Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 164: war

A 120-millimeter-caliber tank gun spewed a few meters of flame, and a long-rod tail stably hulled the armor-piercing projectile. Suddenly, the depleted uranium core of the armor-piercing projectile flew hundreds of meters across the bridge deck with the potential of thunder, hitting Zhou Qingfeng with huge kinetic energy and destructive power.

The core penetrated the bridge surface, and the hard reinforced concrete expanded like slush, then shattered, and flew away from the ground. These finely divided cement blocks are expanding at high speed, like a sparse wall, but the wall is mixed with lethal lethality.

Until this moment, the sonic boom of the projectile flying came from a distance, and the sound of the bridge floor exploding also spread here. The whole scene was like a thunderstorm, and it was terrifying!

When Zhou Qingfeng saw the tank, he knew that the situation was not good, and immediately stopped chasing and turned around. In order to save his life, he didn't even dare to run away, but just mentioned the front wheel of the motorcycle and rushed down the guardrail of the White Rock Bridge. ‘Dog’ was aware of the danger and immediately jumped into the owner ’s car and fled.

However, even though Zhou Qingfeng was so alert, he could not escape the scope of the armor-piercing bullet. Although he was not hit by the bomb core, the crushed stone that the bomb core broke through the bridge surface took him straight. At that moment he lowered his head and lay on the motorcycle, but felt that he was like a leaf blowing in a hurricane, and could not control his destiny at all.

Countless gravels hit Zhou Qingfeng. One or two seconds after the motorcycle rushed out of the fence to the ground, he felt that his hands and feet were penetrated by ordinary things, and the most important back ... Dog meat 'blocked him.

"Stupid dog!" The motorcycle landed, and ‘dog meat’ fell to the ground. Zhou Qingfeng looked back, and suddenly felt heartbroken. All the fur on the back of 'dog meat' disappeared, and the armor plate that constituted its body was full of uneven pits, and its internal electronics were also strongly impacted, causing it to fail to balance its body and stand on the ground. stable.

Zhou Qingfeng suddenly burst into tears, and the blood surged upward. He lifted the ‘dog meat’ with one hand, and at the same time increased the throttle. The police ’s motor engine output powerful power and quickly fled.

Running back for about a kilometer, David Lawrence riding a heavy Harley rushed forward. Because Zhou Qingfeng chased Richard very quickly, he followed over to see the situation, saw Zhou Qingfeng look extremely embarrassed, and asked in shock: "Victor, what happened?"

"Run, there are tanks!" Zhou Qingfeng shouted, and David Lawrence was startled.

At this time, they had not completely run out of the range of the tank gun, and another shell exploded. This time, a high-explosive grenade fired from nearly two kilometers away, and flew past the head of David Lawrence, landing on the ground 100 meters away.

The power of the grenade was completely devastating, and the objects near the bombing point seemed to be blown away by air waves without any weight. Even at a distance of 100 meters, the shock of the shock wave can paralyze people. There is no need to elaborate on Zhou Qingfeng, David Lawrence immediately turned around and accelerated his escape. Hitting tanks on the battlefield is superman's job!

Waiting for all the way back to the city of Broncos, the two guys who swayed from the gate of the ghost door had a few breaths.

"Victor, why did you mess with the tank?" David Lawrence also asked out loudly from the bombardment of the tank.

"It's the Skull Club. The guy I chased should be sent by the Skull Club. I think the Skull Club will start to attack the entire Manhattan." Zhou Qingfeng inspected his baby dog ​​with concern, and was glad to find that ' Dog meat 'recovered on its own.

This mechanical dog was originally designed and manufactured in accordance with the military logo. The requirement is to accompany the infantry on the battlefield, and its internal devices have the ability to resist explosion impact. After self-adjusting, it moved again.

However, Zhou Qingfeng became miserable. The gunshot wound on his face took just two days, his limbs became **** again, and the rubble caused by the armor-piercing bullet almost beat him into a **** person, and the surface skin almost rotted. This will relax, he almost hurts!

"Victor, we have to leave here."

"No, we can't go. We must create some trouble for the Skull and Armored Squadron, or let them run all the way, our nest will be finished." Zhou Qingfeng began to quickly eat all the food he carried. , To supplement the nutrients needed for body repair.

"You're right." David Lawrence was also black and stern, "but it's not easy for us only to deal with an armored team."

"I bet this armored team will not advance too fast, we can set ambush along the way." Zhou Qingfeng patted the head of "dog meat" and ordered: "Go to Caterina, she has some, but also some reaction. Infantry mines. I'll get her ready, you come over for me. "

"Dog meat" can carry a large amount of supplies, and now is a good opportunity to exert its advantages. And Zhou Qingfeng immediately contacted Lena Fox and asked her what to do next. Anyway, he can only drag on for a day or two, and then everyone can only escape!

The contactable result surprised Zhou Qingfeng, and Lena Fox told them to go back immediately. "Why? If we go back, the Skull and Crossbones tank will be pushed directly to our door."

"Victor, there are already tanks blocking our door." Miss Fox was crying in her words.

Zhou Qingfeng was shocked. "What? Did the Skull Club also engage in detours?"

"No, it ’s the Brotherhood of Steel. The Brotherhood of Steelon that previously blocked Staten Island has just landed an army on a ship and landed in Manhattan. It has thousands of people and also has tanks. Advance north. Victor, please come back soon. I'm scared! "

With that said, Zhou Qingfeng was not calm, and David Lawrence's face was even scared. With the war, human lives are like grass. He whispered, "Angie, Angie, my daughter is still in the community, and I have to go back and rescue her."

His wife has been silent. Www.readwn.com ~ daughter has become David Lawrence's greatest comfort. As soon as he heard that his daughter might be in danger, he immediately drove a heavy Harley back like a storm. Zhou Qingfeng could only pull out a morphine analgesic from his first aid kit and followed it.

Just waiting to get back to the community, several light armored vehicles with wings, swords and gear signs dashed off the road. These vehicles are equipped with big horns and announced in a arrogant tone, "Residents of Manhattan, from now on, you will all be under the rule of the Brotherhood of Steel.

You must accept the registration and surrender all weapons and supplies. We will reschedule the work according to your ability and provide you with the necessary supplies. If you dare to resist, you will be punished. We do not accept any negotiations, and you must accept our rule unconditionally.

Finally, I remind you, please cherish your life, do not make unnecessary sacrifice. "

A fraternity armored car with a big horn rushed out with a gimmick, but on the way, a tank was facing it. A bombardment and an armor-piercing bomb blasted it into the sky!

A real war broke out! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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