Rise of the Wasteland

: I'm here again

Some book friends in the book review area said that I am very patriotic. I hope that I will be patriotic and that my country will love itself.

Obviously, this buddy seems not very confident in his hopes.

Suddenly I felt like trying to talk about it.

We have too many negative feelings about our country's perception of society, corruption, corruption, bribery, unfair competition, and unreasonable suppression.

Young people still feel less. For our parents, when we walked the relationship, we were both 'deeply hated' and 'sweet away.' In the past, able people were able to do things, and they were very enviable.

This is also the origin of our negative feelings about the country.

When it comes to patriotism, our country was too miserable because it was too miserable a hundred years ago. There is nothing that can make people happy when we double the history of modern times. This makes us have an extremely strong pursuit and feeling of patriotism. This is more special than any country in the world.

We always habitually anthropomorphize the country and feel that the country should also have emotions. When we love our country, we hope our country will love me too.

But the country is not a person, the country will not love you, the country will not love anyone.

The state is a complex of government and people, and we often simply treat the state as the government, but the government is also home to thousands of bureaucrats.

Countless bureaucrats come together to be a machine that works together. It has no feelings. It just runs on a predetermined track.

An ordinary person is too small for the country. What we are facing is actually a very small part of this machine, and all we can do is to make this machine operate normally.

If this machine works properly, most people will benefit from it. Because this machine is too large, there will always be some big and small problems. There will always be people who are unlucky when there is a problem with the machine. There is no way. This is a question of probability.

Why do you complain about this machine? You will think I love this machine, but why does this machine hurt me? But helplessly, this machine is going to have problems.

It is too normal for the state machine to have problems. It can reduce a few problems, and it is good to be able to correct itself when a problem occurs without crashing. Ordinary people are really incapable and ineligible to affect the operation of this machine.

Many people want to go abroad to try other national machines. This kind of idea is understandable in the past, but now the national machines in the world are not so good. Switching to another state machine may not be good, it may even be worse.

We can only be fortunate that at present the machine in China has passed its worst running-in period, and fewer and fewer people have become victims of its progress. Because it benefits more and more people.

I dare not say that I am patriotic, I am just a little common people who follow the tide. I hope I get lucky and don't fall victim to this machine. From the current situation, this probability is still relatively small.

Let ’s still love ourselves. As for the country, it really ‘sees everything as a ruminant dog’. It will not simply love anyone. It will be the greatest love to treat every citizen fairly.

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