Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1633: Bucket of gold

Mr. Dave sat tightly in his conference room with his eyes focused. He is chairing a regular working meeting of the General Procuratorate of the Legion. In front of the oval table in front of him are a dozen smart and capable legal and police personnel. Everyone is discussing some judicial issues.

Boring discussion ...

As the Attorney General appointed personally by the head of the legion, the old Dave had to sit in this hot **** chair. He is obviously a Jew, a very good banker, financial expert, and financial industry person. He has been asked to be the Attorney General.

To be honest, he would rather be a scammer!

When he first took office, Old Dave also wanted to make a contribution in his new position and then relocate elsewhere. However, the judiciary is the weakest link in the Legion. When the Attorney General has too much vulgar affairs to do, it is basically hard work such as establishing norms.

There are countless works of literature to do ...

How terrible!

If it's just boring, the development of the Aurora Corps is changing with each passing day, especially the rapid development of business and trade, and the financial system is increasingly sound. Old Dave looked in his eyes and tickled in his heart. His biggest hobby is doing business, and preventing him from making money is worse than killing him.

But old Dave didn't dare to mess around. Clooney's lesson is not far. Who knows when Lula ’s crazy dog ​​will come out suddenly? The good days are still here, and no one wants to be over.

Just before the meeting today, the old Dave received a message that the Legion was reopening trade talks with 'Inkley' and was fully liberalized.

This is shocking news. It is related to the extremely huge trade volume and the dazzling flow of funds. It seems like a large river flowing with gold. Old Dave can't help jumping into the river to swim.

Hearing the news, Old Dave scrambled with the cat's claws in his heart, using great willpower to restrain him from continuing the meeting. But he was in a meeting, but he wondered why he didn't let me negotiate? I'm from Inkley. I'm familiar with it. I have a lot of connections!

The old Dave almost stomped his chest and wished to vomit blood three liters. After waiting for the meeting to end, he immediately returned to his office. After a while, he couldn't help but let his family get in touch with the Enclave. He wanted to know the current situation in the Enclave.

Old Dave's family has a wide range of branches, and he really has connections everywhere. The news returned from Enclave made him sorrowful. Compared with the ever-changing Aurora Corps, the seemingly powerful Enclave has now become like a giant brain disabled, stupid and stupid.

"Our agriculture is recovering well, but unfortunately there is no market. There are too many poor people who cannot afford our goods. We are not willing to sell them either."

"Logistics is sluggish, business is sluggish, and local protectionism is serious. The central government doesn't care about this at all, and we, as businessmen, are helpless."

"Some people are trying to open some factories to increase employment, but there are not many qualified technicians, and the market is not smooth. At present, it is difficult for all companies to operate."

"By the way, there are problems. Regardless of the right or the right, almost everyone wants to come to us to gain benefits. I must form a personal guard to protect my property, which increases the cost of our goods."

From the information gathered from various aspects, it can be seen that, after Enclave suffered a 'Dongfeng Express' that caused the government to be paralyzed, all aspects were in a state of chaos or retrogression. This situation urgently requires external assistance, or external markets to stimulate.

"Dave, can you help us in the Aurora Corps? Do you know what it takes to occupy the Mexican market?" An old Dave cousin sent him a message for help.

The Mexican market? Mexico has no market at all, all merchandise sales are controlled by the Legion, and the bottom Mexicans have very poor consumption power, and there is not much oil and water at all.

Who has the most oil and water? Naturally, the legion itself is rampant. When the old Dave said that the Corps had decided to purchase 10 million barrels of Texas oil, his relatives in North America expressed their admiration and envy?

"Ten million barrels? This must be the first batch, right?"

"According to my guess, this is indeed a small part of the Legion procurement project."

"What else does the Legion need?"

"Mining, the Legion seems to be starting to relax demand for imported raw materials such as oil, natural gas, iron ore, copper ore, and coal."

"Oil? I should be able to get oil too. Dave, can you get an order?"

"I think I can get coal, as can copper."

"Hell, I don't have any minerals here. Dave, does the Legion need agricultural products? Like cotton or something."

None of the old Dave's relatives were fuel-efficient lamps. At first, he only contacted a few of Enkeley's relatives, but soon a dozen or so dozens of relatives popped up one after another on the radio.

Some are known by Old Dave, some have heard of it, and some have no idea who it is? But these people came to one after another.

These guys are widely distributed, almost everywhere in North America. Old Dave recorded their names, addresses, identities, and directors one by one.

Sighing while recording, old Dave's tears were falling. The business opportunities he has now are actually huge, but the chief of the regiment has shackled him and can only do nothing by watching.

After chatting all night on the radio, everyone was not only sleepy but energetic. Although the information provided by the old Dave is uncertain, there are still many difficulties in really wanting to do business, but it is great news that the Aurora Army began to open its own internal market.

Judging from the current trade agreement between the Aurora Corps and the two North American giants, the official trade volume is already salivating. Anyone can make a fortune by getting orders and markets from them.

Many are eager to plan a personal business trip to Mexico City to decide what to do next.

When the old Dave finally felt tired and wanted to rest, his cousin asked him privately: "Dave, I have no minerals, no agricultural products, are there any other businesses I can do?"

"Population trade is also good. The Legion is eager for a young, healthy female population." Old Dave knew what his cousin meant, and pointed to a less glorious way to make money.

But my cousin sighed: "I don't have any women here ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are only military camps nearby, all men. We all want to get some women from anywhere, even black women. Those soldiers Already hungry enough to **** each other. Or, do you need weapons? "

"I see no shortage of weapons in the Legion."

"What about heavy weapons?"

"How heavy?"

"Tank, I know several officers in the barracks. As long as they are fed, they are willing to sell their souls to the devil."

"I think there are quite a lot of tanks in the Legion. They are old."

"Our new, up-to-date m1a3 'Abrams'."

"This ... it's not enough to have fewer."

When the old Dave finished the last sentence, he could hear his cousin gritting his teeth fiercely. "I went to talk to the officers. I don't believe they really like this broken barracks without ghosts. I said You have to make this first bucket of gold. "

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