Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1614: 1 day of harmony

"A shovel, a hoe, a wheelbarrow. What is this? There are actually rakes. One diesel engine, one water pump, twenty tents, two hundred pairs of protective gloves, three hundred pairs of rubber-soled shoes, and two hundred beds. Two hundred buckets, five hundred sets of old-fashioned military uniforms, and military moisture-proof underwear ... "

After the bearded Semmett had counted the supplies issued by his superiors, he signed his name on the acceptance account. The convoy of transports quickly rushed to the next village and quickly disappeared into the distance.

There are more than one hundred Mexican farmers gathered around Sematic. All of them were ragged and skinny, and they hadn't eaten a few days for full meals. Although their faces were washed clean, they all had dishes.

Everyone was just sent by the convoy. Looking at the materials piled up on the roadside, they were eager to try and didn't dare to move.

Not far from the road is a deserted village. This village will be the place of production and living for Saimat and his men in the future. About 100 hectares of land around the village are theirs, only a lot more.

"Well, don't worry, these things are ours." Saimet greeted the villagers to line up, took out the roster and started distributing.

Saimet was originally a veteran of the Mole Liberation Front. When the Dialgo regime sent the first division of the Qing Dynasty to the Yucatan Peninsula, the squad led by him was defeated by the enemy's Jackal forces, and he scrapped a hand and was forced to retire.

After retiring, Semmett was worried that he would be abandoned by the guerrillas, but in fact he was more concerned. The chairman of Nietto, who led the guerrillas, quickly became the president of Nito, and the backbone of his guerrillas has now become a glorious grass-roots village chief after short-term training.

After the occupation of Mexico City, the restoration of agricultural production is the top priority of the work of the Aurora Corps. The Legislative Ministry of Agriculture has an 'obligation' to guide the agricultural production of the Mexican Nito government. There is a large area of ​​farmland near Mexico City, which is very manageable.

Mexico's original agriculture was actually pretty good, with farmland water conservancy facilities and agricultural machinery still fairly complete. It was only more than two years in the last days that caused social chaos, a sharp decline in population, land abandonment, and the ineffective management and fierce exploitation of the Dialo regime made it impossible for agriculture to recover.

The current work of the Legion's Ministry of Agriculture is to organize large-scale farm production by the Farm Reclamation Team. The 5,000-person Farm Reclamation Team formed 20 in one breath, and the members are the existing Mexican idle labor.

When Zhou Qingfeng was in Merida, he organized 500,000 Mexicans in the city to provide self-rescue. With the grass-roots cadres and organizational system cultivated before, Mexico City's land reclamation business is going smoothly.

Before joining the farm reclamation system, the farmers under the Saimat had received basic military training for more than ten days. These people lined up in crooked queues, stepping forward to collect their daily necessities.

Each person has an old six-five style military uniform, and a hat, a special kind of puppet. The rubber-soled shoes are a little newer, and the sizes are not very full. There were even military underwear in the supplies, which were also matched, three per person, and they could be changed.

Washbasins, tea cups, rice bowls, spoons, soap, quilts, buckets, etc. Currently the Legion rations these labors, and everyone is treated the same.

Before receiving the daily necessities, these peasants under Semet all looked like beggars. In fact, they are really beggars, and they have been wandering around the city.

The supply of goods was cut off in the last days, and these refugee-like guys were all worn out before being organized, and even many people simply left their clothes uncovered and their nutritional status was even worse.

"Go to the village and get some water with a bucket. Let's take a bath and change our clothes." Saimet gave a simple command, which made his 100-strong Mexican villagers cry.

More than two years of eschatology are too tormenting. Many people are not starved to death, but die of despair. Think of the inhuman life you have experienced in the past. Any ordinary person has a stomach in his stomach.

A bucket of water came over, and more than a hundred men took off their clothes and washed their dirt body with soap directly. They had thin limbs, their ribs were exposed, and they looked so thin and wept.

The dirt on the body is turning into a dark stream of water, and many people cry while washing. In the end, including Semmett, she couldn't help crying, her ragged clothes were thrown aside and lit into a bonfire, and the flames ignited and made people laugh.

Ragged clothes turned into fly ash, like doom from the body, scattered with the wind.

When Semmett reached out, the time was displayed on an electronic watch. He shouted, "Well, cooking class, get lunch right away. Others are starting to clean up the village, and we're going to live here tonight."

Taking a bath, these survivors of Nongken have a new look. Although they were still weak, the momentum with the shovel **** was arrogant.

The village is abandoned and no one is there. Most of the humble houses are broken, and even if they are not broken, they are definitely dirty. Entering the village is almost the same as walking into a mass grave post, where a body of bones is hidden in the cold grass and scattered pieces of broken furniture are scattered.

More than one hundred people began to work, the buried, the burned, the repaired, the repaired. Due to physical problems, the cleanup progress is not fast, and some people even stop to rest from time to time. However, this scene of labor is in full swing, and everyone is full of expectations for future life ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is our home in the future. The Legion will give us enough food. We must work hard in return to the honorable Legion leader. "

"Without the Legion, we are nothing, and we will die as worthless as the dry bones in this weed. Everything is given by the Legion, so we must swear to defend our home, to protect our current life, to defend the Legion . "

In the clean-up work, Sematic is also responsible for the ideological education of the company. The short-term training for grassroots cadres he received emphasized 'loyalty education', and required grassroots staff to have the same mind and twist into a rope. For those who have just been rescued, the present life is worthy of their gratitude.

The lunch is made of aging bread. The cooking class is not very good. The taste of the baked bread is average, but nobody dislikes it. Canned luncheon meat is very popular, even though these canned meat were decades ago.

At lunchtime, as the village chief, Semmett also turned on the radio brought with the team. The Legion currently has several radio channels, trying to comfort the bottom of society as much as possible with simple entertainment. For the bottom of society, their past lives were too bitter.

Utherman remains the most popular host on the radio. With better broadcast equipment, she no longer sang, but broadcast the news of the day in a relaxed tone. The content of the news is basically learning CCAV-the leaders are very busy, we are happy, and it is very bad abroad.

Long-term propaganda coupled with practical improvements, no one doubts the views on the radio at all. Seeing his intently listening to Uthermann reading the press release, Semmett laughed happily holding the rice bowl for lunch-in his opinion, how harmonious all this was.

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