Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1623: Visit

Anji confidently wanted to establish a special economic zone, and Zhou Qingfeng started to restart industrial production after setting up the agricultural development pattern in Mexico.

The Aurora Corps does not actually intend to engage in manufacturing because manufacturing investment is too large and there is no urgency. Zhou Qingfeng only focused on the mining industry-to be precise, Mexico's oil, gas and coal.

To engage in the mining industry requires skilled workers, and it also requires a considerable level of skilled workers, otherwise it will wait for three days and two dead people and stop work.

The Legion began to screen all kinds of talents when conducting demographic statistics. The Chinese from Africa are best used to fight farming and construction. Anything can be done. This group of people are hardworking, hardworking and disciplined, and can easily complete the tasks assigned by Zhou Qingfeng.

But the number of these people is too small.

Many mining workers in Mexico have survived, and even the Legion has recruited or purchased many industrial workers from Venezuela and other South American countries, and there are tens of thousands of pieces together-but Zhou Qingfeng lacks a general, one who can serve as the mining minister Senior leadership talent.

This point can only seek help from the end-time natives, who are also very relaxed, and promised 50,000 professionals are coming. The first 3,000 people are now on 20 'Kilov' airships and will soon arrive in Mexico after five days of trans-Pacific flight.

The 300-ton Kirov airship was converted into a multi-story cabin carrying passengers, and each airship could carry 500 to 1,000 people. However, considering safety and loading food and water, there are currently only 150 passengers per boat.

More than fifty Cao Zhen was on the No. 1 boat. The journey across the Pacific in the past few days has made it difficult for him to sleep, and he has been reading various mineral information about Mexico.

The mines controlled by the Aurora Corps are mainly the Veracruz oil and gas area and the coal mining area in Oaxaca. These two places have quite mature mining enterprises. Judging from the current situation, the equipment and personnel can meet production requirements.

Cao Zhen originally served in a leadership position in the local minerals department. As a result, he had to be hospitalized and retired early due to a serious illness in previous years. During the cataclysm, the whole country was in chaos. Instead, he stayed because he had no official office.

People in troubled times are at ease, the same culture, the same nation, the same language, and deep-rooted and unified thinking make the new forces in the country must be united. After the nuclear winter, the homeland quickly reintegrated and expanded abroad.

The **** was lost inside the **** to make up for it, and it was too bad for itself to survive by swallowing others. From the perspective of local leaders, troubled times are both a crisis and an opportunity. This is a God-given opportunity to swallow up the entire East Asia and even Oceania.

The local leaders originally felt very satisfied to be able to swallow the entire East Asia. It would be better if they could also swallow Oceania and Central Asia. But where can I think of the most unpredictable things happening, North America has actually emerged a Chinese strength-the Aurora Army.

Eschatology spreads slowly and is mixed with plausible things. The mainland has been collecting all kinds of news from the outside world, but due to its limited power, it can't take care of it for the time being. However, the news of the Aurora Army's request for help came back, and the local high-level officials were still excited.

Why is the United States so horizontal? This is evidenced by more than 400 military bases around the world. Its existence in East Asia is to block the first island chain and the second island chain, keeping Japan and South Korea and other evil dogs staring at the mainland.

When the Aurora Legion was still in Cuba, the forces were too small. I can wait to know that Zhou Qingfeng swallowed the elephant in one breath to get Mexico, and the natives can't sit still-in this case, you must step in and do it anyway, and don't engage in rabbits that are not black.

Zhou Qingfeng wanted 5,000 people, and the local people directly supported him 50,000. And as long as it can stand up, there will be no problem in the direct immigration in the past. As long as occupying Mexico is bound to overwhelm the old beauty, it is as painful as if we were blocked by the first island chain.

The first three thousand people came by airship, and later tens of thousands of people will arrive by passenger ship. Before the journey, everyone took the journey with his deathly mind buried elsewhere.

However, the journey across the Pacific was smooth, and there were no twists and turns above 10,000 meters. Cao Zhen closed the data and was about to take a break with his eyes closed. The cabin door was suddenly knocked, and the accompanying medical doctor Jiang Zihua pushed in.

"Lao Cao, how is your health?" Jiang Zihua asked.

Cao Zhen is a little older, and he has not been cured for a long time. He was able to produce a batch of medicines brought to Qin Weidong by this time. Some of the NTZ-derived medicines have been proven to have good body strengthening effects, which is just right for Cao Zhen who is weak.

"I'm fine, and my spirit is good." Cao Zhen put down the information in his hand and accepted Jiang Zihua's inspection. He was the oldest of the first aid workers and naturally was the most cared for by medical staff.

It doesn't matter if you take your blood pressure. Jiang Zihua looked at the information that Cao Zhen had just put down and persuaded: "Have a good rest and you'll be in Mexico City tomorrow. Although I heard that the head of Zhou Qingfeng's army is doing a good job, we may all be busy next time."

"Where can you sleep?" Cao Zhen called Kuerle, "You need to know that the mining industry needs manufacturing support ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, even if there are mechanical equipment left in the past, but all kinds of accessories can be found there ? Now our local manufacturing has not fully recovered, let alone Mexico. "

"Isn't the chief of the regiment saying that we don't need to worry about it, we can get it from the two North American forces through smuggling or other aspects of trade." Jiang Zihua comforted.

"The two major forces are an enemy and a potential adversary. It is too uncomfortable for this accessory to be jammed by others. It looks like we have to wait until the recovery of our local manufacturing to support the development of the Aurora Corps."

From a professional perspective, Cao Zhen felt that the next work was afraid of some hardships. Jiang Zihua can only continue to comfort: "Don't worry, we're not good, the United States is even worse.

Do you know that the military group that is with us has been deducing these days and they are very optimistic about the current situation. "

"Oh ... let's hear it."

"The military team believes that if there was no third party from the Aurora Corps, North America would probably have completed the unification of its forces and started to expand externally as far as our homeland, and would even come in to intervene in our affairs in East Asia.

Although the Aurora Corps is weak, it is an important weight that affects the balance. It makes it impossible for the two in North America to swallow anyone, and strategically provides valuable time for the large-scale expansion of our homeland, otherwise there is no chance for us to intervene. "

"That's right!" Thinking of taking advantage of the United States this time, everyone in the airship laughed a few times. Cao Zhen said with a smile: "We have managed Mexico well, maybe we will carry a thief eagle north and swallow South America that day. This is a foundation that dominates the world!"

Hahaha ... Thinking about how beautiful the future will be, the two laughed happily on the airship, very happy!

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