Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1610: competition

"Hahaha ... we are about to be invincible!" A young researcher sat with his hands up in front of his computer, grinning behind the corners of his mouth, and the glasses on his nose were falling. "All American cheats are exposed in my eyes. What else can I be afraid of?"

Looking at his excited companion, a bunch of young people in the office laughed. Their entire team is relatively young, the youngest are 27 or 8 years old, strong and daring to fight, which is why they were selected for a comprehensive breakthrough.

I don't know who made the great contributions. All the R & D and manufacturing data and data of the full series of rockets and engines currently used by the Thief Eagle are placed in front of rabbit space science and technology personnel.

It's as if someone ran to Florida to raid the entire American aerospace research and manufacturing system. This even includes a lot of real objects. It is simply the possession of the famous Kennedy Space Center.

In the face of these priceless treasures, how can anyone be upset? But on the excitement of the young man, an old leader in his sixties came to slap on his head and slap coldly, "What are you proud of? With this information, you are terrible?"

The atmosphere in the office suddenly felt like pouring a bucket of ice water, and everyone immediately shrank their heads and didn't talk. The young man who was just yelling and shouting, felt his head weak and said, "I think we are just ahead of the United States . "

The old leader's face was darker, he said in a heavier tone: "Is it just around the corner? Do you know how many years ago the F1 rocket engine used by the United States for the Apollo program?"

The young man suddenly lost his momentum and whispered: "The F1 rocket engine was developed almost sixty years ago."

The old leader asked again: "What is the sea level thrust of F1?"

"680 tons." The young man said with a sigh.

"What is the best sea-level thrust of Xiongda's best RG-180 rocket engine in the international market?"

"Four hundred and twenty tons."

"So what is the maximum thrust of our own best liquid engine?"

"YF100, the maximum thrust is 120 tons."

"A big gap?"


"We didn't even catch up with our technology 60 years ago. Now we get some information and objects through special channels, and we are overwhelming? Seeing our opponents so powerful, shouldn't we be a little awed?"

The old leader is very ironless. "In the past sixty years, the bears have been abandoned, but the thieves have not developed anymore. They do n’t know how thick their technology accumulation is. Why do you not update yourself? Rocket engine technology? "

"Because we are too weak, the gap is too big, and they are not threatened by us." The entire office's companion said by the young man was sighing. The original happiness was completely gone.

Alas ... the Cold War was a period of great technological development. The rabbit was indeed weak for too long, and the foundation was too poor. When it was difficult to launch the first artificial satellite, Eagle Sauce ran to the moon to complete a `` small step for humanity ''.

Until the bears died, not only did the rabbits and the world's first-class technology level not get closer, but they even fell behind. Had it not been for the invincible world of Eagle Sauce, and the swords and guns were put into the warehouse, the horses would let Nanshan go, and the pace of the rabbit catching up would be more difficult.

Seeing the quietness in the office, the old leader once again said to everyone: "It is a good thing to have these confidential information, but if we don't recognize the situation blindly and arrogantly, we will not be able to achieve the same results as others, and we will even get lost.

It's like Leibniz did calculus hundreds of years ago, but now when I see calculus in college, I have a lot of headaches. We should never learn A-three. It seems as though the world is opening up technology to it, but in fact it just can't do cutting-edge technology. "

The old leader made a phone call and let a group of young scientific researchers silently continue to read the materials in their hands and continue to learn and understand.

However, the young man who started yelling was almost next to his desk and whispered: "Dad, can you give me some face. Train me every day like this, do I shame?"

In this battle, the old leaders of the old soldiers also started from ordinary researchers, and they don't particularly like the exaggeration of young people now. He patted his son's head again before returning to his office.

This old leader is from the ‘Send People to the West’ group. In accordance with the orders of the superiors, a young elite soldier will be formed to conduct closed research. The goal is to develop first-class rockets and satellites that surpass the eagle sauce. But now that the team is set up, the funding is gone.

It costs money to carry out scientific research, and it is not a small sum, but a large sum. In particular, some test models are still extremely dangerous. It is not that the information can be obtained. Ready-made materials can only make people take less detours, but the necessary costs are inevitable.

Mao Xiong burned hundreds of thousands of tons of aviation fuel in order to develop a high-thrust rocket engine. These are all money. Do n’t even think about scientific research without money. Even with the wealth of rabbits nowadays, suddenly a large number of the world's first-class scientific research projects are launched, and the funding also seems embarrassed.

Where can I get some money next?

Relying on superior funding is the way. The amount of money that can be allocated belongs to a large number of monks, and there is a certain amount of money. It is impossible to get too much money.

The next step is to make your own money, but the group ’s main weapon and equipment ~ www.readwn.com ~ this international arms market is fiercely competitive, and it is not easy to get orders.

But it makes people worry!

At this time the fat sheep came to the door, no no no ..., God of Wealth came!

"Someone wants to buy our rockets in large numbers?" The chairman of the group "Send People to the West" heard the news on the phone, and both eyes were brightened. Cheap and beautiful, absolutely meet customer needs. "

The call was made by the Ministry of Defense, and it was an advance notice from a well-informed person, and told customers that the money was not bad, and the order was particularly large. It was just added at the end of the call, "You have to compete with the" Giveaway "group."

Hell ... enemies!

This group of "giving people to heaven" was originally a rocket, and the group of "giving people to heaven" was a rocket ..., bomb. I don't know who will pick the problem first, and both of them will cross the border to occupy the other's market-the result is that the smaller the rocket, the smaller and the larger the rocket!

With the sanction of the thief eagle, it is difficult for the aerospace companies of the rabbit family to enter the international launch market, and the domestic market is limited. In order to survive, both are about to fight.

At present, according to reliable information, this sudden-expanding local tyrant customer will purchase no less than ten rockets and supporting satellites in the near future, and the purchase volume will exceed one hundred within five years. The total contract amount will not be less than 100 billion yuan, or even hundreds of billions.

You have to know that Rabbit has hit the sky with its first communications satellite, and it has been nearly fifty years since it launched less than 300 rockets. This customer is going to launch one hundred within five years at a stretch. This mother is really a big business!

Such a large business is not a person without rushing.

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