he only resentfully said: "The Aurora Corps has adopted a sea-ocean strategy and sent a large number of cannon fodder to the battlefield."

Herbert nodded slightly, and seemed to agree with the view that the tactics of human sea victory. He stepped forward, and soon saw a young Asian man in the welcoming team like a star and moon.

"Hello, Hugo Army Commander, I'm glad to meet you. It's a great honour to meet you in person." Herbert took the first steps and shook hands with Zhou Qingfeng on the opposite side.

Zhou Qingfeng welcomed the mediation of the Brotherhood of Steel and Inkley in public opinion. Not only was he 'welcoming', he also brought many senior members of the Legion to welcome Herbert and his party. Just when the two met, he sneered, "I'm not very happy to see you."

Herbert froze, not expecting the other party to be so direct.

Someone came to spoil the game, and Zhou Qingfeng was surprised to be happy. But when he and Herbert let go, he shook hands with Suzano behind him and said, "Mr. Suzano Dialgo, I'm glad you can come. This is the third time we have met. "

Suzano froze immediately, not knowing when he had met the character who stirred the North American situation before. Zhou Qingfeng didn't mind saying: "The last time I went to Mexico City as Alfonso Dialgo, you also met me at the airport in person."

Ah ... Suzano's mouth gaped suddenly, her hands became stiff, her head became blank for a moment, followed by a mess-was the rumor true? The mighty legionary pretending to be the enemy's governor penetrated into the tiger's den, messing up the enemy's interior.

Secretly, this legion leader is really ..., so people do n’t know how to evaluate, bold or do you like to die?

"I am very clear about the coming of the two. Now that you are here, take a good look at Merida. The empty words are pale, but I believe this city can give you a deep impression and let you know whether your intentions are Achieved. "

Zhou Qingfeng introduced the senior legion of the army that he followed to meet with his master, and then led the two 'guests' into the car.

Immediately before entering the car, Herbert, who felt suppressed, seized the opportunity and said to Zhou Qingfeng, "Hey, Legion, we really don't have too much malice this time, we just want to provide some reasonable suggestions. If you forcibly intervene in Mexico It is bound to directly confront the Enclave, which is too dangerous.

Although the Enclave was not hit lightly by your nuclear bomb, we all know now that nuclear weapons have been wiped out, and even if you have ballistic missiles in your hand, their power is limited. And your opponents are not short of ballistic missiles.

Shouldn't you hurry up and regain your strength now? If you agree to maintain the current state of peace, both the Brotherhood and the Enclave are willing to provide supplies to help you. "

Herbert was pointing at something, and Merida airport in front of him was broken and continued to be repaired. However, due to the lack of building materials such as cement, the airport runways are still potholes, so only small aircraft can take off and land. As for the city, it is broken and damaged everywhere.

"Restoring strength?" Zhou Qingfeng grinned a few times, "I feel that my strength is recovering very quickly. I prepared a parade for the arrival of the two. Just to show you my strength. "

As soon as Zhou Qingfeng turned his tone, he took two 'guests' to the car and headed for the southern suburb of Merida. Herbert and Suzano, who were sitting in the car, were inexplicable. It was not clear what kind of military parade they were taking to see. According to information, the current strength of the Aurora Army is extremely limited.

The terrain of the Yucatan Peninsula is flat, and the outskirts of Merida is a wilderness. When Zhou Qingfeng's convoy appeared in the southern suburbs, Herbert saw a huge military camp on the outskirts.

The barracks occupy a huge area, with barbed wire and trenches dividing the boundary. One after another military tents are laid out, and a large number of soldiers are active. Seeing those soldiers, Herbert didn't really care. He could feel that these soldiers were full of scent, and at first glance it was that the combat effectiveness was not strong.

"Those are our recruits. They are of poor quality." Zhou Qingfeng was in the same car with Herbert, and he did not say anything. After entering the military camp, the team slowed down, and soon came to a heavily guarded area. There were more tents in this area, and they were giant open tents.

"Open the carport and let our guests take a closer look." Zhou Qingfeng ordered to the driving guards.

As the convertible's carport opened, the vision of several people suddenly widened, and the area in front of them became clearer. Herbert saw that there were tanks after tanks in the giant tent-round heads with cannons, and five large pairs of wheels, all of which were all 59 types of tanks.

The vehicle was moving at a slow speed, and the green paint tank kept flashing. Herbert was not surprised to see one or two. Ten or fifty were not surprised, but when there were hundreds, he had to seriously ask Zhou Qingfeng: "Her Excellency, are you demonstrating to me? "

"Someone tried to obstruct my action to take down Mexico. I felt the need to show my strength. After all, effective deterrence can also prevent wars that shouldn't have happened." Zhou Qingfeng was so straightforward.

Suzano had to stand up at this time. He tried to count the number of tanks in front of him, but he soon found that there were a lot of heavy artillery behind the tank. At first glance, those artillery pipes were large-caliber coarse goods. He asked in shock: "How many tanks and heavy guns are there?"

"Five hundred and fifty-nine tanks, including more than three hundred modified tank maintenance vehicles. One thousand heavy artillery, mainly howitzers with a caliber of 152 mm and cannons with a caliber of 130 mm. In addition, there are five thousand Towing equipment and troop trucks. "

This parade-style review is not about the army ~ www.readwn.com ~ but equipment. At the moment, not only are heavy weapons and equipment, but also various communications, radar, air defense, field medical and cooking, the total number of equipment can be tens of thousands.

As soon as he got off the plane, he was dismissed, and Herbert's face was very bad. He didn't frighten the enemy this time.

At the moment, Zhou Qingfeng was politely pompous, and Herbert couldn't help but sarcastically said: "These equipment are too old, and our quantity and quality are not our opponents."

"Yeah, not to mention the production of 8,000 M1 series tanks in active service. The M60 series, which has been retired and stored long ago, is enough to lift my outdated old goods." A few words of self-deprecation, "but these equipment are enough to run across Mexico."

This made Suzano's face jump, pressure was huge. He immediately looked at Herbert with a begging look, hoping that the envoy could say something.

But Herbert was dumbfounded by Zhou Qingfeng-the Aurora Corps had enough equipment to arm three or four elite motorized infantry divisions. No one can stop Victor Hugo's occupation of Mexico unless there is a full-scale war.

This is really what he meows!

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