Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1578: compromise

In the eyes of many foreigners, the Chinese are just rich, restrained and out of place, afraid of causing trouble and bullying them with almost no punishment. Perhaps Zhou Qingfeng felt fierce and fierce, but in the eyes of Suzano and Herbert, this was a special case, but Sun Shaoyang gave them a lesson.

An ordinary infantry squad, they are neither insidious nor cunning, nor can they see how terrible they are, even the low-key in the past. Every soldier looks very common, but when they come together, some collective will is overturning the perception of others.

Thanks to the knowledge of V, the Chinese have always felt that they have bowed their heads in front of foreigners in the past two or three decades. What to do is careless, no craftsmanship, no unity, a loose sand, all kinds of poisonous chicken soup flooded the Chinese people.

When we finally straightened the poles and the wallets bulged, a large number of nationals could go abroad to see the world in person, only to find that these were all rumors.

I went to the United States and found that the thief eagle is just as sloppy as us; I went to the Mao Xiong family and refreshed my understanding of sloppy; and I have contacted black people with IQ problems, socially problematic Asanwa, and culturally problematic Hispanics Only later did I know what was really sloppy.

There are problems all over the world. Why can we say it is our special case?

The media such as BBC and CNN have been making rumors and discrediting all year round, and now it is the turn of foreigners to find out that the situation is not right-this group of Chinese seem not to be loose individuals, but a strong cohesive nation. These people have a passionate enthusiasm for the opening of the territory and the closure of his wife Yinzi.

Accompanied by the incomprehensible song, Suzano and Herbert drove all the way into Merida. The city was beaten to pieces in previous battles, and it was difficult to repair without the building materials. Simple clean-up roads were lined with various simple houses.

Military control is practiced in the city, and sentry posts are on the streets. After various inspections, Sun Shaoyang drove into a temporary school, which is a specialized literacy agency that trains qualified junior workers and farmers for the Corps, and ... young women with communication skills.

Sun Shaoyang's partner is a Spanish teacher here. It is said that he is from Venezuela. He is very beautiful and was bought by the Legion from South America through population trade. She fled to Mexico along the way, and finding a man was a sense of security for her.

Sun Shaoyang stopped and yelled ‘Dina, Dina’, and ran to a lighted classroom with unskilled Spanish.

Due to a gap in the radio station in advance, several girls were already waiting in the classroom. A tall girl heard the sound and came out to kiss Sun Shaoyang.

Suzano in the car was a little dazed. He watched the soldiers walking into the classroom with gifts and laughing. When the soldier with ten canned meat appeared, Sun Shaoyang also made a special introduction, so the tall girl pushed a beautiful companion into the soldier's arms.

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely lively, with laughter and exclamation ...

Suzano thought that the gangsters had come to the brothel to look for women, but in fact Sun Shaoyang and others were quite obedient.

A group of men and women sat down in the classroom, sang, danced, and talked about each other. The Legion strictly forbids any behavior that violates the will of women, and kills them when caught. You can coax, you can trade, you can hook up, but you can't do it hard.

After watching for half an hour outside the classroom, Suzano had to admit that this more modest and affectionate approach was easier to accept. Instead, it was his men who were afraid to rush in with a gun like a wolf, and would not bring gifts or take into account the feelings of women. Just do what you want!

"This can't be done in our Brotherhood of Steel." Herbert, who was also on the side, sighed. "We are at least a little civilized in words, and we should do it. As for gifts, it will not be so many."

"This shows that the Aurora Corps has ample supply of materials, their soldiers have a stable source of food, and there are surpluses to take out to hook up with women." Suzano can't help but feel sour because most of the women being hooked up are Mexican women, and he is a Mexican the man.

"This also shows that the Aurora Corps will not **** food and other materials from the people, and they can easily win support from the bottom of society."

"There is food in folk? Those poor ghosts are not even their own."

"This means that it will be difficult for us to instigate the bottom of society to rebel against the Legion."

"Rebellion? As long as the Aurora Corps gives food, there can be no resistance."

Suzano and Herbert discussed each other as they stepped out of the makeshift school and discussed the legion-controlled area and population of Mexico. The result of the discussion was that not only did the Mexicans disagree if they wanted to drive the Aurora Corps out of Mexico, not only did they face resistance.

There are still a lot of Mexicans working in the city. Merida is a very important city on the Yucatan Peninsula. The Aurora Corps intends to repair some of the infrastructure here. So even at night, there are busy construction sites everywhere.

The mobile nuclear power plant airlifted from Cuba provides cheap and convenient energy and power for the city, and various lighting facilities will make the city bright. Suzano was walking on the street, thinking about Mexico City, which had been in darkness for a long time under his rule, it was simply powerless.

Who says the Aurora Corps is the weakest force in North America? This simply does not compare Mexico's Dialgo regime to the table.

Seeing Suzano's dejection, Herbert patted the other's shoulder and encouraged: "Don't be too frustrated. The management and organization of the Aurora Corps has always been excellent. This is something our brotherhood has to praise. It's normal for them to go. "

Suzano was even more frustrated.

"Mr. Suzano Dialgo, I now hope you can give me a stand. Do you still have the confidence to fight against the Aurora Corps?" Herbert continued to ask.

"What do you mean?" Of course Suzano wanted to fight against ~ www.readwn.com ~ wouldn't it be complete if he didn't fight? It ’s just that “thinking” and “can” are two different things. Having read the current strength of the Aurora Corps, it is false to say that you are not afraid.

"If you don't have the ability to control the current Mexico City, we will consider supporting others." When Herbert said this, it reminded him that he was the special envoy of the mediation incident, and he was also the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave. Dual identity.

Suzanano was in a hurry when he heard the backing wanted to make a substitution. He immediately promised: "Of course I can fight the Aurora Corps. I have two million followers in Mexico City and I can organize them when I go back."

Herbert froze and shook his head slightly: "I think if you really want to fight against the Aurora Corps, exit Mexico City. Go to a city in northern Mexico near the U.S.-Mexico border as a base, which is easier to accept us Assistance provided.

If you are still in Mexico City, not only can we not provide assistance, Victor Hugo will certainly not accept mediation. I think that guy is not unwilling to give in, it's just that he has a big appetite. "

This suggestion stunned Suzano, "Exit Mexico City? Go to the north ..., the mountains? Shouldn't you want us to fight guerrillas!"

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