Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1602: Ambitious ambition

Dangdang, Dangdang, Dangdang ...

The mechanical sound of the stamping lathe repeats monotonously, and simple spoons are formed in the mold, dropped, and taken away by the assembly line. Eventually these simple products will be packed and stacked and stacked on a truck.

The factory's work is very simple, without any technical content, and the products are even plain, and even less beautiful. But when changing shifts at noon, Lao Zhang muttered to the three-shift production line, "Where is this place that needs so many spoons?"

This time the waste land trade suddenly spilled large orders to purchase huge quantities of goods, which immediately shocked the entire Northeast region.

A large single wheel such as reinforced cement can not be grabbed by ordinary enterprises. It is an amount of several million tons at every turn, amounting to several tens of billions. The gossip says that the requirements for these orders are particularly high, and even allocated by the central government.

The elders intend to use these orders to force the upgrading of several old industries-'de-capacity' will continue. Some high-energy-consuming, high-pollution, low-efficiency, and even illegal steel-iron cement plants must be shut down. For enterprises willing to cooperate with the central government, huge orders are rewards.

Carrot and stick, who dare not?

And there are still a lot of fine commodities under the big order-wasteland trade has also issued dozens of categories of thousands of fragmented procurement requirements. It is said that the pots and pans for eating alone are calculated in billions. Well, one billion spoons must be finely divided.

These orders were also grabbed, and countless people rushed up like **** sharks. There are even people who are unsure of the situation and want to grab orders with overwhelming power. Such unlucky people who only wake up to the final game are not uncommon.

In the past, Zhou Qingfeng certainly tended to sneak production like small workshops. But now that he has shown the government, he naturally has greater ambitions.

"Small workshops have poor scale efficiency and low production efficiency, so we did not choose to make small inroads, but integrated new processing enterprises through merger and reorganization." Outside the old factory building of Tianyang Machinery Factory, Yuan Meizheng accompanied Leaders from the central government made investigations and inspections.

Lao Zhang saw a group of people walking outside the workshop from a long distance. He wanted to make a fun trip, but was stopped outside by a few plain clothes. In the circle, the leaders are shaking hands with the selected workers' representatives one by one, and encourage them.

The emergence of the central leadership was the request of Zhou Qingfeng. Although he was not responsible for practical matters, he knew that `` Yan Wang is good to see, little ghosts are difficult to entangle. '' The number of orders thrown by the wasteland trade is large enough to make many people risk their eyes with red eyes. Leaders are here, please.

Tianyang Machinery Factory is newly opened on the basis of the old factory. The machine is used goods purchased from various places, and the personnel are not particularly outstanding talents. However, the management mode of the entire factory is different from many factories in the Northeast.

Many coastal factories recruit only junior high school students and high school students without any work experience, which can still produce world-class products. To do this, good management and training are the most important.

Zhou Qingfeng's factory has a lot of local aunts and a lot of young guys, but most of the management staff are hired externally. Only one efficient management has made the production efficiency of a factory with hundreds of ordinary people more than a dozen times higher than in the past.

It is reasonable for such a factory to make inspections by leaders.

Lao Zhang looked outside the circle for a while, and listened to the crowd of applause and applause from time to time, this lively atmosphere has not appeared for a long time. It's just that this hilarity is not his share.

"Let's go. I got paid today, and a text message came on my mobile phone, but I still want to check it on the teller machine." Lao Zhang's wife pulled back behind him, beaming with joy.

There is a bank teller near the machinery factory. Insert the card to enter the password. The number that jumps out makes Lao Zhang's wife happy to shut up. Both of them are a couple of years old, but the first month their monthly income totaled more than ten thousand.

Packing the bank card again, Lao Zhang's wife giggled with joy. She pulled her man and asked with a smile: "What do you say that our factory makes so many spoons? I heard the people over the goods said that more than one million spoons were loaded and transported a day."

The old chapter himself thought about this problem ...

"It's not just a spoon, it's not just our factory." Lao Zhang knew more, "It is said that the current factory is only in the stage of capital and personnel accumulation, and the scale will soon be larger. Some people in the factory said that the waste land trade will eventually These guys really want to upgrade their technology to build a car factory. "

Lao Zhang's wife quickly retorted: "You don't know that President Yuan Hulai is here? I think you are Hulai because you have said it wrong back and forth. You feel that others can't figure it out. I think they can build a car factory."

A broken factory that gathers old and weak people who can only stamp the most common tableware even wants to upgrade and build a car factory? Lao Zhang wanted to ridicule a few words about this, but just thought about his experience of getting more ridiculed and being beaten. He finally learned to talk and went back to the factory for lunch.

There is a cafeteria in the factory, offering lunch and supper. When the couple came back, they found that the leaders from the central government had left, but the food in the cafeteria was very rich today. Chicken, duck, fish, everything, the standard is very high, the taste is very good.

Lao Zhang lined up for a meal. When he reached the order window, he found that the people in the cafeteria were different from the past. He asked subconsciously: "Did you come from other places because of a big leader to inspect it?"

The waiter who ordered the order immediately said: "The canteen of the factory was contracted by three restaurants. Today we have a special offer here, half price for braised pork ~ www.readwn.com ~ Would you like to have a portion? The skill of a first-class chef, fat and It ’s not greasy, it ’s definitely not a loss to you. From now on, every day you come, we have special offers every day. ”

Hmm ..., is there such a thing?

Braised pork is really delicious and cheap. Lao Zhang asked for a seat to eat with his wife, all praise. Just looking back and seeing the flow of people rushing to order food, he said quietly again, "I saw the first time everyone likes eating in the cafeteria."

In the past, the food in the canteen of the factory can be said to be ‘ghost seeing sadness’. You can eat all kinds of inexplicable things in it, but they just do n’t taste good. But now the waste land trade simply contracts out its own cafeteria, and even discounts money for subsidies, but it requires employees to eat well.

"The wasteland trade is different from other companies." Lao Zhang's wife ate a meal and sighed softly, "Have you ever seen a master of business, taxation, and fire fighting in one day? Have you seen it in three days? Did the management of the original machinery factory drive away? You have seen ... "

Listening to his wife's words, Lao Zhang waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, okay, okay, don't tell me. I know the waste land trade is great, let's do it!"

Thinking about the salary he just received, Lao Zhang really understands the power of the wasteland trade. He is now awake, and he may have known about what he reported in the back. But people did not fight revenge, and even recruited him to work, what does this mean ...?

Nice point. This is called scheming.

It's not good. People don't take Lao Zhang seriously at all, they just ignore him as a fly.

Watching a hundred or two hundred people in the cafeteria happily drank, drank, and ate happily, Lao Zhang suddenly felt relieved-this company was afraid that it was not simply a deep background. His ambitions were not in sight, far away.

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