Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1584: Yang Mou

The complex situation of the internal forces in Mexico City has made the Aurora Corps impatient to distinguish them carefully. When Zhou Qingfeng ordered an attack on the city, how to deter the city as soon as possible, and eliminate or expel all the small children became the top priority.

Leaving the city, nothing happens, and the gangsters who inherently need to be dependent on others are not viable. This is why many of the subordinates of the Diego government in the city are unwilling to leave. Maybe they don't understand the reason, but they just don't want to leave.

For these reluctant scum, the army adopted a hard drive policy. Considering that these people are likely to counterattack insanely, the Legion also thought of a countermeasure-bombard it with a cannon!

Use drones to search for the gathering place of armed men in the city, bombard with sixty-six howitzers with a maximum range of seventeen kilometers, and even introduce fifty-nine type cannons that can hit twenty-seven kilometers.

In short, the Aurora Corps used the simplest and most violent artillery fire to reveal the ‘truth is only within the range of the cannon’ to the hostile armed men entrenched in the city.

A dozen hastily formed artillery companies fought all night, sporadic tens of thousands of artillery shells were consumed, and the result was that the gangsters in the city tasted what was called the annihilation disaster. All the teams trying to assemble at night were bombarded, grenades and grenades killed 20,000 or 30,000 people.

The houses and streets in the city suffered great damage from this. Hundreds of artillery bombardments appeared within the range of the artillery, and almost every one of them would kill dozens or hundreds of people. It is inevitable that some of them are innocent, but such violent shelling completely scares the gangsters in the city.

After dawn, the gangs in the city began to retreat. There were cars driving and walking without cars. Millions of people left from the north of the city and followed Suzano's place where they had already fled. For these people, the Legion did not easily let go.

Sun Shaoyang took his class to drive from south to north. When passing several streets, he could still see the uncleared shelling points.

There are a large number of corpses at each bombardment site, and those twisted pieces of scorched black meat are extremely strange under the sun. This kind of place is often very quiet.

Sun Shaoyang also felt scalp when he walked into this kind of place, and heavy artillery bombardment was not something ordinary people could resist. He spit at the corpse in the flesh-and-blood field and said, "The Mexican government in the past was so incompetent that these **** have probably never seen anything as cruel as us."

Hahaha ..., the soldiers who were traveling were laughing. They followed with an infantry fighting vehicle modified in May 9th, but the division begged his grandfather to bring it from the rear by airship.

The mechanized infantry marked the bombardment points and asked the rear to send Mexican hires to clean up. Sun Shaoyang continued to lead the team, they passed through the huge Mexico City area to the north street.

This is out of the range of heavy artillery bombardment last night. When Sun Shaoyang appeared in a small square on the street, Leng Buding saw a dozen armed men carrying things on a truck.

"Destroy the truck and drive away those armed men." Sun Shaoyang ordered the walkie-talkie outside his chariot.

The infantry chariot rushed up immediately, and the sound of the rolling track shocked the armed men on the opposite side. When they saw the chariot, they quickly retreated and tried to shoot with the rifle in their hands.

Dangdang's bullets bounced on the tank's armor, and the 23mm cannon on the roof turned to aim. But Sun Shaoyang changed his mind in the intercom, "Stop, don't hit that truck, that's our booty. Don't kill the assholes, just drive them away."

The sound of stunned machine guns sounded. Twenty-three millimeter artillery shells broke the street pavement and buildings, and debris fell. The corners where the armed men are located provide no defense at all, and a few unlucky guys were directly smashed by shells.

The chariot came forward and continued to drive away, and the remaining armed men could only flee. Sun Shaoyang's squad followed closely and came to the truck after making sure the surroundings were safe. The back door of the carriage was not closed. When Sun Shaoyang approached with a gun, he heard a cry inside, and the team members grinned.

"The people in the car came out, otherwise we threw grenades into it." Sun Shaoyang's Spanish came in handy again.

After shouting a few throats, the woman's voice came out of the car: "We can't get out, we are locked."

Sun Shaoyang still carefully opened the back door of the carriage. You can see that there are many things stacked in the car, mainly for food, and some weapons and ammunition. In addition, five or six women were chained inside.

At this time, the members of the team searching in the nearby building reported on the intercom: "Squad leader, we have found many good things."

"What a good thing?" Sun Shaoyang asked.

"There is wine, food, and some valuables. A dozen gangsters surrendered to us, and there were many women in the house. I can't count them, but there seem to be a lot of women here, and it feels like a den. "The reporting team member said.

Sun Shaoyang hurriedly reported to the platoon, and soon the ministry sent someone to accept the assets. When he untied the chains on the women in the truck, the skinny women were crying, hugging him and crying.

"Okay, okay, you're all right, all right." All the women in front of Sun Shaoyang were uncovered, with scars all over their bodies, and obviously had been abused for a long time. He shouted to the people in the class: "Take out all the food hidden in your body. I know you all have it."

With food, the rescued woman is even more grateful. However, Sun Shaoyang didn't have time to take care of them. After the company's men arrived, he continued to direct his infantry fighting vehicle forward.

Drive gangs and rescue the victims. Countless Sun Shaoyang-style shift personnel are slowly and firmly cleaning up the city of Mexico City. Their mission is to drive away the feared enemies to the north, but they are not allowed to carry people and materials ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sun Shaoyang not only expelled, but even released some captured gangsters. The same went to the north.

The soldiers in this squad were not very understanding. Someone asked, "Squad leader, wouldn't it be easier to kill these people? They might ask us trouble later."

"What can I do about the orders given by the big brothers in the Legion?" Sun Shaoyang said lazily, seeing that his companions were not convinced, he said a little more seriously: "You said these people have no food, no drink, hands We have weapons but they can't fight us, what will they do? "

"The Legion wants them to fight internally?" Someone felt what they had guessed.

But Sun Shaoyang shook his head and said with a low voice: "I had a small meeting two days ago to convey instructions from superiors. As for us, we belong to outsiders who have no language or culture with the local people. The reason why we are now popular Because we appear as liberators.

Before we can take full control of Mexico, we need to keep the bad guys under pressure, and even occasionally let them out to do evil, to remind those Mexicans to hold our thighs tightly. Otherwise ‘Dou Mien, Sheng Mi Qiu’ will happen. "

Oh ... the soldiers of the squad suddenly realized that they were lamenting the cunning of the top of the legion. And when Sun Shaoyang looked at his soldiers as if they didn't understand, there was actually no word in his heart. He felt that the army had left those gangsters and armed forces, did it have another meaning?

Not enough people have died in Mexico, especially not enough men. These people are of poor quality and inadequate ability, so it is better to let them die. Not to mention that this is not possible, the head of Zhou Dajun's army is ruthless, and similar things have been done once.

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