Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1604: Armored vehicle

After staying in Ulyanovsk, Russia for more than a year, the old fan of 'China Eastern Airlines Maintenance' finally returned home. He not only returned thousands of "An-2" for the company, but also used "Extreme Pills" to show off his majestic style completely, and the two were officially married.

In the eyes of others, Lao Fan's trip to China can be regarded as the second spring. His newly-married Russian wife is pretty ridiculous, but also very virtuous.

As for the ridiculous reminder that Mei ’s ‘shelf life’ is broken, Lao Fan went straight back and said: if you have money, you can take care of it. If you do n’t have money, you have to change tofu residue.

Yeah, Lao Fan is rich.

Before leaving the country, Lao Fan was still an ordinary mechanic with a little aviation maintenance skills. After returning to China, their couple was directly rewarded with “waste land trade” for 5 million because of their excellent work. The electric modified “An-2” was excellent. It's great for short-distance freight transportation in waste soil.

Lao Fan didn't even know that the electric ‘An-2’ that he had gotten together had become a battlefield taxi for the Aurora Corps. Especially after the occupation of Mexico, the Legion urgently needed a transport aircraft that could quickly mobilize its forces and materials for low-intensity operations.

The production of ‘An-2’ is very large, and many are retired. Zhou Qingfeng brought back more than 3,000 planes from Russia for modification, but could barely cope with the vast area of ​​wasteland Mexico.

And this time, Fan returned from Russia, but it was not the completion of the ‘An-2’ conversion mission, but he was promoted to become the person in charge of a new conversion project.

In addition to light transport aircraft, the Aurora Corps also needs a large number of ground light armored vehicles. The complicated public security operations do not need to deal with how strong the enemy is, the trouble is that in order to restore the order of the wasteland Mexico, it is necessary to face a large number of bandits who flow around.

In addition to the Aurora Corps, Chinese forces in wasteland Africa are also facing a large number of low-intensity operations. The enemy is not strong, that is, the number is particularly large, and he likes to run around.

The French, known as the "African Gendarmerie," are equipped with many light armored vehicles, specifically to deal with the various insurgents and conflicts that have come one after another in Africa. When the Aurora Corps faced the same problem, they found that the rabbit family did not have corresponding equipment for Zhou Qingfeng.

New designs are certainly possible, but not cheap. So Zhou Qingfeng simply continued to seek Xiongda's furry heritage, picking up rags and picking them up abroad—the furry bears desperately produced uncountable armored vehicles, and most of these equipment are now retired.

At that time, it was considered to fight the Third World War. The rabbit mobilized production equipment nationwide, and the result was nothing more than grenade bazookas. The real industrial countries simply didn't bother to play with them. At that time, Mao Xiong produced more than one thing for war.

We found it very hard to toss a ‘five-nine’ tank to produce 10,000 units. The bear T-54 / 55 series easily tossed tens of thousands of cars, this is just a model. Later T-62, T-64, and T-72 were also huge.

By the way, how many people know that in addition to the main battle tank, the bears also produced heavy tanks such as IS-4, -7, and T-10 after the war? That's just a few thousand. At that time, the rabbit was afraid that the torrent of armored bears would come from the north, and the feeling of sleeplessness was not a joke.

The tank is too heavy to use. It was enough for Zhou Qingfeng to have his own "nine-nine", he lacked armored vehicles. And fur bears, BMP series tracked armored vehicles, BTR series wheeled armored vehicles. Huge amounts of production were made that year, and these items are now unknown to be thrown in that corner.

Wasteland trade, as a private company, buys a large number of retired armored vehicles from Xiong everyone in the name of imported waste steel. The total number is more than 5,000. Lao Fan returned to China this time to modify these poorly armored vehicles. He was accompanied by a Russian with unknown origin.

When the first three hundred BTR60 wheeled armored vehicles entered the rabbit territory through the Northeast border crossing, Lao Fan was sighing at the armored vehicles covered with tarpaulin on the railway trailer. "Russia is actually quite strong, just casually I can make so much equipment. "

The fellow Russians are mysterious and silent along the way. He heard Lao Fan's emotions when delivering this batch of equipment and couldn't help saying: "If the Soviet Union could put the resources used in the military industry in the civilian field, we would not collapse."

This remark is too bitter and bitter. Lao Fan couldn't help but sigh for Russia. "Aren't you doing well these days? The economic and military power has begun to recover."

"Haha ..." The fellow Russians chuckled, "If the bragging is taxed, the Russian government will definitely go bankrupt. Those bureaucrats know that some PPT fools, in fact they only have the ability."

This ..., this cannot be continued.

Lao Fan was so speechless that the Russian continued to say, "Your flower-growing family is rich, and we have become poor. You have been laughing at us recently, saying ..."

Xiong: I want to study stealth fighters.

Rabbit: You have no money.

Xiong: I want to study stealth bombers.

Rabbit: You have no money.

Xiong Da: I want to build a Blizzard-class aircraft carrier.

Rabbit: You have no money.

Xiong: I want to develop a new destroyer.

Rabbit: You have no money.

Xiong Da: Can't mention money? This is too hard.

Rabbit: Your electronics industry is rotten, and half of your shipbuilding industry is in Ukraine. Your technical experts have been poached by China, the United States, and Europe, and the rest have not been able to get funding for a long time. You haven't built a large warship in thirty years, and the market for your arms sales is getting smaller and smaller, you ...

Xiong Da: Stop, let's talk about money again. "

The fellow Russians laughed and laughed after joking. Lao Fan heard the bitterness and sadness in his laughter, and UU read the book www.uukanshu. com couldn't hide the despair and unwillingness in self-deprecation.

"Don't worry, you will get through the current difficulties. We were bitterer than you, and we survived the same." Lao Fan could only comfort with this sentence.

But the Russian twisted his neck and asked with a hate: "You have to ask your elders first, will they give us this chance? I think they would be happy to see us continue Rotten. "


The Russians left after delivering the armored vehicles. Throughout the process, Lao Fan did not even know his identity and name. The dialogue between the two was poor, but Lao Fan was very impressed with this person.

Three hundred BTR armored vehicles continued to be transported by rail to a vehicle machinery factory in Northeast China. Lao Fan supervised the modification of these vehicles as a representative of the 'waste land trade'. The status of these vehicles is very general, most of them need to change tires, and some of them even need to change engines and repair suspension.

The old fire control system should be completely dismantled and replaced with a batch of export-oriented simple fire control devices. This modification is very cheap, and it is said that it is less than one-fifth of the price of a new car.

Because these cars are really worn out, it doesn't look like a particularly secret task. During the conversion process, many people asked Lao Fan how these armored vehicles were obtained? Who is it for?

When scrap iron is bought, it is refitted and sold to small African countries.

Every time Lao Fan teased out this formulaic answer, he always remembered the Russian who laughed wildly at the time of delivery. Too much and too much sadness was reflected behind an inconspicuous arms deal.

"Well, we must continue to work hard! It must not be mixed up with what Xiong Da is like now. There are too few countries in the world that can truly control their own destiny."

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